<br /> ��ontinued� Page 8
<br /> any lien which has priority o�er this Deed o� Trust shall be sent to Lender's addr�ss, as shown near the beginning o#
<br /> �his Deed a# Trust. Any person may �hange his ❑r he� address far natices under this Deed of Trust by gi�ing formal
<br /> wri�ten nati�e to the ather pers�n or persvns, specifying that the purpose �f the notice €s to change the persan's
<br /> address, For natice purposes, Trustnr agrees ta keep Lender informed a� a�1 times t�fi Trustor's current address. LJnless
<br />. otherwise pro�ided ❑r required by law, if there is more than on� Trustar, any noti�e gi�en by Lender to any Trustor �s
<br /> deemed ta be notice gi�en t� all Trustars. It will be Trustor's respansibility t�tell the athers of the notice #ram Lender.
<br /> ADDIT�DNAL EVENT OF DEFAULTIACCELERATI�N. We can termina�e yvur Credit Line Account and require yau ta pay
<br /> us the entire outstanding balance in one payment, and charge you certain f�es, if the property is nat owner occupied as
<br /> yvur primary residence.
<br /> MiSCELLANE�US PR�VISl�NS. The fa�lawing mis�e(laneous pra�isians are a part❑f this Deed of Trust:
<br /> Amendments. What is written in this Deed ❑f Trust and in �he Related Documents is Trus�or's entire agreement
<br /> with Lender c�n�erning th� matters co�ered �y this Deed af Trust. To be effecti�e, any change or am�ndment to
<br /> �his Deed af Trust must be in writing and must be signed by whae�er will be bound ❑r vbiigated by the change or
<br /> amendment.
<br /> Caption Headings. Gaption headings in this Deed af Trust are far con�enience purposes on�y and ar� not �❑ be
<br /> used ta in�erpret or define the pra�isiflns of this Deed ❑f Trust.
<br /> Merger, There shall be no merger of the interest or estate created by�his fJeed of Trust with any other interest ar
<br /> esta�e in the Proper�y at any time held by ar for the b�nefit of Lender in any capacity, without the written cansen�
<br /> a�Lender.
<br /> Go�errting Law. Wi�h respect to proGedura� matters reCated to the perfection and en#ar�emen# of Lender's rights
<br /> against the Prvperty. �his Deed of Trust wil! he gaverned hy federa� law appl�cable to Lender and to the extent nQt
<br /> preempted by �edera� law, the laws of the Sta�e af Nebraska. tn afl other respects, �his Deed of Trust wili be
<br /> go�erned by federal law applicab�e to Lender and, to �he extent nvt preemp#ed by federal law, the laws of the
<br /> State of 111inois withaut regard to tts canflicts v# !aw prv�isions. Hvwever, if #here ever is a questian about
<br /> whether any provision of this Deed of Trust is �al�d vr enforceab[e, the pr�W�s�on tha� is questinned wi11 be
<br /> go�erned by wh��he�er sta�e ar federal law would #ind the pro�ision to be �alid and en�vrceable, The Ioan
<br /> transactian that is e�idenced by tne Credi# Agreemen# and this Deed vf Trust has been applied for, considered,
<br /> appro�ed and made, and atl necessary Ivan do�uments ha�e heen accepted by Lender�n the State of Illinois.
<br /> Na Vl�ai�er by Lender. Trustor understands Lender will not gi�e up any o� Lender's rights under this Deed of Trust
<br /> unless Lend�� does so in writing. The fiact that Lender de�ays or amits tn exerc�se any right v►rill not mean �ha�
<br /> Lender has giaen up that ri�ht. �f Lender does agree �n writing to gi�e up ❑ne of Lender's rights, that does no�
<br /> mean Trustar will not ha�� to comply wi�h the ❑ther pro�isians of this Deed af Trust, Trustor also understands
<br /> that if Lender daes consent ta a request, tha� does not mean that Trustor vu�ll not ha�e to get Lender's �onsent
<br /> again if the situation happ�ns again. Trustor fiurther understands that�ust because Lende��ansents to ane or more
<br /> of Trustor's requests, �hat does nv� mean Lend�r will be required �o cansen� to any ❑f Trus�or's future requests.
<br /> Trustar wai�es presentment, demand far paymen�, protest, and natice❑f dishonor.
<br /> Se�erability. If a court �inds that any pro�isifln of this De�d of Trust is nvt �alid ❑r should nat he enforced, that
<br /> fact �y itselfi will not mean tha#the rest o#this Deed ofi Trust wil! not be �aiid flr en�orced, Therefare, a caurt vuill
<br /> enforce�he rest of the pro�isions o�this Deed a�Trust e�en i�a pro�ision of this Deed of Trust may be found tfl be
<br /> in�a�id or unenfarceable.
<br /> Successvrs and Assigns. Su�ject to any �imitations stated in this Deed of Trust nn transfer �f Trustor's interest,
<br /> th�s Deed of Trust shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parti�s, their successors and assigns. If
<br /> ownership of the Property becomes �ested in a person o�her than Trustor, Len�er, wi�hout notice ta Trus�ar, may
<br /> deal with Trustor`s suc�essors with refierence t❑this De�d of Trust and�he [ndebtedness by way af�orbearance or
<br /> ex�ension wi�haut refeasing Trustor from the obliga�ions of this Deed ❑f Trust or liabi�i�y under the Ind�btedness.
<br /> Time is vf the Essence. Time is of the essence in the per#ormance of this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Wai�er of Homes�ead Exemption. Trustor hereby releases and wa��es a�{ rights and benefiits �� the homes�ead
<br /> exemption laws of the State of Nebraska as to all Indeb�edness secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br /> DEFlNiTIC]NS. The following words shaf� ha�e the following meanings when used in�his Deed o#Trust;
<br /> Beneficiary. The word "Benef�cia�y" means Sta�e Farm Bank, F.S.B., and i�s successvrs and assigns.
<br /> B�rrvwer. The word "6orrower" means MELQ�Y A, PEgLEY and includes alI co-signers and co-makers s�gning the
<br /> Credit Agreement and a�1 their successors and assigns.
<br /> Cred�t A�reemen#. The w�rds "�redit Agreement" rnean the credit agreement dated June 20, 2014, with �redit
<br /> Iit771t of $1�.4��,�� from Trustor to Lender, together wifih all ren�wals o�, extensians of, m�dificatians ❑f,
<br /> refinancings of, consolidations of, and substitutions far the promissory note ❑r agreemen�. The maturity date of
<br /> this C]eed ❑� Trust is June 25, �D39. N�T10E T� Tf�UST�R: THE CREDiT AGREEMENT C4NTA�NS A VARIABLE
<br /> ❑eed af Trust. The words "Deed a# Trust" mean this Deed n# Trust among Trustor, Lender, and Trustee, and
<br /> �ncludes withvu� limitat�on a�l assignmen� and securi�y interest pro�isions relating to �he Personal Property and
<br />