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� y � ��14�4�9� <br /> �EE� �F �r�us� <br /> �Continued� Page 7 <br /> Governing Law. This Deed o�Trust w�II be go�erned by federal law appli�ahle to Lender and, to tha extent no� <br /> preempted hy federai law,the Iaws of the S�a�e o�F Nehraska w�thout regard to�#s��nflic�s a�law pro�isi�ns. This <br /> ❑eed v�Trust has been a��ep#ed by Lender in the State a�Nebraska. <br /> Choice vf Venue. lf there Es a lawsuit, Trustor agrees upon Lender`s request to submit to �he lurisdic-tion o�the <br /> c�urts o�Ha11 Coun�y, State of Nebraska. <br /> Nv Wai�er by Lender. Lender sha[[ not be deemed�o ha�e v►rai�ed any righ�s under this Deed of Trust unless su�h <br /> waiver is given in writing and signed hy Lender. No d�lay or amission on the part of Lender in exercis+ng any �ight <br /> shall operate as a v►rai�er af sueh righ�or any other right. A wai�er by Lender❑f a pro�ision ofi fihis Deed vf Trust <br /> sh�ll not prejudice or cvnstitu�e a v�rai�er of Lenderrs rEght otherwise to d�mand s�ric� c�mpf iance vvith tha� <br /> provision or any other p�bvision vf �his ❑eed of Trust. No privr wai�er by L�nde�, nvr any course a� deaiing <br /> between Lender and Trustor, shall cons�itute a wai�er of any ofi Lender's rEghts or o� any of Trus�ar's obfigations <br /> as to any future transacfiions. Whenever�he eonsent ot Lender is required under this Deed vfi Trus�, the granting <br /> of such cansent by Lender in any instanc�shall no� cansti�u�e cvn�inuing �onsent to subsequent ins�ances wher� <br /> such consent is required and in a�! cas�s such consenfi may be gran�ed vr v►rithhe[d in the so�e discr�t�on vfi Lender. <br /> Se�erabili#y. lf a court of competent jurisdiction #inds any pro�isivn of this Deed of Trust to be illegal, in�alid, ar <br /> unen�arceable as to any c�r�umstanc�, that �Finding shall not ma[ce the QfFending pravisi�n iliegal, �n�alid, or <br /> unenforceabie as to any other cir�umstanc�. If feas�hle, the o�ff�nding pravision shall b� considered modified sv <br /> that it becomes legal, �alid and enforceahEe. l� the o��end�ng pro�ision canno� �e so mod��ied, it shall be <br /> consid�red deleted fram �his Deed of Trust. Uniess otherwise required by lav►�, �he illega[ity, in�alidity, vr <br /> unentorceabi�ity o#any provision of thrs Deed v�Trust sha!! not af�ect�h� [�galityr validi�y or en�orceabiiity of any <br /> ��her pro�ision o�th�s De�d af Trust. <br /> Successors and►�ssigns. Subject t❑ any l�mi-�a�ions s�tated in this Deed o�Trust�n transfe�of Trustor's interest, <br /> this Deed of Trust sha�! be binding upvn and ir�ure �o the henefit of the parti�s, th�Er success�rs and assigns. lf <br /> owne�ship o�f the Praperty b�c�m�s �ested in a person o�her than Trus�or, Lender, without natiGe to Trustor, may <br /> deaf with Trus�or`s su�cessors with�e�erence to this Deed o�F Trus�and�he �ndebtedness by way v��orbearan�e or <br /> extension w-ithou�releasing Trusto�from the ob�iga�ians of�his ❑eed of Trus�or liabil�ty under the Ind�btedness. <br /> Time is of the Essence. Time is of the essenc�in th�performance of�his Deed of Trust. <br /> VlJaive Jury. All parties to this Deed of Trust herelby waive the righ�to any jury trial in any act�on� pra�eeding�vr <br /> coun�erciaim brvught E�y any par�y against any vther party. <br /> Wai�er o�F Homes#ead Exemptivn. Trustor here�y refeases and v►ra��es all rights and ben�fiits of �he homestead <br /> exemp�ion [aws af the State of Nebraska as tQ a[f lndeb��dness secured by this Deed of Trust. <br /> DEFINIT�QNS. The €ofiowing capitalized v►rords and terms shafl have the following msanings r►vhen us�ci in this Deed of <br /> Trust. Unl�ss specifically stated to the contrary, a[[ r���rences to doiiar amounts shall rr�ean amounts in law�ul money <br /> o� the United S�at�s o€ America. Vilards and terms used in the singufar shail include the plural, and the piu�al shall <br /> in�fude the singular, as �h� cantext may require. V1lords and terms n�� oth�rwis� defiined in this Deed o�Trus� shall <br /> have the meanings a�trihuted to such terms in the Uniform Commerc�a[ C�de: <br /> Bene�i�iary� The word "gene�icia�y" means ExGhange Bank, and i�s successors and�ssigns. <br /> Borrower. The word "Borrower" means Grand Ri�er Prvper�ies LLC and inc[udes a[f co-signers and co-makers <br /> signing the Note and all their successors and assigns. <br /> Deed vf Trus#. The wards "Deed o� Trust" mean this Deed af Trust among Trus�or� Lender, and Trus�ee, and <br /> �n�[udes w�thout [imi-�a�ian a[[ assignment and security in�erest prv�isions re[ating to th� Personal Property and <br /> Rents, <br /> Defaui�. The word "�efault" means the De�au�t se�fo�th in this Deed of Trust in�he section t�tied "Defaul�'r. <br /> Environmental Laws. The words "En�ironmental Laws" mean �ny and all s�ate, �edera[ and local statu�es, <br /> regulations and o�dinances relating t❑ the pr�tectian a� human health or the en�ironment, inc�uding wi�hou� <br /> [imita�ion �he Cvmpr�hensi�e En�ironmenta[ Respanse, Compensation, and Liability �c�of 198�, as amended, 42 <br /> L].S.C. Se��ion 9�D�, et se�. �"CERCLA"�, the 5uper� .�. �a��d���:�a�u�=l��ra��i�n Ac�of �985, Pub. L. <br /> No. 99-499 �"SARA"},the Hazardous Ma�erials T a spa� ���"���' '�� �� � � '.� � h R saurce <br /> r n �tF�n i�����9��17:�'}G�;'��c�ia:u�t'[80 ,et seq.,t e � <br /> � ��v..,�+.��,a�.c��e.�:e�c�� r��''-x=��3� -�- �; <br /> Conser�a�ion and Reco�ery Act, 42 U.S.C. 5e�-t�on ��;���s��"�"������a�ap�cabl�stat� or�edera[ laws, ruies, <br /> a� � ••,,...R.,.:::.,� � <br /> or regulai�ions adopted pursuan��here�v, � ����`��������.Y������ �=�="�-�.�:;��;.���`� <br /> EWen#of De�rauIt. The v+rords"E�ent of Defaui�" mean any of the events of defaul�t set�orth in this Deed o�T�ust in <br /> the e�ents vf default sectian vf this Deed af Trust. <br /> Gua�anty� The word "Guaranty" means the guaranty�rom guarantor, endQrser, surety, o�accommodation party�o <br /> Lender, including withaut lEmi�atian a guaran�y of all or par�of the Note. <br /> Ha�zardvus Suhstances. The wo�ds "Hazardaus Substances" mean materia[s tha�, because of �heir quantEty, <br /> Goncentra�ion or physica[, ch�mica� or infecfiious charac�eristics, may cause or pose a present�r po�en�ia[ hazard <br /> to human health or the envEronment when impraperly used, trea�ed, stared, disposed of� generated, manufactured, <br /> �ranspo�t�d ar o�her�rvise handled. The words "Hazardous Subs�ances" are us�d in �he�r ��ry broades� sense and <br /> in��ude withou� lirnita�ion any and a�l haza.rdous or to�ic subs�ances, mater�a[s or waste as de�ined by or lEsted <br /> und�r�he En�ironmenta[ Laws. The te�m "Hazardous Subs�an�es" also includes, wi#hout limitativn, petroleum and <br /> petroleum by-produc�s ar any fraction thereo�F and asbes�as. <br /> imprvvements. The word "lmprvvements" means all exis�ing and future irnpro�ements� bu��di'ngs, structur�s, <br /> mobi[e homes affixed on �he Rea[ Property, �acilities, additions, replacements and o�h�r canstruction on �he Rea[ <br /> Prvperty. <br /> indehtedness. The word "lndebtedness" means al� pr�ncipal, in�e:rest, and other a�mvun�ts, �os�s and expenses <br /> payable under th� Nofie �r Related Do�uments, togefher w�th a�l renewals of, ex�ens�vns of, modificafiiflns vf, <br /> cansolidations o€and substitu�ions for the Note or Related Dacuments and any amo�n�s expended ar advanced by <br /> L�nder to discharge Trus�or's vbliga�ions or exp�nses in�urred hy Trustee or Lender �o enforce Trus�or`s <br /> obl�gations under this Deed o�Trus�, �vge�her with interest on amounts as pro�ided in this ❑eed o€Trust. <br /> Spe�i��cally, witho�.rt [imitation, lndebtedness includes �he future ad�ances s�t �orth in the Future Advan�e.s <br /> p�o�Esion, together with a!I int�res� therevn and all amvunts that may be indirectly secured by �he <br /> Cross-Co1�at�raliza�ion provision o�this Deed of Trus�. <br /> ��1�...k'€.'4���L?`�'R�1:`_�.Y1�:.+•.4:�?a:si�SJ1.=c:Ah7:�'::•�1•i�r.....:v;k.�vx•,A;•wrck�'f�•, <br /> Lender. The word "Lender" means Exchange Ban[�r i�s�su��:�a�r�=s�.:an;d°�sS�g,ns::_.� ,;:�T�,, �: <br /> � .. ..'v�_.y J}.a... �� ,Se',. . .. •. . , <br /> ' �r �J.�.�•... ..�. �...y���...•���;r , .•.. � r:i �. <br /> INote. The word "Note'� mea s t e p a ry �'� . = y �: _ <br /> � h r m�sso no�e da-�e�d=���'vi-�2�r����;�r-i��t�h�e�orr inal.�principai a�aunt of <br /> $�7�,D��.�� from Trus-�or fo Lender, �og�th�r i�v'�f���a`�'����re�rr�inra�s�=�o-�, ��xteRsi:o{ns vf, mvdi-�icatians of, <br /> 7�N'�'�':'�C�^`r�'T�ru�".^53�7:.�.r�g,p�1:u03.,,��TC9i+f�•.rrr:•^,;•w�••,...r::.,.���rk,.�..x�:.: <br /> refinancings o�, consvlidations v�, and substitutions far the promissory nate ❑r a�r�emen�. NDTICE T� TRUS�'�R: <br /> THE N�TE C�NTA�i1�S A VAR�ABLE lNTEREST RATE. <br /> Pers�nal F'raper�y. The words "Personal Proper�y" mean a[[ equiprnent, �ixtur�s, �nd other ar�ic[es af p�rsona� <br /> property now or hereaft�r owned by Trus�vr, and now or hereafter atta�hed or a��ix�d to the Real Property; <br /> tagether with all ac�essions. parts, and additians to� all replacements of, and alf substitut�ons �rvr, any of such <br />