<br /> �EED �F TF�L��T
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<br /> {��ntl�lu� � Page �
<br /> �c} Trustee may in the manner pro�ided by law postpone sa[e o�F all ❑r any po�tion o��he Proper�.
<br /> Remed�es No� Exc�usive, T�-ustee and Lender; and �a�h o� #hemr shall be entitled �o en�Force payment and
<br /> per�ormanee of any indebtedness ar obliga�ians secured by this ❑e�d o�T�ust and�o exercise all righ�s and pov+rers
<br /> under�h�s Deed o�Trus�, under tne Nate, under any af�he Rela�ed Do�umen�s, ❑r unde�-any o�her agreemen� �r
<br /> any f aws now or her�after in �ar�e; notvviths�and�ng, some ar all a�such indebfiedness and abliga�ions secured by
<br /> �h�s Deed o�T�us�t may now or herea-�te� be otherwise secured, whether by mar�gage, deed of trust� pledge, �ien,
<br /> assignment or atherwise. Neither �h� acceptance o�F �his ❑eed o� Trust nor i�s enforcement, r�vhe�her by caurt
<br /> action or pursuan-��a the pawer o�safe ar other povvers c�n�aEned in this Deed o�Trus�, sha�� pre�udiee or in any
<br /> manner affec�Trus�ee's or Lende�-rs r�ght�o realize upon or enf�rce any othe� security now or herea-��e� held by
<br /> Trustee or L�nder, it being ag�-eed that Trus�ee and Lender, and each vf�hem, shail be�nti�led to enforce th�s Deed
<br /> v�Trust and any a�her secu�ity now or hereafter held by Lender or Trustee in such o�der and manner as they or
<br /> �ither of �hem may in the�r absalute discr��ion determine. No remedy conferr-ed upon ar reserved to Trus�ee ar
<br /> Lender, �s in�ended to be exclusi�e of any �ther remedy in this ❑�ed o�T�ust or �y Iaw pra�ided or permi��ed, but
<br /> each shall be cumulative and shafl be in addit��n �o ev�ry o�her r�medy giv�n in �his ❑�ed o� Trust �r nnw or
<br /> hereafter exi�ting at�aw or in equi�y or by sta�ute. E�ery pvwer ar remedy giuen by the N�te or any o�the Related
<br /> Do�umen�s tv Truste� ar Lend�r ar ta which �ither of -�hem may he otherwise entitled, may �e exercised,
<br /> cvncurren�ly or independent[y, �ram time tv#ime and as ofx�n as may b� d�emed expedient by Trus�ee ar Lender,
<br /> and either af �hem may pursu� inconsis�ent �-emedi�s. No�hing in fih€s Deed of T�ust shall be Cans�rued as
<br /> prvhibiting Lender f�om seeking a defi�iency judgment against the Trustor to the extenfi such activn is permitted by
<br /> �aw. Ele�tion by Lender ta pursue any remedy sha[� not exclude pursuit �t any other remedy, and an efecti�n to
<br /> make expenditures a�r ta take a�tion �a perform an oh[igati�n o�F Trustor under �his Deed af Trust, after Trus�or's
<br /> failure�v perform,shail not a�fect Lender's right to d�c[are a defaul�and exercis�i�s rernedies.
<br /> Reques�for No�ice. Trus�ar, �n beha[�a�Trus��r and Lender, hereb}i requests�hat a copy o�any Not3ce of De�au�t
<br /> and a capy of any Notice o�Safe und�r�his Deed o�Trust be mailed �Q thern a�t�he addresses se�for-th in�he�irsf
<br /> paragraph of�his De�d o�Trus�.
<br /> Attvrneys' Fees; Expenses. lf Lender institutes any sui� ar ac�ion t� enfar�e any o� the terms o� �his �eed of
<br /> Trust, Lender sha�� be ent�t[�d�to recaver such sum as�he court may adjudge reasonab�e as at�vrneys' fees at trial
<br /> and upan any app�al. Vllhether or not any caurt action is in�a��ed, and to �he exter�t na� proh�bited by 1a�, all
<br /> reasonabfe expens�s Lender inGurs that in Lender's opin�on are necessary at any �ime �or the pro�e�t�on ❑f i�s
<br /> interest or the en�orcemen�of Ets ri�hts sha[� b�came a part❑�the �ndeb�edness payable on demand and shal[ bear
<br /> inter�s�k at fihe Note ra�e from�he date o��Che expenditure ur�ti� repaid. Expenses �o�ered by this paragraph incfude,
<br /> w�thout limita�ion, hov+�e�er subJe��k to any limi�s under appli�able lavir, Lender's attarneys' fees and Lender's Iegal
<br /> expenses, �nrhe-�her or no� �here �s a �awsuit, r`n�luding att�rneys° fees and expens�s far ban�rupt�y p�o�eedings
<br /> (incfuding effor�s�o modi�y ar vacate any au�oma�i�stay or injunction}�appeals, and any ant�cipated post-judgmen�
<br /> - col[ec�ion ser�ices, the cost o�searching records, abtaining title repar�s �includ�ng foreclvsure r�ports7, surveyors'
<br /> reports, and appraisal f�esr tit€e insurance, and fees fvr the Trus�ee, to �he ext�nt permitted by app[icable faw.
<br /> Trustor�lso will pay�ny court costs, in addition to a��other sums prov�ded by faw.
<br /> Righ�s af Trusfiee. Trustee shall ha�e all❑-�the righ�s and duties o�Lender as se-�forth i�this se���on.
<br /> P�VIJERS AN� C]�L�G�TlDNS aF TF�lJS�EE, The fo[l�wing prow�sions refa�ing ta the powers and oh[iga�ians of Trustee
<br /> are part o�F this Deed of Trust:.
<br /> Pvwers o�Trus�ee. ln addit�on to a[[ powers af Trustee arising as a rnatter o�law, Trustee shalf have the power ta
<br /> take the fallawing ac�ians with respec��a�he Prvperty upon the wri�ten r�qu�sfi�fi Lerud�r and Trus�or; �a� �oin �n
<br /> preparing and filing a map or pfa� of tf�e Real Property, including the dedication of st�eets or a�her rights �o the
<br /> publie; ��� jain in grantfng any eas�ment or creating any �estricfion vn the Real Pr�perty; and {c} join in any
<br /> subordinat�on o�❑ther agreement affecting th�s Deed�f Trus�or the interest afi Lender under�his Deed of Trust,
<br /> Trustee. Trustee shall mee� all qua���Ecations required for Trustee under appl�cab[e law. In addition tv the ri�h�s
<br /> and remedies set for�h aloo�e, w�th respect �o all ❑r any part of the Property, the Trustee sha[I ha�e the righ� �o
<br /> �oreclose by natice and sa�e, and Lender shall ha�e �he right to �oreclose by �udi�ial for�c�flsu�-e, �n either case in
<br /> accordanc�with and to the�u[[ex�en�pro�ided by app[icable Iaw.
<br /> Successor Trustee. L�nd�r, a� Lender°s aptivn, may from time to time appoin�a suc�assor Trustee�o any Trustee
<br /> appointed under this Deed of Trust by an instrum�n� exe�uted and acknowledged hy �ender and recorded in the
<br /> of�ice of th� ��corder af Hall �oun�y; State o� Nebraska. The instrumen� shall contain, in additi�n �v al� other
<br /> matters requ�red by state Iaw, the names a� the original Lender, Trus���, and Trustor, the boflk and page {or
<br /> computer system reference} where this Deed o� Trust �s recorded, and �he name and address o� �he suceessor
<br /> trustee, and the instrument shall he executed and acknowledged by a��the beneficiaries under�his Deed of Trust or
<br /> their successors in interes�. The successor �rus�ee, uvi�haut canveyance of the Prvperry, shall succeed to a�� the
<br /> title, pawer, and duties conferred u.pfln the Trus�ee in this Deed o�Trust and b� app�icabfe fav�r. This proeedure for
<br /> substi�ution af Truste�shalf go�ern to the exc�usion of all o�her pravisians for substitut�on.
<br /> NQTICES. Any notice required to be g���n under this Deed o�Trust, inc[uding wi�hou� [imi�a�ion any no�ice of de�auf�
<br /> anc� an� noti�e of safe shall be gi�en in writing, and shall be e��ect��e vvhen acfiva�ly de[ive�edr when actually re�eived
<br /> by te���a�simife 4unless atherv�rise required by[aw}, when deposited with a na�ionally recognized o�ernigh��our�er, or, if
<br /> mai�ec�, w�en de�osited in the Uni�ed States maif, as firs��lass, certifred or regis�ered mail postage prepaid, d�rec�ed to
<br /> �he addresses shown near the beginning o��his ❑eed a�r Yrust. A[[ c�pies of not�ces ot forecivsure �ror�n�he holder o�
<br /> any lien whicf� has priari�y v�e��his �3eed af�rust sha11 be sent to Lender's address, as sho�rn near the beginning of
<br /> this Qeed of Trus�. Any parry may change its addre�s fio� notices under this Deed of Tr�s� by gi�ing forma[ writt�n
<br /> notice ta the a�her parties, specifying tha� the purpose o€ �he notic� is to chang� �he par�y's address. Far not�ce
<br /> purpasesr Trustor agrees t� keep Lender informed a�a�i times of Trustar's current address. Un�ess o�herwise provided
<br /> ar required by lawf i�fhere is more than ane T�ustor�any notice gi�en by Lender ta any Trus��r �s deemed to be not�ce .
<br /> �i�en�a al�Trustors.
<br /> ��S�ELLANEDUS PR�V[Sf�NS. Th��o��ow�ng misce[faneous p�o�isions are a part❑f this Deed of Trust;
<br /> Amendments. This Deed o�Trus�,�oge�her with any Re�ated �acumen�s, �anst�tutes the en���-e understanding and
<br /> agreement o-�the parties as �o �he matters set�orth in th'rs Deed o�Trust. N❑ afteratian of or amendm�n��o �h�s
<br /> De�d o�Trust shall be efFec�i�e unless g��en in writing and signe� by the par�y or part�es saught�v be charged or
<br /> bound �y�h�a[�era��vr�ar arr�endment.
<br /> �nnual F�epa�s. I# t�e Property is used �Far pu�-p�ses ot�er �han Trus�orrs residence, Trustor shall �u�-nish �o
<br /> L�nder, upon request, a certified s�atemerit o� net rperating incorr�e recei�ed �rom �he Property during Trus�or=s
<br /> pre�ious f€sca� year in such �orm and deta�� as Lender shall requi�e. "Net operating income" sha�� mear� a!1 �ash
<br /> receipts from�he Property less a�1 cash expendi#ures made �n c�nn�ction wi�h the opera#i�n of the Proper-�ty.
<br /> Capf�on Headings. Caption headings in this Deed of Trus# are �or con�en��n�e purpvses on[y and are no� to be
<br /> used�a in�erpret or defrne�he pro�isions���his ❑eed vf Trus�.
<br /> [Ulerger. There shall be no merger o��he interest or es�ate created by this Deed of Trust wi�h any ather�n�erest or
<br /> es�a�e in the Proper�y at any tim� he[d by ar for�he bene��t o�Lender in any capacity, withau��he written consent
<br /> af Lender.
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