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��14�4�SS <br /> con�inue to pay�o I�ender th�am�un�of�h�separately des�gna�ed paym�ents tha�were due when the <br /> insurance ca�erage c�ased to be�n effec�. Lender wi�� accept, use and re�ain th�se pa�ments as a <br /> nonMrefun�ab�e loss reserve�n i�eu of Mortgage Insuran�e. �uch loss reser�re sha�x be non-refundabl�, <br /> notwithstanding the fact�hat the Loan is ultimately paid in iull, and L.�nder sha�� no�be required�a pay <br /> Borrower any in�eres�or earnings on such��ss res�rU�. Lender can na longer require loss r�serve pa�rmen�s <br /> if Mortgage�nsurance�overage �in the am�unt and for�h�per�od�hat Lender requires}pravided by ar� <br /> in�urer selected b� Lender again becomes avaiiable, is obta�n�d, and Lender requ�res separate��designa��d <br /> paymen�s toward the premiums far M�r�gage Insurance. If Lender r�quir�d Mar�gage�nsurance as a <br /> Gond�t��n af mak�ng the Loan and Barrower was requ�r�d�o mak�separa�ely des�gnated payments�award the <br /> premiums f�r Mortgage�nsurance, Borrower shai� pay�he premiums required to ma�ntain Mortgage <br /> Insurance�n effect, or�o prov�de a non-r�fundab�e loss reserve, un�il Lender's requ�rement for Mortgage <br /> Insurance ends in accordanc�w��h any v�r�t�en agreemen��e�ween Borrow�r and L�nd�r pravxd�ng for such <br /> �erm�nat�on or un����erm�na��an �s requ�red by Applicable Lavv. Na�h�ng �n this S��tion ��affec�s <br /> Bnrrower's ab�igation�o pay interest a�the rate provided in the Nate. <br /> Mortgage�nsurance reimburses Lender�ar any en�it�tha�pur�hases the Note} far certa�n�osses i�may incur <br /> �f B�rrower does no�repay the Loan as agreed. Borrov�er is nat a party �o the Mortgage�nsurance. <br /> Mor�gage insurers eva�ua�e�heir�ota� risk on a�� such insurance in force from time to t�me, and ma�er��er <br /> into agreemen�s with other par�ies�ha�share or m�dify their risk, or reduce�osses. These agreemen�s are an <br /> �erms and conditions�hat are satisfactnry to the mar�gage insurer and the other party �or par��es} to�hese <br /> agreemen�s. These agreements may require�he mor�gage�nsurer�o make pa�m�n�s us�ng any source of fund� <br /> �ha�the m.or�gage�nsurer may ha�re a�ra��a��e �v�hich may �nGlude funds ahtaxned froxn Mor�gage Insurance <br /> prem�iums}. <br /> As a result of these a�reemen�s, Lender, any purchaser af the No�e, an�ther insurer, any reinsurer, any other <br /> entity, or any affi�iate of an��f the forego�ng, may receive�direc�ly or ind�rectl�� a�mounts�hat derive fram <br /> �or migh�be charac�erized as} a partion of Borr�wer's pa�ments f�r Mortgage Znsurance, �n exchange for <br /> shar�ng or m�dify�ng the mor�gag��nsurer's r�sk, �r reduc�ng ��sses. �f such agreem�n�provides�haf an <br /> affiX�a�e of Lender takes a share�f the insurer's risk in e�change for a share of the premiums paid t�the <br /> �nsurer, �he arrangemen��s of�en�ermed "cap���e r�insurance." Further: <br /> t a� Any such agreemen��vvill not affect the amounts that B�rrower has agreed to pay for Mortgage <br /> In�uran�e, or any ather terms�f the Loan. Such agreements w�l�no�increase the amount <br /> Borrawer wi�i owe for Mortgage Insurance, and th�y will not entitle Borrower to any refund. <br /> �b 3 Any such agreemen�s wi��not affe�t the rights B orrower has-if any�w�th respect ta the <br /> Mortgage Insurance under the Homeowners Protec�ion Act of 199$ or any other la�v. TheSe rights <br /> may�nc�ude the r�ght to rece�ve certa�n disclasures� �o request and obtain cance��ation vf the <br /> �Vlar�gage Insuranc�, ta have the Mor�gage Insurance terminated automatical�y, andlor to receiv�e <br /> a refund of any IViar�gage Insurance prem�ums that were un�arned at the time af such <br /> cance�lation or terminati�n. <br /> '1"I. Assignment vf M�sce�laneous Proceeds: Fvrfeiture, All Miscellaneous Proceeds are hereb�assigned�o <br /> an�.sha��be paid to Lender. <br /> �f�he Pr�perty is damaged, such Misce��aneous Proceeds sha11 be app�ied�o rest�ra�i�n or repair of�he <br /> Property, if�h�rest�rat��n�r repair is ec�nom�cally feas�b�e and Lender's security is nflt lessened, I�ur�ng <br /> such repair and restorati�n period, Lender shali have�h�right�o hold such M�scellane�us Proceeds unt�� <br /> Lender has had an oppar�unity�o �nspec�such Praperty to ensure�he w�r1�has been�omp�eted to L.ender's <br /> NEgRASKA-5ingle Fami�y-�annie Mael�reddie Mac UNI�QRM INSTRUM�NT �vrm 3028 11�1 <br /> VMP� VMPS�N�f fi 3a2y <br /> Wa�ters Ktuwer�inancia(5er�ic�s Page 9 af 17 <br />