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��14�4�SS <br /> sat�sfaction, pr�vided that such �nspection shall be undertaken promp�l�. Lend�r may pa� for�he repairs <br /> and rest�ration in a sing�e dishurs�ment or�n a s�ries�f progress payments as th�work is c�mp��ted. <br /> Un�ess an agre�mez�� is made zn writing or Applicable Lavv requires int�rest ta be pa�d on su�h <br /> Miscellaneaus Proc�eds, Lender sha��not be re�uired to pay Borro�ver any int�rest or earn�ngs on such <br /> Miscellan�ous Proceeds. If the restoratian or repair is not�conomically feasib�e�r Lender's securi�y vvauld <br /> be Iessen�d, �he Misce�lane�us Prace�ds shall be app�ied to �he sums s�cured by�h�s S�curity Instrument, <br /> whe�her or n�t then due, with th�excess, if a�y, pai��o B�rrower, Such M�sce��an��us Proceeds shal� be <br /> app��ed �n the or�.er provided far in S�ct�an 2. <br /> �n the e�rent of a tatal ta��ng, �.estructi�n, or Ioss �n value of the Proper�y, �he M�s�el�ax��ous Pr�ceeds shaii <br /> be app�ied t� the sums secured by this 5ecurit� �nstrument, whether�r not�hen due, with�he excess, if any, <br /> paxd to Borrflwer. <br /> �n the event�f a par�ial taking, destructz�n, nr��ss in va�u�af the Praper�� in which the fair mar�e� �alue�f <br /> the Proper�y irnmediatel���fare�he par��a� ta��ng, des�ruc���n, ar Ioss in value is equa� �o or grea�er tharz the <br /> amount af the�ums secured b�thi� Secur�ty�nstrument immedia�ely befare�he par�ia� �ak�ng, destruct�an, or <br /> loss in vaiue, unless B�rrower and Lender otherwis�agree in writing, th�sums secured by this Securi�y <br /> Instrumen�shal�be reduced by�he amount of the Miscel�ane�us Proceeds mul��p�zed by the follav�ing <br /> frac�xon: �a} the�otal amaunt of the sums secured immediate�y before the par��a� �ak�ng, des�ruGtion, or�oss <br /> in va�ue d�v�ded by �b} the fair mark�t va�ue of�he Proper�� immed�ate�y��fore�he partial taking, <br /> des�ruct�on, or�oss zn value. Any baiance shall�e pa�d t� Barr�wer. <br /> In th�even�af a part�a� taking, destruct��n, or l�ss in Wa�ue af the Praper�� in which�he faxr nnarket va�ue�f <br /> �he Proper�y immediate��bef�re�he part�al tak�ng, destruction, or�oss in va�ue�s�ess�han the amount of the <br /> sums secured immediate�y bef�re�he par�ia��aking, destructian, or loss in�ra�u�, un�ess Borrow�r atad <br /> Lender atherwise agree in writing, the Misc�lianenus Proceeds shall be app�z��to the sums se�ured b��his <br /> Securi�y �ns�rumen�wheth�r�r not the sums are then due. <br /> �f the Pr�per�y �s abandoned�y B�rrower, ar�f, after nat�ce by Lender t� Borr�vver that the�pposing Party <br /> �as defined in�he n�xt s�ntenee} offers to make an award to se���e a claim for damages, Borrower fa��s t� <br /> respond�o Lender�ithin 3fl day� after the da�e th�n�tice is given, Lender�s auth�rized�� collect and app�y <br /> �he Misce��aneous Proceeds e�ther t�restorat�on nr repa�r of�he Proper�y or to the sums �ecured by�his <br /> 5�curity Instrument, wheth�r or na�then du�. "�ppos�ng Par�y" means th��h�rd party that owes Borrower <br /> Miscel�ar�eou� Pr�cet�s�r th�party against wham B�rrawer has a righ�of actian in regard to M�sce�laneous <br /> Proc�eds. <br /> Borro��r sha��be in defau�� �f an�ac�ion ar proceed�n�, whether c���� or crimina�, i�b�gun tha�, in Lender's <br /> jud�ment, could result�n forfezture�f the Proper��r or other nla�er�a� impairm�nt of Lend�r's in�erest in�he <br /> Proper�y or rights und�r�his Secur�ty �nstrument. Borrower can cure su�h a defau�t and, �f acce�era�ion has <br /> occurred, r�instat�as pr��ided in Sect�on 19, b�cau�ing the ac�ion or pr�ce�d�ng to be dism�ssed�ith a <br /> rulin�that, in Lender's judgment, prec�udes forf�iture�f th�Proper�y�r��h�r ma�erial impairment�f <br /> Lender's in�er�s� in the Prop�r�y�r rights und�r this Securi�y Ins�rument. The pr�ceeds of any award�r <br /> c�aim for damages tha�are at�r��utabie�� the impazrment af Lend�r's inter�st in the Praper�y are hereb� <br /> asszgned and sha�l be paxd tn Le�.der. <br /> A�� M�sce��an�ous Proceeds�ha�are not app�ied�o res�oratian or r�pa�r of th�Prflperty sha���be applied in the <br /> order prov�d�d for�n Sec��on�. <br /> N�BRASKA-Singl�Family-�annie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM�NSTRUMENT �orm 3��8 11�1 <br /> VMP� VMP6�N�Z{13�2y <br /> Walters i4l�wer�inanciai Ser�ices R�g�1�vf 17 <br />