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��14�4�54 <br /> in th� Property and rights under�his Secur��y�ns�rument; and �d}�akes such action as Lender may <br /> reasonab�� require to assure that L�nder's interes� in the Praper�y and r�gh�s under this Securi�� Instrument, <br /> and Borrower's obl�gation ta pay�he sums s�cured�y �his Securi�� �nstrument, shal� con�inue unchanged. <br /> Lender ma}� require that Borrower pay such reinsta��men�sums and expenses in one or m�re af�he fallawing <br /> fornr�.s, as se�ected b� Lend�r: �a}cash; �b}money�rd�r; �c}c�rtified check, bank ch�ck, �reasur�r's check ar <br /> cashier's check, pravided any such check �s drawn upon an institution v�hose deposits are in�ur�d b� a <br /> federal agency, �nstrumental�t�or enti��; or(d� Electron�c Funds Transf�r. Upon reinsta�emen�by Borrflv�rer, <br /> �his Secur�t�r�nstrument and nbligat�ons secur�d hereby sha�� remain fu1l��ffe�ti��as �f no acceleration had <br /> occurred. Howe�er, �his righ�to reinstate shall not apply in�he ca��of acc�leration under Se��ion 1 S. <br /> �4. Sale vf Note; Change of Lvan Servicer; Not��e of Grie�ance. The Note or a part�a� �ntere�t�n the <br /> No�e��agether with�h�s Security Instrum�nt�can be sold an�or mor�t�mes vvithou��rior notice t� <br /> Barrower. A sa�e migh� resu�t�n a change in the ent�ty �knawn as �h� "Loaj�Servicer"} �hat col�ects Periodic <br /> Payments due under�he N�te and this Secur��y Ins�rumen�and p�rfo�s o�her mortga�e Ioan serv�cing <br /> obligat�ons under�he No�e, this Secur��y�nstrumen�, and Applicah�e Law. There a�sa might be ane or more <br /> changes of�h� Loan 5er�r�cer unre�ated to a sa�e of�he Na�e. �f�here is a change af�he I.�an Ser�icer, <br /> Borrnwer vwii�be g��en�vr�tten n�t�ce�f�he change v�hich w�ll sta�e the name and address�f�he ne�v Loan <br /> Serv�c�r, the address t�which pa�men�s shou�d be made and an��ther�nfor�mat�on R�SPA requ�res �n <br /> �onnect�on wit�a notxce of transfer of servi�ing. If�he N�te�s sold and�hereaf�er�he Loan is serviced by a <br /> Loan Ser�icer��her#han the purchaser of the Note, the rnar�gage�oan serv�cing ob��gatifln��a Borrower v�i�I <br /> rerr�a�n v�ith the L.oan Ser��cer or be transferred to a successor Loan Ser�icer and are no�assumed by�he <br /> Note purchaser unless �therv��se pro��ded by the Note purchaser. <br /> Nei�her Borrower nor Lender may comrnence,�oin, or be jn�ned to an�jud�c�a� ac�ion�as either an <br /> ind�W�dual 1i�igant or�he mem�ber of a c�ass} that arises fram tihe other par�y's actions pursuant to �his <br /> Se�urity Instrument or�hat al�eges that�he other par��has breached any prav�sion of, or an�r duty o��ed b}� <br /> reason of, this Securit� Instrumen�, unti� such Borrower or Lender has no�ified the oth�r party �vv�th such <br /> no�ice given in�om�p�iance wi�h�he requirements of Se�t�on �S} of such all�ged breach and afforded the <br /> �ther party hereto a reasanab�e per�od after the gi�ing nf such not�ce�� �ake corrective aciion, �f App�icable <br /> Law prov�des a time period which�rnus�eiapse before cer�ain action can be�ak�n, that t�me periad wi�l be <br /> dee�ned ta be r�asona�ble far purpos�s af this paragraph. The notice of acceleration and opportun�t��a cure <br /> gi�en�� Borrower pursuant�o Sect�nn�2 and�he no�ic�of accelera���n given to Borrower pursuant�o <br /> Sec�ion 1 S sha�i �e de�med�o sat�sf��he nat�ce and�ppor�unity to�ake correct�ve action provisions af�his <br /> 5ec���n 2�. <br /> ��. Hazardous Substances. As used �n th�s Sec�i�n 2�: �a} "Ha�ardor�s�'ubs�ances"are�hose subs�ances <br /> def�ned as to�i�or ha�ardou� substances, p���u�ants, flr vvastes�y En�rirflnmen�al Law and the fal�aw�ng <br /> substances: gasol�ne, kerosene, other f�ammable or tox�c petroieum praduc�s, �ax�c p�stic�des and herbicides, <br /> volat�le so���n�s, mater�als�on�a�ning a�b�stos ar forma�dehyde, and radi�active ma��riais; �b� <br /> "Environnze�xtal Law"means federai Iaws and Iaws of the jur�sdict�on where�he Pro�erty is loGa�ed�hat <br /> rela�e to heaith, safe�y�r environm�en�a� pra�ec��on; �c} "Lrtvirarz�r�Qtztat C'lear�up" �n�Iudes any response <br /> act��n, remedia� action, or removal action, as de�n�d �n En�ir�nmenta� Law; and �d} an ".Ej�uiror�rt2��2t�1 <br /> Condition"m�ans a cond��ion that can cause, con�ribu�e to, or otherw�se�rigger an Environmen�a� ��eanup. <br /> Borrflwer shall n�t cause or perm�.��he pres�nce, use, disposa�, s�orage, or re�ease�f any Hazardous <br /> Su�s�ances, or�hreaten to reiease any Hazardous Substances, on or in the Proper��. Borrower shall not do, <br /> nor al�ow anyone else t�do, an�thing affe��ing the Property�a} tha�is in�i�ia�ion af an�En��ronmental <br /> La�, �b} which creates an�n�ironm.enta� �ondition, �r�c� which, du�to�he presenCe, use, or release of a <br /> Hazardous Substance, crea�es a conditifln�hat ad�ersely affects�he�a�ue�f th� Propert�, The preceding turo <br /> NEBRASlCA-Singt�Family-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac UNIF�RM�NSTRUM�NT �arm 302$1141 <br /> VMP Q VMP6tNEf[13��j <br /> Woiters Kluwer Financial Ser�ices Pag�13 of 17 <br />