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��14�4�54 <br /> designated a su�sti�ute notice address by natic�to �.ender. Borrow�r shall promptly notify L�nder of <br /> Borrawer's change of address. �f Lender speci��s a procedure f�r r�par�ing Borrower's chang�of address, <br /> �h�n Borrower sha�l on�y repor� a chang�of address�hrough that specif�ed procedur�. <br /> There may b��nly one des�gnated n�tic�address under this S�curity Instrument at any�ne time. Any nat�ce <br /> �o Lend�r shali be g�v�n b� delivering it�r by mazling it b� first class mai� �o Lend�r`s addr��s sta�ed her��n <br /> un�ess Lend�r has deszgna�ed an�ther address by no�ice t� Borrow�r. Any no��ce�n��nnectian w��h�h�s <br /> Secur�ty �ns�ru�ment sha��nat be d�emed�a have been given to Lender un��� actua��y received b�Lender. �f <br /> an�notice required by this Security �nstrum�nt is alsa re�uired under App�icable Law, �he Applicab�e Law <br /> requirement will satisfy�he correspanding requir�ment under this Securi�y �nstrument. <br /> 'I�. Governing Law; Severa�ility: F�ules of Cc�nst�uctivn. This S��ur��y �nstrument sha�� b�g�verned by <br /> federa� law and the law of�he jur�sd��t�an �n wh�ch the Proper�y �s �ocated. All r�ghts and o��zgat�ons <br /> eantained in this Securit� Instrumen� are subj ect to any requirements and limitations of Applicabie Law. <br /> Applicable Law m�ght expiicitly or implicitiy a11ou� the par�ies to agree by c�ntract or i�might be si��n�, bu� <br /> such sil�nce shall not�e cons�rued as a pr�hibition against agreem�n��y Contract. In�he ev�n� that any <br /> prnvis�nn or c�ause�f th�s Security �nstrument�r�he�flte c�nflzcts w��h App��cable Law, such contl�c� sha�� <br /> not affec�other provis�ons of th�s Secur�ty �nstrum.en�flr the Note which�an b�g�ven effec�w�thou��he <br /> conf��cting pra�ision. <br /> As used in this S�curi�y Ins�rumen�: �a}words of the mas�uline g�nder sha�l mean and includ�carresponding <br /> neuter w�rds or vvords of the f�min�ne gender; �b}words �n the s�ngu�ar sha�� mean and include the piura� <br /> and vzce�ersa; and �c} the wflrd "may" gz�es s��e d�scre��on without any obligatzon�o�ake any ac��on. <br /> �7. Bvrrnwer's Cvpy. Barrawer sha�l be gi��n ane copy of the Note and of this Security Instrument. <br /> 'i 8. Transfer vf the Pra�erty or a Benefic�a� Interest in Barrvwer. As used �n th�s Section 18, "Interes�in <br /> the Pr�per�y" means any�ega�ar ben�fzcza� �nter�s��n the Proper�y, �nc�uding, bu�no��imi�ed to, �hos� <br /> benefzcia� �n�erests �ransferred�n a bond for deed, c�ntract for deed, ins�a��ment sa�es cnntract Qr escro�v <br /> agreemen�, the in�ent of wh�ch is the transf�r af tit�e by Borra�ver at a fu�ure date t� a purchaser. <br /> �f all or an�part�f the Property or any �nterest in �h�Proper�y is sold or�ran�f�rre� �or if Barrawer is no� a <br /> natura�person and a�en�ficia� in�erest in Borr�w��r is so�d or transf�rred} w�thout L�nder's prz�r wri�ten <br /> ��nsent, Lender may requ�r��mm�diat�payment in fu�� af a�� sum� secured by thzs S�cur��y �nstrument. <br /> ��wever, this opt��n shai� n�t be exer����d by Lender if such exercise is prahibited by App��cab�e Law. <br /> �f Lend�r exer�ises this ap�zon, Lender sha�I g��e Borrower notice of acce�erati�n, The notice shall provide a <br /> per�od�f no�i�ss than 3�days from the da�e the n�tice is gi�en in accordance with Secti�n 15 within which <br /> Btirrower mus�pay aII sums secured by this Security �ns�rumen�. If Borrower fails to pay th�s�sums prz�r ta <br /> th�expirat�an of thzs per��d, Lender may �n�oke any rem��.�es perm�tted by th�s Secur��y �nstrument w��hou� <br /> fur�her nflt�c�or demand on Bnrrourer. <br /> �9. Borrower's Right to Fieinstate After Acceleration. If Borraw�r meets cer�ain condi�ions, Borrower <br /> shall hav��he right to have�nforcement of this Securit� Instrurn�nt dis��n�inued at any tim�prinr to the <br /> earliest of: �a} fi�e days before�ale of the Proper�y pursuant�o any pow�r af sa�e�ontained �n this Se�ur�ty <br /> �nstrumen�; ��} such�ther per��d as App�z�abie Law m.�ght specify f�r�h���rm�nati�n of Bflrrower's rzght tn <br /> re�n�tate; or�c}entry�f a judgm�ent enforc�ng�hi� Security �ns�rument. Those condit�ons are that Borrower: <br /> �a}pays Lender a�l sums which then wauld be due under this Security Instrumen� and the Note as if no <br /> acc��erat�on had oc�urred; �b}cure�any defau��af any o�her c��enants or agreem�n�s; �c}pays all ��p�nses <br /> incurred in enf�rcing�his Security Instrument, inc�uding, but no��imited to, reas�nable a�torneys' fees, <br /> pr�per�� inspe�ti�n and va�uatian fees, and other fees incurred for�he purpose of protecting Lender's �nteres� <br /> NEBRASKA-Single�amily-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac UNIF�RM iNSTRUM�NT �orm 3q28 11D� <br /> VMP�} VMPfitN��t1342i <br /> Walters Kluwer�inancial 5er�ices Page'��of 17 <br />