<br /> C3EE[� �� T�LJ�T
<br /> Lvan No: 7�1�7a9�4 ���nt�nued� Page 9
<br /> Governing Law. This �e�d vf Trust ►rvill be go��rned by federaE law applicable tv Lender and, �o the exfien� not
<br /> preempted by�Federal fav►r,the lav►rs af the Sta#e af Nebraska withaufi regard�o its canf�i�ts of law pr8�is'rons, This
<br /> aeed o#Trust has been a�cepted by Lender in�the S�ate vf Nebraska.
<br /> ChvEce o� V�nue. �f there is a lawsuit, Trustor agrees up�n Lender's request �a submit to the jurisdic�ion of the
<br /> courts of HALL Cvunty, 5�a�e of Nebrasica.
<br /> Joint and Se►►era[ Ltabilifiye AI� �bligations �f Borrvwer and Trustor under this D��d afi Trust shall be jaint and
<br /> se�eral, and al[ re�erences to Trus�or sha�1 mean each and e�ery Trustorf and all references tv Borrower shall mean
<br /> each and e�ery Borrower. This means that ea�h Trus�or sign�ng helow is responsible for all obliga�i�ns in this De�d
<br /> �� Trust. lNhere any ane or more of the parties is a corporafii�n, partnership, limEted liabili�y company vr similar
<br /> entity, it is not neGessary for Lender ta inquire into the pov►rers of any�f the a��ficers, direc�ors, partne�s, members,
<br /> or vther agen�s acting or purportin� to act on the entity's behalf, and any �b�igat€ons made or �reat�d in reliance
<br /> upon�he prv�essed exerc�se af such powers shall be guaranteed under�his Deed flf T�-uste
<br /> No 1!�laiWer by Lender. Lender sha�l not be deemed�o ha��waived any rights under�this Deed of Trus� unless such
<br /> wai�er is given in writing and signed by L�nder. Na delay or�mission on the part of Lender in exercising any right
<br /> shail �perate as a wai�er of su�h right �r any o�her right. A wai�er by Lender af a provision of�his Deed of Trust
<br /> shail not pr�judice or cons�titute a wai�er of Lender's right atherwis� to demand s#rict campliance with that
<br /> prov�sivn �r any vther pro�ision o�F �his Deed of Trust. No pr�vr wai�er by Lender, nor any caurse of dealing
<br /> �etween Lender and Trust�r, shall constitute a waiver of any of Lender's rights �r v� any of Trustur's a�li�a�ions
<br /> as t� any fu�ure transact�ons. Whene�er�he ��nsent vf Lender is required under this Deed o�Trust, �he grant�ng
<br /> �f such cons�nt by Len�er in any ins�anc� shali not constitu�e cantinuing consent to subs�quent instances where
<br /> such consent is requir�d and in alf cases such cansent may be gran�ed Qr withheld in the snle dis�retivn a�Lender,
<br /> Seuerability. lf a court vf competent jurisdic�tian finds any pro�ision vfi this Qeed of Trust to be illegal� invalid, or
<br /> unenf�rceable as tv any �ircumstance, �hat finding shall not make �h� o#��nding prvvision illegal, invalid, ❑r
<br /> unenforceable as to any other circumstance. if feasih�e, the offending pro�isivn sha�l �e cansidered modified so
<br /> �hat �t becQmes legal, �alid and en�orceable. I� the ❑�fending pr��isi�n cannot be sv mvdified, it shall be
<br /> cansidered deleted fr�m this Dee� of Trust. Unless otherwise required by law, the illegali�t�r, in�alidity, or
<br /> unen�orceabElity o� any proWisEon �f this aeed af Trust shall n�� affect the legality, �alidity ar enforceabiii�t}� of any
<br /> ath�r pro��sion�f this aeed of Trust,
<br /> Suc�ess�rs and Assignsd Sub�ect to any limifati�ns stated in �his ❑��d vf Trust �n transfer o�Trustar's interest,
<br /> this Deed of Trust shall be binding upon and inure fio the benefit af th� parties, their successors and assigns. I�
<br /> own�rshEp of the Property becomes vest�d in a person other than Trustor� Lender� w��hout notice to Trustnr, may
<br /> deal with Trustor's successors with reference�o this D�ed o�Trust and�he lndebtedness by way af�orbsarance or
<br /> ext�nsion wi�h�ut reEeasing Trustor from the obligatians of thEs D�ed a�Trust vr liability under the Indebtedness.
<br /> Time is of the Essence. Time is of th�ess�nce in�hs p�rfarmance of this Deed �fi Trust,
<br /> Waiv�r of Homestead Exemption. Trustar hereby releases and waiWes all ri�hts and benefits �f �he homes�ead
<br /> exemp�ion laws of�he State❑f Ne�raska as�o al� Indebtedn�ss secur�d by this Deed o�Trust.
<br /> DEF�NII"I�NS. The fol�owing capitalized words and terms shall ha�e the follvwing meanings when used in this D�ed af
<br /> Trust. Unless specifiical[y stated to the �ontrary, all refer�nces to d�l�ar amounts sha11 mean amoun�s in lawful m�ney
<br /> o�F the Unsted States of Ameri�a. Vllords and terms used in the singufar shalf include the plural, and the plura[ shail
<br /> in�lude the singular, as the context may r_e=quire. V1lords and terms not otherwise defined in this Deed of Trust sha�l.
<br /> ha�e th� meanings a�tributed to su�h terms:in the LJnif�rm Commercial Code: �
<br /> Beneficiary. The word "Beneficiary" means Fi�e Points Bank, and i�s successors and assigns.
<br /> Barrower. The word "Barrower" means STEINAF�T 8r. BANGS, LLC; CHR�S R 5TEV1lART; and gR1AN E BANGS and
<br /> in�ludes all co-signers and co--makers signin�the Not� and al�their successors and assigns.
<br /> Deed of Trust. Th� w�rds "De�d o� Trust" mean �his ❑eed of Trust among Trustar, Lender, and Trustee, and
<br /> includes without limi�atian all assignment and security �n�er�st pra�isions relating ta the Persvnal Praperty and
<br /> R�nts.
<br /> Default. The word "Default" means the Defaul�set�orth in this Deed o�Trust in the s�ction titled "aefault".
<br /> En�ironmen�al Laws. The words "En��ranmental Laws" mean any and al� sta�s, federal and focal s�atutes,
<br /> r�gulations and ordinanCes r�lating to the protec�ion Q� human healfih or the enviranment, including wi�hout
<br /> Iimitation �he C�mprehensi�e Environmental Response, Compsnsation, and Liability Ac� nf 'i 98�. as amended, 4�
<br /> LJ.S.C. S�Gtion 9�D1, et s�q. �"CER�LA"}, the Superfiund Amendmen�s and Reauthorizatinn Ac� of �985, Pub. L.
<br /> N�. 99-499 {"SARA"}, the Hazardous Ma�erials Transparfation Act, 49 L1.5.C. 5ection �8��, et seq., the Resource
<br /> Conserva�ian and RecvWery Act, 4� �.S.C. Secti�n 690�, �t s�q., �r other applicabl� s�ate or federal iaws, rules,
<br /> or r�gulations adop�ed pursuan�thereto.
<br /> EWent af De�ault. The words "E�ent o�De�aul�" mean any of�he e�ents�f defau[t se��Forth in this Deed o�Trust in
<br /> �he e�en�s❑�defau�t se���on of th�s Deed vf Trust.
<br /> Guara��y. The word "Guaranty" means the�uaranty firom guaran�or, endorser� surety, vr a�commada�ion party to
<br /> Lend�r, including withou�limita�i�n a guaranty of all or part vf the Na�e.
<br />