<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> L�an Nv: ����75954 ��ontinued� Page 8
<br /> Request for Notice. Trustor, on behal��f Trus�or and Lender, hereby requests that a copy o�F any No�i�e of D�fault
<br /> and a copy Qf any Nv�ic� a�Saie under thfs De�d of Trust be mailed tv them at the addresses se�forth in �he first
<br /> paragraph af this D��d o�Trust.
<br /> A��vrneys' Fees; Expens�s. I� Lender inst��utes any suif or action to enforce any �f the t�rms ❑f this ❑eed a�
<br /> Trust, Lender shal� be entitled t❑ recover such sum as �he caurt may adjudge reasanab�e as a�torneys' ��es a�trial
<br /> and upan any app�al. Vllhether ar not any �ourt action is inWol�ed, and to the exten� not prohibit�d �y law, all
<br /> reasonable expenses Lender in�urs �hat in Lender's �pinion are necessary a� any time far �he pro�ection ❑� its
<br /> inter�st❑r the enfarcement of ifs rights shall become a part of the Indebtedness payabie on d�mand and shali bear
<br /> fnt�r�s�at th� Nate ra�e�r�m the dat�of the expendi�ure until repaid. Expenses co�ered by this paragraph include,
<br /> without limita�ion, howe��r subject to any limits under applicable law, L�nd�r's attarneys' �rees and Lender's legal
<br /> exp�nses, whether ❑r not �here is a lawsuit, including at�orneys' fees and expenses for bankrup�cy pro��edin�s
<br /> {in�luding �f�Forts to modify or�acat�any au�omati� stay vr injuncti�n}, appeals, and any anticipated post-judgmen�t
<br /> colle��ion s�r�ices, �he �ost af searching recvrds, ab�aining titfe rep�r�s �including f�reclosure reports�, surveyars'
<br /> reparts, and appraisal f�es, title insurance, and �ees for th� Trustee, to the ext�nt permitted by applicable law.
<br /> Trus�or als�will pay any courf Gosts, in additian t�all other sums prvvided by�aw.
<br /> Ri�hts v�Trust�e. Trus�e�shall ha�e ali of�he rights and du�ies of Lender as se��orth in this section.
<br /> P�1NER5 AND❑BLI�ATIC]N5 QF TRLISTEE. Th� following pro�isions relating fio�h� po�rvers and obligations of Trustee
<br /> are part of this Deed�f Trus�:
<br /> Po►rv�rs vf Trustee. !n addition tv afl powers a�F Trustee arising as a matter of iaw, Trustee shall have�he power tv
<br /> talce th� follov►ring aG�ions wi�h respect t❑ th� Property upvn the wri�ten request of Lender and Trustor: �a� join in
<br /> preparin� and �i[ing a map ar plat ❑f the Real Praper�y, including the dedication ❑f s�reets or ather rights to the
<br /> pu�lic; �b� jain in ��anting any easement ar �r�atin� any restriction on the Real Praperty; and {�� �oin in any
<br /> subordinati�n or oth�r agreement affec�ting this Deed of Trust vr�he interest of Lender under this Deed o�Trust.
<br /> Trustee. Trustee shall mee� all qualifications re�uire� far Trustee under applicab[e law. In addition tv �he rights
<br /> an� remed�es set fvrth a�aWe, with respect to all ar any part of the Pr�perty, the Trust�e shalf have the right to
<br /> foreclose hy n�tice and sale� and Lender shall have the r�ght to �Foreclose by judicial �areclasure, in either case in
<br /> ac�ordance with and to the fu�l extent proWided by app[icable lawa
<br /> SucGessor Trus�ee, Lender, at Lender's op�ion, may fram �ime to time appoint a success�r Trustee to any Trustee
<br /> appoint�d under this Deed of Trust by an instrument execu�ed and acknvwledged by L�nder and recorded in the
<br /> �ffi�e ��F the recarder of HALL Caunty, Stat� of Nehraska. The instrument shal[ contain, in addition to all other
<br /> ma�ters r��uired by state law. the names o� the �riginal Lender. Trustee, and Trustor, the bo�k and page {or
<br /> computer system reference� where this D�ed of Trus� is re�orded, an� the nam� and address af �he successor
<br /> truste�, and th�instrument shall be executed and acknowled�ed by all th� benefic�aries under�his Deed vf Trust ar
<br /> their successors in interes�. The successor trus�ee. without c�nv�yance af th� Prop�r�y, shai� succeed to all the
<br /> �itle, pvwer, and duties conferred upon the Trust�e in this ❑eed of Trust and by applicab�e �aw. This proc�dure�or
<br /> substi�uti�n af Trustee shall govern t�the exc[usion ofi all other pra�isions far substitu�i�n.
<br /> NDTICES, Any notice required to be gi�en under this Deed �fi Trus�, including without �imitatian any notice af defaul�t
<br /> and any notice of sale shal� �e �i�en in writing, and shall b� effec�Eve when ac�ually deli��red, when actua�ly receiWed
<br /> by telefa�simile {unl�ss v�herwise required by[awy� when dspasited with a nativna�[y reG�gnized o�er_night cflurier, or, �f
<br /> maEled, wh�n d�pasited in the Uni�ed 5ta�ss mail. as�irst class, certi�ied or registered mail postage prepaid, dir�cted to
<br /> __ _ �he addresses._shown near the beginning o�F�his Deed o#Trust. All c�pi�s of not�ces �� foreclosure frvm the holder of _
<br /> a�ny li�n �rvhich has priority o�er this Deed of Trust shall be sen� �a Lender's address, as shawn nea-r the beginniri� af
<br /> this Deed vf Trust. Any party may change its address for n�fiices under this Deed of Trust by gi�ing formal wri�tsn
<br /> n�ti�e t❑ the ather parties. specifying fihat the purpQs� of �he notice Es t� chan�e the party's a�dress. F�r notice
<br /> purposes, Trust�r agrees to keep Len�er inforrned at all times vf Trus�or's current address. L]n[ess vth�rwise pro�ided
<br /> or required by law� if there is mare �han on�Trustar, any notice g�Wen by Lender t� any Trustor is de�med tv be notice
<br /> given to all Trustars.
<br /> f'IlEISCELLANEDUS PR�VISI�IVS. The�`flllowing miscellaneous pr��isions are a part af this De�d��Trust:
<br /> Amendments, This Deed af Trus�.together with any Related aacuments, consti�utes the ent�re understanding and
<br /> agreement of fihe parties as to �h� matters set for�h in this De�d af Trust. No al�eration of or am�ndrn�n�to this
<br /> D�ed o�Trust shall b� ef�F��tiv�e unless gi�en in wri�ing and si�ned �y the party or parties svught t� be charged or
<br /> bvund by the alteratian or amendment.
<br /> Annua[ Reports. !f the Proper�y is used for purposes other �han Trustor's residence, Trustvr sha�� furnish tv
<br /> Lender, upon request, a �erti�ied stat�ment af ne�k operating income recei�ed from the Prop�rty during Trustor's
<br /> pre��vus �Fiscal year in such fvrm and detai� as Lender shall require. "Net operating inG�me" shall mean all cash
<br /> receipts fram the Property Eess all cash expendi�ures made in c�nnection uvith the operati�n af the Property.
<br /> Gaptian Headings. �aptian h�adings in �h�s Deed of Trus� ar� for canv�n�ence purp�s�s anly and are not �o be
<br /> used�v interpre�or define the pra�isions vf this Deed of Trust.
<br /> N[erger. There shall be no merger o#the interest or estate �reat�d by this Deed of Trus#wi�h any❑ther interes�ar
<br /> es�ate in the Pr�perty at any time held by ar�or fhe benefi�o�Lender in any capacity, withaut the written consen�
<br /> o�F Lender.
<br />