<br /> can be���r�n effect wi�hou�t�ie cflnflic��ng prav�si�n. Tfl�his end the pro�is�ons of��is Security Ins�rument and the
<br /> �fl�t�ac�are d�c�ared��be severabl�.
<br /> Barrower�s�apy.B�rrov�er sha�l be given one copy of fh�s Securifiy�nstr�ument.
<br /> Tra�sfer�f the Property or a Beneficial Inte�-est in��rrow�r.�f a�l or any part of the Properfiy or any�nterest
<br /> �n it is sold or transferred �ar if a benefc�a� in�erest in Borrovver �s s�ld ar transferred and .Borr�wer is not a
<br /> naturaX pers�n� v��th�ut Lender's priar v�r��ten co�sen�, Lend�r ma�, at ��s �p�ion, re�uire immed�a�e paymen� in
<br /> fu1� of al� sums secured by �his Security �nstrurn�nt. �3�wever, this op�ion shall �.ot b� exerc�sed by Lender if
<br /> exercise is pruh�bit�d by federal law as of�he da�e�f this Security�nstrument. :
<br /> Tf Len��r ex�rcises th�s ap�ion, Lender sha�l g��e B�rro�v�r notice of acce�erat�an. The n�t�ce sha�l prflvide a
<br /> peri�d c�f not �ess than�he minimum nu�mber flf days estab�ished by App�icable Lavsr fram �he da#e the no�ice is
<br /> de�i�ere� or mailed �vith�n which Borrower �nust pay a�� sums secured b� this Security �nstrumen�. �f Borrov�er
<br /> fa�ls�o �ay these surrYs prior �o �he expiration of this perifld, Lender may in�oke any remedies pernlitted�by this
<br /> Secur�fiy�nstrument v�zthaut fur�her no�ice or de�nand t�n Barra�nrer.
<br /> Borravr er's l�ight to Reinstate. �f Borrav�er mee�s certain c�nd��ions, I3orrvvver shail have �he r�gh� to ha�e
<br /> enfflrcement of this Secur�ty �nstrument discon�inu�d at any�ime pr�ar to �he earl�er nf: �a} 5 days �or such a�her
<br /> per�tid�.s Applicable La�v may specify fnr reins�a�ement}before sale of�he Praperty pursuani:�o any pov�er of sale
<br /> con�a�ned in �his Security �nstr�umen�; ar [b} entry of a judgment enforc�ng th�s�Security Instrument. Th�se
<br /> �and�ti�ns ar� �hat Borravv�r: �a} pays L�nder a�1 sun�.s which �hen wau�d be due under this Secur�ty �nstrument
<br /> and�he C�n�ra�t as if no acce`lera�i�n had�ccurred;(b}cures ar�y default of any o�her covenants or agreements;�c�
<br /> pays al�expe�ses i�curred in enforc�ng this Secur�ty�nstrument, �nc�ucling,bu�not l�mited��,reasonable att�rneys'
<br /> fees�o�he extent perm��ted by�aw; and�d}takes su�h ac�ion as Lender may�reasanably require to assure�hat�h�
<br /> lien�f�h�s Security�nstrume�t,I�ender's rights in�h�Property and Borr�wer's obliga�ion to pay�he sums secured
<br /> l�y�his �ecurity �ns�rument shal� c�ntinue unchanged. Upan reuas�a�ement by Borrower, this Secur�ty �nstrument
<br /> and fihe vbliga���ns secured hereby shali re�nain fu1Xy �ffect�ve as if no acce�era�ion had occurr�d. Hov�e�er, this
<br /> r�ght�a reins�a�e sha�1 no�appl�in�he case�f accelera�ion under the se���on titled Transfer�f the Property vr a
<br /> �en��C�al Int�rest in Borro�vver.
<br /> �-Ia�ard�us Substances.Barrav�er s�aX�not caus��r permit the presence,use, dispasa�, storag�, �r release of any
<br /> Hazard�us Substances�n ar in�he Pr�perty.Borr�vver sha�l not do,nar a��ow anyone else�o do,any�hing affecting
<br /> the Pro�er�y �ha� �s in ��alati�n �f any En�ironm�nta� Law. The p�eceding two sentences shall no� apply �o the
<br /> presence,use,or s�arage vn�he Praperty�f�mall quant��ies�f Hazardous Subs�ances�hat are genera��y recogn��ed
<br /> to be appropr�ate t�n�rmai residen�ial uses and to main�enan�e of the Proper�y.
<br /> Borrower sha�l prflmp�iy gi�e Lender wr��ten n�tice❑f an�inves��gation,cla�m,de�nand,lawsuit�r�ther act�on by
<br /> any go�er�nn�ental Qr regu�atory agency or pri�at� par� �n���v�ng ��e Proper�y and any Ha2ardous Substance or
<br /> En��ro�enta�� La� of Whi�h Borrflwer has ac�ua� knowl�dge. �f B�rrower learns, ar is notified by any
<br /> governmental ar regula�ory author��y,�hat any removal or o�her rem�diation of any Hazardous Subs�an�e affec�ing
<br /> �he Pr�perty �s nec�ssary, Borr�vver shal� pr�mp�:�y �ake all necessary remed�a� ac�ions in a�cordance v�ith
<br /> En�iro�menta�La�nr.
<br /> As used in�his paragraph, "Hazardaus Su�s�an�es" are those subs�an�es def�ned as�ax�c �r hazardous substances
<br /> by Env�ronmenta� Law and the fo��awing substances: gasfl�ine, kertisen�, other flammab�� o� �o��� petro�eum
<br /> produc�s, to�ic p�s��c�des and herbic�des, �o1a�i�e s���rents, ma�erials c�ntaining asbes��s �r forma�dehyde, and
<br /> rad��acti��ma�er�a�s.As used�n�his paragraph, "En�rironmental La�r"means federa�.laws and]aws of the state of
<br /> Nebras�a�ha�rela�e to heal�h,saf��ty or env�ranmen�al pro�ect�on. �
<br /> Ac�el�ration; Rem�dies. L�nder sha�l g��e notice t� ��rrovver prior tv acceleratian fallowing Borrower's
<br /> brea�h of any c�r�enant or agr�ement in this S�curity Ins�rument ar the�antract u�der wh�ch accelerati�n
<br /> is p�rn��tted (but not priar to acce�erat�an under the se�t�on �i��ed Transfer of t�e Proper�y ar a Senefcia�
<br /> Intere�t in Borr�w�r, un�ess App���ab�e Lavv� pruvides otherwise}, The notice sh�il specify: (a] �he d�fau�t;
<br /> �b} the actio� required �o. �ure the defaultg �c} a d�t�, no� less than the mi�imum number nf da�s
<br /> e5t�b�ished by App�icable Lar�fr�m the date the not�c��s give� �o:B�rro�ver, by which the default must be
<br /> cured; and (d) tha� fa�lure �v cure the default on a�- bef��-e �he date spe��fed in the notice may result in
<br /> acceleration of �he sums secured �y this Se�urity Inst�urr,�n� and sale of the Property. To thQ extent
<br /> permit�e� by �aw, the not��e shall further inf�rm �arrower �f the right to r�instate after acceleration and
<br /> th�rig�t ta bring a court action to assert the non-existeY�ce�f a default or any�ther defense vf BarrnvWer to
<br /> acce�eration and sa�e. If the default is no��ur�d on or hefore �he date spQci�ed in the notice, Lender at �ts
<br /> option may requir� immediat� payment iri fu�l ❑f ali s�ms ��curQd by this Security Instrument without
<br /> further demand and may �nvoke the pav�er of sa�e ax�d an� ather remedies permitted b� Applicahle Law.
<br /> To th� extent permitted by law, Lender shall be er��it�ed �o cv�Xect al� expenses �r�curred in pursuing �he
<br /> remed�es pro�ided in this Sect��n, includ�ng, �ut nat�imited �o, reas��ab�e at�orney5' fees and cvsts of title
<br /> e�iden�e.
<br /> If the pvwer of sale �s in�oked,TruStee �hall recflrd a notice of d�fau�t in each c�unty xn which any part of
<br /> the Property is located and shal�mai�copies of such notice in the manner prescribed by Appl�cable Law�o
<br /> �3orrnw�r and t❑ the other persons prescribed by Applicable Law. After the time required by Applicahle
<br /> La►�, Tru�t�e sha�l g��e public notice of sa�e tu the persa�s and in the manner prescribed by Applicab�e
<br /> Lav�. Trustee,withau�demand on Borra�ver, shal�se�l the Pr�perty at pub�ic aucti�n to the highest bidder
<br /> at the tir�e and pla�e and under the��rm�de5�gna�ed in the mot�ce of�ale in�ne or more parcels and in any
<br /> ord�r Truste� det�rmines. 'I`rustee may pas�pone sa�e of a�l or an� parce� af �h� Pr�perty �ay public
<br /> C�24�4-2�l3 Carrkplzance 5ystems,Ir�c.9F96-6A27-2�13L2.Q.7�l
<br /> Cvr�sumer�',ea�Estate-Security Instruxnent DL2436 �'a�e 4 0�'S www.complian�esystems.com
<br />