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��14�35�� <br /> o�er th�s S�curity�nstrument, appear�ng in court,pay�ng reas�nab�e attflrneys'fees and entering on�he Praper�y to <br /> ma�e repairs.A�though Lender may�ake ac��on under�his section,Lender does nt��ha�e to da sv. <br /> Any amaun�s d�sburs�d by Ler�der under �h�s sect�on shall be�ame add�ti�nal debt of Borrow�r se�ured by �h�s <br /> Secur��.y Ins�ru�nent. Un�ess Borrov�er and L�nder agree �fl o�her �erms of pa�naent, these a�moun�s sha�� bear <br /> interest fram �he da�e �f dzsbursem�n� at the same rate assessed �n advanGes under �he Cantrac� and sha1� be <br /> payab�e,w�th�n�erest,upon no�i�e from Lender�a Borravv�r reques�ing paymen�. <br /> InSpectia.n. Lender ar its agen�may make reas�nable entr�es upt�n and �.nspeGt�vns t�f the Property. Lender shall <br /> g��e Borrflwer not�ce at�he t�me�f�r pr�flr ta an inspec��on spec�fying reas�nabie�ause for the inspe���on. <br /> �nndemnatinn. The pra�eeds of any a�ard or cXaim for damages, direct ar consequen��a�, in cannec��on with any <br /> condemnati�n nr o�her�ak�n�of any par� of�he Pr�pex�y, ar for con�eyance in I�eu af cond�mna�ian, are hereby <br /> ass�gned and shall be pa�d��Lender. <br /> �n �h� e�en� of a�ota� �a�ing ❑f�he ProperCy, the proceeds sha�� �e appl�e��o the sums secured by this Secur��y <br /> �ns�rurnent, vvhe�her or not then due, w�th an� �xcess pard �� I3orrav�er. �n �he ev�n� �f a par��al taking of the <br /> Pr�per�y in vvhiGh�he fa�r market value �f the Proper�y imm�dia�e�y before�he �a.kirig �s equa�to or greater�han <br /> the am�un� of the sums secure� �y �h�s Secur��y Instrun�ent �mmedi.ate�y before �he��ak�ng, unless Bflrravver and <br /> Lender a�h�at-vvise agree in writing,�he sums secured by this Se�urity�ns�rumen�shal�be reduced by�he am�unti of <br /> the pr��eeds mu��iplied by the fo��ovving fract�on: �a}�he��tal amaun�of�he sums secured immedia�e�y before the <br /> �aking, d�v�ded by �b) the fa�r marke�va�ue of�he Property xmmed�atiely bef�re th� taking. Any balan�e sha1� be <br /> pa�d�� Borrovver. �n�he event of a par�ial tak�ng �f the Pr�perty ua Which the fair market value �f�he Prvperty <br /> immedxa�e�y before the � �s Iess �han�he amoun� af t�e sums secured immed�a�e�y be�'or� �he �ak�ng, un��ss <br /> B�rrawer and Lend�r o�herw�se agree in v�r���r unless Appli�ab�e Lav�o�herw�se pr�vides, �he proceed� shal� <br /> be app�ied to�he sums secuured by this Se�ur��y�nstrument w�ether or na�the sums are then due. <br /> Zf�he Proper�y is a�bandaned by Borr�wer, flr if, after no��c�by Lender ta Borrawer�ha�the Gondem�x�ar offers to <br /> make an award or set�Ie a c�aim far damages, Borrawer fails��respond ta Lender w�th�n�he m�ni.mum nun�ber af <br /> days esta.b�ished b�r App�icab�e Law after�he da�e the na��ce is g��en,Lender�s authorized�a collec�and app�y�he <br /> proceeds, at ��s apt��n, e��her �o restorat�on or repair af the Praperty ar �a the sums secured by this Security <br /> �nstrumen�,�he�her�r nflt�hen due. <br /> Un�ess Lender and B�rrovver o�hervv�se ag;ree �n v�vrxt�ng, any appli�a��an�f proceeds t�princ�pa� sha�l not ex�end <br /> or postpvne the due date of the paymen�s due und�r the Cflntract�r change the amvurit af such payments. <br /> Borrower Not Re�eased; For�earanc� By Lender Nat a 'Waiver. E�tens�an af the tiume for payment or <br /> m�dif�atxon of am�rri�atxan af the sums se�ured by�his Secur�ty �nstrument granted by Lender �o Bonro�rer or <br /> any successor in interes� of B�rrower shai� n�� aperate �o re�ease �he �zab�I�ty flf the or�g�na� Borr�v�er vr <br /> B�rr�wer's successors �n interes�. Le�ader shal�not be required to commence pro�eedings against any successor i�x� <br /> �nteres��r refuse�o e�tend��m.e far paymen�or a�herw�s�naad�fy�.m.or�izatzon�f the sums secur�d by th�s Se�urxty <br /> �ns�rumen� by reasan of any demand made by the arig�rial Borravver ar Bvrrawerf� successors in �.nterest. Any <br /> forbearan�e by Lender in e�ercising any r�gh�or remedy sha�I na�be a wa�ver af ar prec�ude the exerc�se af any <br /> right or remedy. <br /> Success�rs and A��igns Bound; J��nt and Severa� L�abi�ity; Aceommfldation �Signers. The covenants and <br /> agreements of�h�s Security�nstrumen�sha��bi.xid and benef��he successflrs and ass�gns vf Lender and Borrower, <br /> subje�� �� the prav�si�ns af se�ti�n ti��ed Transfer �f the Property vr a Benefi�x�� Interest �n Borrawer. <br /> Borr�v�er's co�enants and agre�ments shal�be jaint and severa�.Any person�vho�a--signs�h�s Securxty�nstrument <br /> but has na persax�aX Iiabi�i�y under �he �on�ract �"A�cam�modatron S�gner"): �a} �s co-s�gnin� �his Secur�ty <br /> Instrument on�y ta mar�gage, grant and �an�ey that AG�orn�amfldatian S�gner's �n��rest �n �he Praper�y under �he <br /> terms of �he Securrty �ns�rumen�; �b� �s nnt persanal�y o��xga�ed to pay �he sums secured by this Secur�ty <br /> �nstruiment; and(c� agre�s tha�Lender and any ather Barrflv�er may agree to ex�end,n�adify, f�rbear ar ma�e any <br /> accommodations wi�h regard�a��he�erms af thzs S�curit�Instrum�nt�r the Cantrac�vvi�hou��ha�Acca�mm.�da�ion <br /> S�gner's cflnsent. <br /> Loan Charge�. If��e �oan secured by �h�s Secur�ty �ns�rument �s subject �� a �aw which sets nlaximu.m ��an <br /> charges, and tha�law xs f�nally interpre�ed so tha�the xn�eres�ar other�oan charges coX�ected or ta be collected��. <br /> �onnection w�th �he �oan exceed �he permx�ted lirni�s, then: ta� any such �oan charge shal� be r�duced by �he <br /> am�un�necessary�o reduce �he charge�o the pennitted ��mi�s and�b� any su�ms already collected from Borrawer <br /> vvh�ch �xceeded perm�t�ed limx�s ���1 be refunded t� B�rrower. I.ender may ch�ase ta naake �h�s refund by <br /> reducxng�he pr�nc�pa� avved�under the Con�rac�Qr by mak�ng a d�rec�payment to Borrov�er. �f a refund reduces <br /> pr�nc�pa�,�he reducti�n v�r���be trea�ed as a partial prepaymen�under the Contract. <br /> Natices. Any no��ce �o Borro�ver pra��ded for �n �h�s S�curity Instrumen� shal� be g�ven by de�iver�xag �t vr by <br /> maii�ng�t by f�rst class mail un��ss Appiicabxe Law requires use af another me�hod.The no���e sha�i be di.rect�d�a <br /> the Proper�y Address or any a�her address Barr�wer de5xgnates by no�ice�� Lender. B�rrnv�er agrees �a pro�xde <br /> Lender w��h Borrnwer's mas� �urren�mai�ing address, as ��may change frnm time-�o-��n�.e. A.ny notice �o Lender <br /> shail be g�ven by firs��Iass max��o Lender's address sta�ed here�n or any�ther address Lender designa�es by n���ce <br /> to Borr�v�er.Any na�ice pro��ded for in�hxs Security�n��rumen�sha�I be deerned ta have been g��en�o Borrav�er <br /> or Lender�nrhen given as pravided�n�h�s paragraph. <br /> Gv�erning Law; Se�erab���ty.Th�s Secur�ty Ins�rumen�shall be gaverned by federa��a�and the laws of�he sta�e <br /> �f Ne�raska. �n�he e��nt�ha� any prav�sxan or c�ause of�h�s Secu.rity �nstrur�ent or the �on�rac� canflicts v�i�h <br /> Ap���cable Lav�, such �on�.��t shall no� affect nther pra�is�ans of this Security �nstrum�en� or�he �an�ract v�hich <br /> �24�4-2013 Compliance Systerns,Inc,9F9d-dA27-2�i 3L2.�.721 <br /> Cons�mer Real Estate-Security�r�strument DL243d Page 3 af 5 � www.compliancesyste►ns.corr� <br />