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� ��14�37�3 <br /> senten�es shall not appZy to�ie presence, use, or storage on��ie Property of small c�uantit�es of Hazardaus <br /> Substar�ces��at a�-e genera��r recog�ed to be a�pproprxate�o normal res%den�ial uses ma�a.tenar�ce of <br /> #�e 1'rope������.ding, �ut not�irr�ited to, h�arda�.s substa�.ces in consumer prflduc�s}. <br /> Borra�rer shall prvmpt�y g�.ve Lende�v�ritten no��ce of�a)any�nvesti.gation, c�.ai�n, dem�nd, l.awsuit a�other <br /> a�tion by any goverx�menta�ar regul.atflry agency or private part�y ix�v�Iv�g�ie Proper�y and any Ha�ardous <br /> Subst�nce or En.vironme�tal Lativ of which Borrower ha.s actual knowledge, �b]a�y Envi�oxaumen�al <br /> �ond�.t�an, inc�uding but n.ot Iirn�ted to, ar�y s���Iing, leakirig, dischaxge, rel�ase or th�-eat of re�ease flf any <br /> IIazardou.� Su�stance, ar�d�c� any�or�dxt�o�.caused by the presenc�, use ar release of a Ha.zard�us Subs�arice <br /> , whieh adv�rse�y affects�he value of�he�roper�y. If Borrower learns, ar is n��i�ied�y amy gov�x�men�al or <br /> �-egu��.�ory a�.�harity, o�any private party, �hat axiy rea�noval or other r�mediat�.an af any Ha,zardous Subst�.x�.ce <br /> affec�ing�.he�'raperty�s necessaxy, Borro�xrer sha��pram�p�Iy�ake a1I neeessary re�n.edia.�actio�.s�n <br /> accordance v�ri�li E�n.v�ronmen�al L�.w. I�Tothyr�.g�iere���ha�.I��-eate any o�bl�gati.or�on I,en�.er�or a.� <br /> En�r�.�-onme�ta��Ieanup. <br /> 1V�n=U r�if vrmi Co�e��nts. Borrower a�d Lende�covenant ar�d agree�:s f�I�ovvs: <br /> - 2 2. A cce�e rat io r�� Re m ed ies� L ender�hall gi�e not�ce to F orxower pa io�-to accelexat�an follo�g <br /> _ �orr�wer's breacl�of��y�ovenant or a.greement in this Secnraity��t�u��.ex�t(b�at n�t prio�t� <br /> acce�er�.tion under�ecti�n 1$w�l.ess Applic�ble La�v p�ov�des other�vise). T]h���t�ce shall specify: [a} <br /> the default; [b�the�.ctiom required to cure the default; �c} a date, not�ess th��3D days fram the d.ate <br /> th�noti�e is givea�t�I3orro�ver, by whic�i the c�efault must be cwrec�; and(d}��.t faa��re ta cure�.� <br /> defau.�.t on or befa�e the date spec�.fied in the n�$i�e ma�re�ult�acceleratio�:of t�e s�xms secu�re�i 1by <br /> thYs Secuur�t�]�uustru�nenfc and sale of t�e�rope�e 'I'he n�tice shall fux-�he�-xnform�orro�v�r of t�� <br /> rigl�t ta r��uu�ta�e a�ter acceleratia�anc�the r�.g�it to�ring a court ac�.��.t� �.sse�tixe no��gisten��af a <br /> defaul�or��.��fh�r d.�f�ns�af Earrov�ve�to ac�eleratt���and s�.Ze, If the d[efaul�i�not cur�d�an or <br /> �befare�he date spec�f'i�d in th�n�tice, Le�der at its op�ion m�.y require i�ri�d.��te�aymEent y�fixll�f <br /> a�l5uans secured by this Secur�ty Instrume�t�vithout furthe�d�manc�and m�y�vo�e th�pa�vve��f sal.e <br /> � and any�ther relned�.es perrn�tt�d by Appli�a:�le Law. JL�nde��hall be entitle�.to cnlle�t a.Il e�ex��es <br /> incurred in purs�ng th�rexmedies pravided iva.this Sec��n�2, �, ��t not limx.ted ta, �easomabl� <br /> attma�n.eys' fees an€i cost5 of title eviden�e. <br /> ]Cf the power of sale is invo�ed., Trustee shall recard a�ot�.ce af defa�t�n�a�h�oum�y�.�vhich any <br /> �art�f�e Pr�pert��s�ocated and�hal�Ynail c�pi�s af such noti�e�.n:�he�a��r�r�scri�ed.�y <br /> ��plica�le Y�a��v�orrov�er a�cl t�the�ther�e�-sv�s prescari��d��A��.ble I1aw, �fter fhe t�m� <br /> requYred.�h�A�pli�abl:�Law, '�rustee shall giV��ulblic n�tice of sale tv the per5��a�a�d iai th��a.r�er <br /> prescri�erl�y.A.��li�able]Ga�v, Truste�, �i.thou��.e��.nd on�orro�ver, sha�l sell the Pro�ex�ty a�pulblic <br /> aucti�on t�the bighest�idder at the time ancl p�ace and unde�the ter���e5�gnat�d�t�e no�ice�f sa�e <br /> in one or�rn.ore�a.rcels amd in amy arcl�r TruSt�e deter�ine5. Trustee�aay post�a�e�ale of�.�YY�r�.a�y <br /> pareel af the Prop�rty by publi�annauncement at the�ime a�d�la�e vf�.ny pre�iau�ly sc�eduled�ale. <br /> Lender�r its d.esig�ee�ay p�xrchase the P�-operty at a�.y sale. <br /> i�pan rece�ipt of�ayanent of the pri�e bid, T��tee shall deliver to the pur�haser Tru�tee's d�ed <br /> c.�nveyi.�g the Prop�rty. The rec�ital�iu the Trustee's d�ed shall be prim.a facie�vide�nce o�the tru��of <br /> the statem���ts�nade thereiu�. Trustee shall a�ply th�proc�ed�Qf t�ie sale i�n.�.e fo��v��g ar�.er: [a�to <br /> all co�t�an�l ex�pe�ase5���xercis�ng the p��rve�r�f s�.le, �ncl the�ale, �:n�.cluc�ing th��ay�a.e���f t�� <br /> T�x�tee's fee��.cit�x�.11��aar.curred and re�.sor��.�l�a�t���.�y��ff fees �.s��rmitt��by Ap�a�ic�.�le�aw; [���o <br /> �.�1 swn�.s�ecured:�y thi.s Secura�ty I�astr�en�; ancl(c� an�eg��ss to the persom�r��rsoms�ega�I� <br /> entitle�l fo it. <br /> 24Q�631Z <br /> NEBRASECA-Single Family-Fannie MaelFre�die Mac�N[FQRM lNSTRLlM ENT Fprm 3�28 1ta'f <br /> VN[P Q VMPG�NE�{'13�2} <br /> Utila[�ers Kl�w er Financial Ser�ices Page 14 a�F'I� <br />