<br /> i.n�e�'r��ex-�v��r�glzts under this Secur�ty Ins��n�; anc��c��takes such act��n as L.ender�nay
<br /> rea.�ona��.�r rec��r�t�assure t.�at Lender°s�.n.�e�es�i�a t�e 1'r�per�y a�a.d.rig�its un�er�iis S�curity In,stru.m�nt,
<br /> a.�d.�o�ower's abligation to�ay�he sums secured.�by th�s Secu�ity Instrumex�t, sh�all continue unchanged.
<br /> Len�.er may requ:�re that Borrovver pay such reinstatement sums axa�ex��nses Yn.one or more of the fal.l.�w�g
<br /> forms, as s�Iected by Lender: �a}cash, �b�m�ney orc�er; �c� eer��.f�ed check, bank c�ieck, treas�ux-�r's chec�Qr
<br /> cash�:er's check, pr�vided an.y�uch ch�ck is drawn upon.an�nstitu�ion�xrhose depos�ts are insured by a
<br /> federa.�age��y, instrumen�a�.i.ty or entxty; or�d)]E�ectroniic Funds T`ransfer. Up�n reinstate�ent by Borrower,
<br /> th�.s Securrty I-�strument a�.d obligat�nns secured hereby slia��remain fully�ffective a:�if no accelera�iorn had
<br /> accurred.. However, th�s r�.ght�a rei�.state shaJ.l not app�y�.ri�he case€�f acce�e�ation under Sect�on �8.
<br /> �D. S�i� �f No�e: Change of Laan Ser�i�er; N�tice of Gr�eva�ce, The N��e ar apar�al in�erest i-�.t�e
<br /> Note(toget�er�v��h t1�s Secur�ty I.-n.�t�t rument} can be so1c��r�e or mor�times w��out prior notice to
<br /> �orrawer. A s�e might re�ult�a change�n�e ent�ty��vvvx��the "�oan►�e�-vice�"}��t collec-�s Periadxc
<br /> 1'ay�ments c�ue ux�der the Note and�his 5ecur�ty][ns�rument a�.ci�erfQrms other m��gage loan s�rvicing
<br /> oblYgations�rider the IrTo�e, �his Secur�.ty Ins�ru�nent, ax�.d Appl�cable Law. There a1��might�e one or m.ore
<br /> changes af the Loaxi Servicer ur�re�ated�o a sal.e of#�ie No�e. If th�r�i�a change of#1z�Laan SerVicer,
<br /> Borrower wili b�gi.ven�v�-itt�n r��t�ce�f the chaange whieh wi�I s�a�e the name and�.ddress of the new Loaxa.
<br /> Servi.cer, the address�a�vh�ch payments sh�uld be xna.de a.n.d any a�her irifarmation RESPA requires i�
<br /> cannect�an with a n�tice of�ransfer of s�rvic�ng. If the Nate�s sold an:d�hereafter the Loan is�erviced by a
<br /> Loax�Serv�.cer other�Iian the purc�iaser of the Note, the r�nor�gage l.aan serv�cing ob��ga�ions�o Borravv�r�vz��
<br /> r��rnax.n�th�he I�oan Servicer or be transferre�l to�.successor Laan Serv�.cer anr�are�ot assumed by�he
<br /> Note pur�ha.�er�ess atherv�i�se pr�v�d.ed�by��e l�i�z�p�.rc�.as�r.
<br /> 1V exthe�-Bor�ower no�Lender may c��ence,j o�n, �r be j oined�o any jud�cial�.ct�.o��as e�.ther ax�.
<br /> �d.�vz�ua�1�tiga.mt Qr�he member�f a class��hat ar�ses from��ie��her pa�rty4 s actio�s pursuant to thi.s
<br /> Security Instrument or�hat al�.eges�hat the ather party has�breached an�pro�risian of, or ar�.y c�uty owec�by
<br /> reasan�f, this Security Ir�strument, un�i�.such Borrawer or Lender}�as notif ed tlie flther party(v�t�su�h
<br /> �:otx�e given in.cQm��iance wi�h.the requirements af Sectian 15} of such a�.�eged br�ach a�d afforded-�he
<br /> nther party hereto a reasanab�e per�ad after the givir�g of such n�tice t�take correc�ive act.�o�. If Applicab�e
<br /> Law prav�des a time per�od v�rhich must elaps�before certa:in action can be�a.ken, that t�.�me periad vvill be
<br /> deemed�a be reasonable for purposes of�Yus paxagraph. The natice of accel.era�ion axa.d apportur�ity to cure
<br /> g�ven�o BQxr�wer pursua�t t� S�ction�2 and the r�oti.ce of aceel.eratian g'�ven to Borrawer p�rsuant�o
<br /> Section 1$ sha1�.be deemed�o�ati,sfy�he not�e�and oppox�unity to�e correc�xve actia�pr��sior�s of�iis
<br /> Sec�ian��.
<br /> �'�x Na�ardaus Su�stances. As used��his Sec�on��: �a� "�a�aY�ous Substances"����1Q5�St1�5�aI10E5
<br /> defin�as�o�c ar ha.zardou.s substanees, pollutants, or was�es by Ex�viro�rnental L�.w and�.e fallowing
<br /> substa�ces: �asoli��, k�rasene, other flaml�riab�e or�oxic petroleum�roducts, toxic pestxc�.des anc�her��cides,
<br /> volat�Ie so�ve�xts, materials cor�tai-ning a:sbestos o�f�rma�deliyde, and rad:ioac�ve mat�r�a:�s; �b�
<br /> "�nvxYnnmen�al Law"means f�deral�aw�and�aws�f the jurzsd�.ction where the Praperty�s�ocated tha�
<br /> relate to h:ealth, safety�r envir�nm�ntal protec�i.Qn; �c� "���anrnentaZ C'leanu�"�:n�I.udes any res�on.se
<br /> act��n, rem�ci�.a:�a�t�on, or removal.action, as�efixa.ed in Enviranment�La-v�; ar��.[d� � ".�nvz�onrnental
<br /> C`onc�i�an"�ne�.n.s�.cand:ition that ca�.cause, con�ri�ute to, �r otherwi.se trigger ar.��r�v�ronm.en�a.��1e�nu�.
<br /> �3o�-�v�er sh�1�.no�ca�.se�r permit t�h:�g�r��ence, �xse; �.sp�sa.�, st��age, nr re�e�:s��f�y I���rdous
<br /> Su�starices, �r�ir�a�ex�to release a-�y-Haz�rcl.�us �ubs��.c�s, on or ix�the Proper�v. Bor�-�-v�er s�a1�i riat��,
<br /> r�ar allovv anvane e�se to do, any�hing affect�.g�.ie I'rop�r�y�a�tha��s in vi��at�on�f any]Env�ra�e�.�a1
<br /> Layv, [b)which�rea�e�an Env�ranme�tal�on.d.it�on, �r(c�which, due to th.e presence, �se, or release�f a
<br /> Hazardou� Substance, cr�ates a conditian that adv�rsely affec�s�.e va�ue af the Property. Th�pre�eding tw�
<br /> 24oas���
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannie�IaelFreddie Nlac LlN1F�RM ENSTR�MENT F�rrn 3Q28�10'!
<br /> VM P� VM PG�NE}��3�2}
<br /> UUolt�rs Kl�iw e�Fir�ancial Services Page�3 of�7
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