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��14�3754 <br /> inst�ument �rill remain �n effect unti� t�e Secured De�t� and a11 underlying agreements ha�e <br /> been te�minated in writing by Lende�. <br /> �. �II►4�C�MUI� ��LIGATI�N L�N�IT. Th� t�tal pr�ncipa� amaunt se�ured by t��s Security <br /> �nstrument at any �ne t�me and from time to time wi�� not exceed $�D�,4��.��. Any limitation <br /> of amount does not include �nterest and ❑th�r fe�s and cha�-ges �alid[y made pursuant t� this <br /> Secu�ity lnstrument. AIsQ, t�is �im�tat�on does nat apply ta advances made under the terms af <br /> this Security �nstrument to pr�tect Lender's security and t❑ perfarrn any af the cavenants <br /> cantained in this Secu�ity �nstrument, <br /> 3. SEClJRED D�BTS AND FUTUR� ADVANCES. The t��m "5ecured Dehts" inclu�es and t�is <br /> Security �nstrurnent w��[ secur� �ach vf th� f���awing: <br /> A. Specif�� Dehts. The folla�ving debts and all extens�vns, �-en�wa[s, ref�nan�ings, <br /> m�dificati�ns and repiace�-n�nts. A pramissory not� ❑r other agre�ment, Na. 7898�� dated <br /> Jun� �6, ���4, f�om Grantar ta Lend��-, with a l�an amaunt of $�5�,���.�D and maturing <br /> on June ��, 2D34. <br /> B. Future Advan�es. A�� futur� advances from Lend�r ta Grantor under th� Sp�cif�c Debts <br /> e�ecut�d by Grant�r �n favor �f Lender af�er th�s 5ecurity lnstrument, If rr�o�� than ane <br /> p�rsan signs this 5e�ur�ty Instrument, each agrees t1�at this S�curity lnstrum�nt �rvill secure <br /> a�l futu�e ad�ances that are g��en t� Grantar either ind��idually vr wit� ot�ers vvhv may nflt <br /> s�gn th�s Security �nstrument. A�1 futu�e advances are secured by this S�curity �nst�-u�ent <br /> e��n th�u�h a�� �r part may not yet be advanc�d, A�1 futur� advances ar� secur�d as �f <br /> r�r�ade �n the date of this �ecurity Instrument, Nathing in thl5 �ecur'rty �nstrum�nt sha�� <br /> canstitute a cammitment to make a�idit��na! flr future advances in any am�unt. Any such <br /> c�mmitment must be agreed �o in a sepa�at� wr�t�ng. ln the �vent that L�nde�-`fails ta <br /> pr�vid� any required natic� of th� right vf rescissi�n, Lender wai��s any su�sequent secur'rty <br /> int�rest in the Grantvr's pr�ncipa� dwel[ing that is creat�d by th�s Security lnstrument. This <br /> Secu�ity lnstrument wi�l n�t se�ure any �ther debt if Lender fai�s, wit� resp�ct tfl that athe�- <br /> debt, t� fu�f��� any ne�essary �-�quirem�nts ar- conf��m to any limitations af Regu[ati�ns � and <br /> � that are requ�r�d far Ivans secured by t�� Prap�rty. <br /> C. AI� ❑�bts, All present and future debts fram Grantor tv Lender, �ven if this �ecurity <br /> �nstrument is not specifically �efer�n��d, vr if the future debt is unrelated t� or �f a different <br /> type than �h�s debt. !f more than �ne person signs this Secu�ity �nstrument, �a�h agrees <br /> that it wi�� s��ure debts �n�urred either individua��y ar w�th others w�a may n�t ��gn this <br /> Security lnstrument, �othing in this Security �nst�ument cvnstitute� a cflmmitment ta make <br /> additiona� or future ��ans o� advances, Any such cflmmitment must he in writing, ln the <br /> e�ent that L�nder fai�s ta �r���de any requir�d notice �f the right flf rescissian, Lender <br /> wa�Wes any suhsequent s��urity int��est �n the Grantor`s p�rinc�pal dwelling that 'rs �r�ated hy <br /> this SeGurity instrument, This Security lnstrument will nat secure any debt fflr rrvhich a <br /> nan-passessary, nan-purcl�ase maney security int�rest is created in "hauseha[d goads" �n <br /> conne�t�on rnr�th a "cnnsum�r ��an," as those terms ar� def�ned by f�de�a� law g�Werning <br /> unfa�r and decept�ve cr�dit pract��es. T�is Security lnstrument vvi�l not secure any debt fvr <br /> �n��n a security interest is created in "margin st�ck" and Lender does nat abta�n a <br /> "stat�ment ❑f pu�p�se," as defined and required by fed�ra� law gove�-n�ng securities. This <br /> Se�urity [nst�ument will n�t secu�e any flth�r debt �f Lend�r fa�ls, w�th respect ta that �ther <br /> debt, to fu�fi{1 any necessa�y requ�rements �r cvnform t� any limitations �f Regu�ations � and <br /> X that are requ�red f�r [oans s�cured �y the Prflperty. <br /> D. Surr�s Advanced. All sums advanced and expenses in�urred hy L�nder under the terms of <br /> th�s S�curity lnst�ument. <br /> 4. PAY1111EiVTS. Grant�r agrees that all payments under th� Secured Debts w��l be pa�d when <br /> due and in aGc�rdance w�th the terms flf the S�cure� f�ebts and this Secur[ty Instrument. <br /> 5. �ARRAIVTY �F T1TLE. Grant�r warrants that G�-ant�r is or will he lawfu��y seized flf th� <br /> estate con�eyed by this S�curity ��st�ument and has th� right t� irre�ocably g�-ant, con�ey and <br /> seIl the Prope�ty to Trustee, in trust� Wit� poWer �f sale. Granta� a�sv wa�rants that the <br /> Pr�perty is unencumbered, except f�r en�umbrances vf rec�rd, <br /> �. PR1DR SE�UR�TY INTERESTS. �lVith re�ard t� any �ther martgag�, deed �f trust, secu�ity <br /> ag�-ee�ent ar other lien document that created a privr secur�ty interest ar en�umbranc� on the <br /> Pr�perty, Grantar agrees: <br /> �4. To rnake all paym�nts when due and to perform �r c�mply with aIC c��enants. <br /> B, T� prampt�y de[�ver to Lender any nvtices that Grantflr r�ce��es f�-om the n�ld�r. <br /> G. Not ta a�low any modification or extens�nn of, n�r tv request any future ad�an�es under <br /> any not� or agr�ement secured by th� li�n da�ument v�rith�ut Lender's pria� vtirr�tten cansent. <br /> 7. CLA�MS AGAINST T[TLE. �rantar will pay a[� taxes, assessments, �iens, �ncum�rances, <br /> lease pay�ents, g�ound rents, utilit�es, and �ther charges �e�ating tfl the Prop�rty wh�n due, <br /> JAMES R JANDA <br /> Nebraska Deed❑#Trus# <br /> NE14AM�5EMAN��Q�O����Op574�5��fi�314N Wolters�€luwer Financial 5er�ices��99fi,2Q�4 Bankers Page 2 <br /> 5ystems�''" <br /> �� - <br /> _ � � �� <br /> �� � <br /> � <br /> � � r <br /> s � � � <br /> �� � <br /> a <br />