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��14�3�9� <br /> LC7AN#:3DD114D59�92 <br /> if Lender sti�f held the Se�urity�ns#rument,�ach mc�nthly payment�hall also include either:�i}a sum <br /> for the annuai mortgage insurance premium to be paid by Lender to�he Secretary, vr�ii}a monthly <br /> charge instead v�a mvrtgage insuran�e prem�um if th�s Se�urity Instrument is held by the 5ecr��ary,in a <br /> reas�nable amount to be deterrnined by the 5ecretary.Except for the manthly charge by#he Secretary, <br /> these items are�afled"Escro►n��tems"and the sums paid to Lender are called"Es�row Fur�ds." <br /> Lende�-may,at any time,c�!lect and h�Ed amounts�or Escrow Items in an aggregate amount no##v <br /> exceed the maximum amount that may be required�vr Borrower's escraw accaunt under the Real Esta�e <br /> Settlem�nt Procedures Act of 19?4, 12 U.S.C. Section 25a� ef seq.and implementing rec�ulations,24 <br /> �FR Part��24,as they may be amended from time to time{"RESPA"},except that the�ushivn or reserve <br /> pemnitted by RESPA far unan#icipated d�shursements or disbursem�nts befiare the gorrvwe�-'s payments <br /> are availa�ie in the accoun#may not b�based vn amaunts due for the mortgage insurance premEurn. <br /> , Ifthe amounts heid by Lenderfor Escrow�tems exceed the amaunts permitted to be heid by RESPA, <br /> Lender shall account�a Borrower far the excess funds as r�quired by RESPA. If the amoun#s of funds <br /> held by Lender at any ttme is not suffici�nt to pay#he Escraw Items when due,Lender may notify the <br /> B�rrvwer and require Borrower to make up the shortage as permitted by RESPA. <br /> The Escrow Funds are pledged as additinnaf secur[ty for ail sums secured by this Security lnstrument.I� <br /> Barrvwer tenders to Lender the ful!payment of all su�h sums,Barrawer's a�coun#shall be credi�ed with the <br /> ba�ance remaining for a�l ins#al�msnt i#ems�a},�b},and�c}and any mortgage insurance premium�nstallment <br /> that Lender has not becvme vbi�gated to pay�v#he Se�retary,and Lender shall promptly refund any excess <br /> �unds to Borrower.lmmediately prior to a foreclasure sale of the Property or its acqu isition by Lender,Borrower's <br /> a�caunt shall be�redi�ed with any balance remaining�or all instal�ments fvr items�a},�b},and��}. <br /> 3. Ap�liGation ofi Payments.A�1 payments under paragraphs�and�shall be applied by Len�sr <br /> as follows: <br /> First,to the mortgage insurance premium to be paid by Lender tv�he Se�r�tary or ta the manthly <br /> charge by the Sec�etary instead of th�manthly mortgage insurance premium; <br /> Se�ond,to any taxes,special assessments, leasehold payment�or groun� rents,and fire,flvod <br /> and other hazard insurance premiums,as require�; <br /> Third,ta interest due under the Note; <br /> Fourth,to amortization vf#he principa!of the Note;and <br /> Fifth,to late charges due under the Note. <br /> 4. Fire,Flvad and�her Hazard Insurance.Borrower shali insur�ail�mprovements on the Praperty, <br /> whether naw in existencs or subsequently�rected, against any hazards, casualties, and cvn#ingencies, <br /> inc�uding�re,for whi�h Lender requEres insuran�.This insurance shall be maintained tn the amounts and <br /> for the�eriods that Lender requires.Borro�uver shall alsa'rnsure all�mpro�ements on the Property,whether <br /> nvw in existence ar subsequently ereeted,against lass by flvads tv the ex�ent required by the Secretary.A!I <br /> insurance shall be carried wEth�ompanies approved by L�nder.The insuran�e pvlicies and any renewals sha!! <br /> be held by Lender and shal�include[oss�ayable�lauses in fav�r of,and in a form acceptable to,Lender. <br /> In the e�ent of�oss,�orrvwe�sha11 gi�e Lender immediate notice by mail.Lender may make proof <br /> vf ioss if not made promptCy by Borrower.Each insurance campany concerned is hereby autharized and <br /> directed to make payment for such�vss directly to Lender,instead of to Barrawer and to Lender�ointly.All <br /> or any part o�#he insurance pro�eeds may be applied by Lender,at its op#ion,either 4a}to the reduction <br /> of th�Endebtedness unde�fhe Nate and th�s�ecu�-i#y lnstrument,frst to any delinquent amvun#s applied <br /> in the order in paragraph 3,and#h�n tv prepayment of principal,ac�b}to#he restoratian or repair of the <br /> damaged Property.Any application vf the proceeds tv the principal shall not extend or po�tpvne the <br /> due date of the monthly payments which are re�erred ta in paragraph 2,vr change the amount vf su�h <br /> payments.Any exc�ss insurance proceeds o�er an amaunt required to pay aii outstanding indebtedness <br /> under the Note and this Security#nstrument shall be paid to�he entity legafly entitled thereto. <br /> !n the event of foreclosure of this Security lnst�um�nt or other transfer o�tifle to the Property that <br /> extin�uishes the indebtedness,a��right,title and interest of 6arrower in and to insurance pvlicies in far�e <br /> sha�!Rass to the purchaser. <br /> 5. �ccupancy, Preser�a�ian, Maintenance and Pratectian of the Property; Borrower's <br /> Laan Applicativn;Leas�hvlds.Bvrrvwer sha!!vccupy,estab�ish,and use t�e Property as Barrawer's <br /> principal residence within sixty days after#he execution af this�ecur�ty Instrument�or within six#y�ays <br /> of a fater sale or#ransfer af the Proper#y}and shall continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's <br /> p�incipal residence for at�east flne year after the date of o�cupancy, unless Lender determin�s that <br /> requirement will cause undue hardship fo�Bo�rawer,or unless extenuating circumstan�es e�cist which <br /> are�eyond Barrovver's contrvl.Borrower shall natify Lend�r of any extenuating�ircumstances.BoRower <br /> shaii not commit waste or des#roy,damage or substan�Eally change the Property vr allow the Property#o <br /> deteriarate,reasvnable wear and tear exr,epted.Lender may insp��t the Praperty if the Prvperty is�a�ant <br /> or abandoned ar the Ivan is in de�ault.Lender may take reasonable actian ta prvtect and preserve such <br /> vacant or abandon�d Praperty.Borrvwer shail also be in default if Bor�awe�,during the loan applica�ion <br /> pro�ess, gave materially false vr inaccurate in�ormation or statements to Lender(or failed ta provide <br /> Lender with any material infvrmation}in connectivn with the laan e�idenced by the IVvte,including,bu# <br /> not limited ta,representat�ons concerning Bvrrower's occupancy of the Property as a pr�ncipal residence. <br /> lf this Security fnstrument is on a leasehold,Barrawer shall comply with the pro�isivns of th 1�,ase. If <br /> �.' . <br /> , <br /> FHA Nebraska Deed of Trust-419fi �C1ltlal� <br /> EiEie M�e,lnc. Page 3 of 7 NEEF NEEFHADE <br /> QGI�312014 D2:03 PM PST <br /> .. <br /> 1 <br /> � <br />