<br /> LQAN#:3DD'�'14D59�92
<br /> ex�s#ing under the laws of Qhio,
<br /> and has an address o� 4 Swmmit Park Dri�e,Suite ZDa,Independenc�,QH 4413'I. �
<br /> Borrower owes Lender#he principal sum of C3NE HUNDRED EIGHTY N1NE TH�USAND TV��
<br /> HUNDRED FQRTY THREE AND N�1'�D�**************Dtillars�IJ.S. $'189,24�.D0 }.
<br /> This debt is e�idenced by 6arrower's nate dated the same date as this Se�urity Instrumen��"Note"},
<br /> which provides for monthly paymen�s, with the fu!! debt, if nvt paid earlier, due and payable on
<br /> July 1,2Q44. The�ene�ciary of this�ecurity lnstrument is MERS�svlely as
<br /> nominee for Lender and Lend��'s successors and ass�gns}and�he successars and assigns of MERS.
<br /> This S�curity Ins#rument secures to Lend�r:�a}th�repayment vf#h�debt e�idenced by the Nvte,with
<br /> interest,and all renewals,extensi�ns and modifications of�he Note;(b}the payment of all other sums,
<br /> ►►vith�nterest,ad�anced under paragraph 7 to protect the security�'f this Security Instrument;and�c}the
<br /> perFormance❑f 8vrrower's ca�enants and agreements under this Security Instrument and�he Note.For
<br /> #his purpas�, Borrower irreva�ably grants and can��ys to the Trustee, in trust,w��h power a�sale,th�
<br /> #ollvwing describ�d prop�rty ivcated in Hall Caun#y,Nebraska:
<br /> APN#: 4�0'�G1842
<br /> which has#he address af 414�Montana A�e,Grand Island,
<br /> [Street,City],
<br /> Nebraska B8$D3 �"Property Address"}t
<br /> [�ip Gode]
<br /> T�GETHERVIJiTH al�the imp�ovements nowor hereafter erected on the praperty,and a!f easements,
<br /> appurtenan�es and fxtures nvw or hereafter a pa�t af the properky.All�eplacements and additians sha�l
<br /> a�so be cavered by this Security Instrument.A!!of the faregving is r�ferre�to in this Security lnstrurnent
<br /> as the"Property.� Borrower understands and agrees that MERS holds only fegal ti#!e to the interests
<br /> granted by Borrower in this Security Instrument,but,if necessary ta comply with lar�v or custnm,MERS
<br /> �as naminee for Lender and Lend�r's su�cessnr-s and assigns}has the right:to exercise an�ar all of
<br /> those interests,incfuding,hut not�imited to,the r�ght to foreclose and sell the Properly;and to�ake any
<br /> activn required of Lender in�ludin�,but n�t limi�ed to,releasing and cancel�ng this Se�urity Instrument.
<br /> B�RR�111lER C�VENANTS#hat Bvrrower is lawfully seized vf the estate hereby conveyed and
<br /> has the right to grant and convey the Proper�.y and �hat the Pr�perty is unencumbered, exc.�pt for
<br /> encumbran�es ofi record.gorrovrrer warrants and will defend generally the title to the Prvperty against
<br /> all claims and demands,subje�t ta any encumbrances�f re�ord.
<br /> THiS SECURlT1� INSTRUMENT cambines uniform co�enants for nationa� use and non-uniform
<br /> co�enants with lim�ted variatians by jurisdictian tv canstitute a unifarm security instrument cv�ering r�al
<br /> prflperty.
<br /> Borrawe�an�Lender�o�enant and agree as follows:
<br /> '!. Payment of Principal,interest and Late Charge.Bvrrvwer shali pay when due the principal
<br /> ❑f,and interest on,the deb�e�idenced by the Nate and late charges�ue under the Note.
<br /> 2, Monthly Payment of Tax�s,�nsurance and�ther Charges.gorrower shall Enclude in each
<br /> mon�hl�payment,�agether with the principa!and interest as se#forth in the Nate and any fate charges,
<br /> a sum for�a}taxes and speGial assessments le�ied or to be levied aga�nst the Property,�b}leas�hold
<br /> payments or g�aund rents❑n the Prvperty,and(�}premiums fvr insuran�e required und�r parasraph 4.
<br /> In any year En which the Lend�r mus#pay a martgage irtsurance prem�um to the Secretary of Housing
<br /> and Urban Develv�ment�"Sec�etary"},or in any�ea�in which such premium v+►ould ha�e be n r quired
<br /> ��= ��
<br /> .,
<br /> FHA Neh�aska Deed of T�ust-419fi 1111tIa�S'
<br /> Eflie Mae,i�c. Page 2 of 7 NEEF NEEFHADE
<br /> Dfil�312014 D2:43 PM RST
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