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��14�3��5 <br /> in�eres�fram th� date of disbursemen�at�he Note ra��and shaI��ae payable,wr�h in�erest, upon notice from Lender <br /> �a Barro�ver reques�ing payment. <br /> Mortgage �nsurance. If Lender required mor��age insurance as a condition of makYnb the Ioan s�cured by �his <br /> Secur��y �nstrument, Borrawer shall pay the premiums required to maintain�he martgage insurar�ce in effect, If, for <br /> any reason, the rnor��a�e insurance covera�e required by Lender �aps�s or ceases �a be in effec�, Borrower shaii <br /> pay the premiu�-ns required �o ab�ain ca�era�� substan�ial�y eyui�alen� �� �he mor��a�e insurance pre��ously �n <br /> effect, a� a cas� substan��a�1y equi�a�en� to th� cast �o Borrower af�he mor�ga�e insurance prev�ously �ri effec�, <br /> from an a�terna�e martga�e insurer appraved by Lender. �f substan��aily eau�Walent mort�age insurance coverage �s <br /> no� avai lable, Borr�wer shall pay to Lend�r each mon�h a sum equal ta one-t�elft� af �he y�ar�y mort�abe <br /> insurance premium bei��paid by Borrower v�h�n the insurance c�verage lapsed or ceased�a be in effec�. Lender <br /> Wvill accep�, use and re�ain �hese paymen�s as a lflss r�ser�e in lieu af mar�gage �nsurance. Loss res�r�e payments <br /> may na Ianger be re�ui�ed, at the option of Lender, if mortgage xnsurance �overage �in the axnount and for �he <br /> p�r�od tha� Lender requires� prov�ded by an insurer appro�ed�y Lender a�ain becomes a�ai�able and �s abtained. <br /> Borrovver shall pay the premiums required�o maintain m�r�ga�e insurance �n effec�, or to pra�ide a �ass reser�e, <br /> un��� �he requ�rement for mort�age insuranc� ends Yn acc�rdance with any vvrit�en agree�nent b��we�n Borrawer <br /> and t,ender ar Applicable Law. <br /> �nspec��on. Lender ar Y�s agen� may make �easonable en�ries upon and inspect�oris of�he Prop�r�y. Lender sha11 <br /> gi�e Borrov�rer noti�e a�the t�me af or pr�or to an Ynspec�ion spec�fying reasonab�e cause for�he inspectian. <br /> Condemna�ifln. The proceeds af any avvard or claim for damages, drrec�or cansequentia�, in connec�ian wi�h any <br /> condemnation ar oth�r takinb of any part�f�he Property, or far conW�yance in Iieu of candemna�ion, are hereby <br /> assigned and shall be pa�d ta Lender. <br /> In �he event af a �o�al taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be appl�ed �a �he sums secured by th�s Security <br /> Instrument, whe�her or no� �hen due, wvi�h any excess paid to Borrawer. In �he event of a par�ia� tak�ng of�he <br /> Proper�y ir� u�hi�h the fair market Walue of the Property immedia�e�y before �he taking is equaI �o or greater�han <br /> �h� amount of the sums secured by �hxs Security �ns�rumen� immediately b�far� �he taking, unless Barrower and <br /> Lender o�her�ise a�ree in writin�,the sums secured by this Securi�y Instrumen�shal] be r�duced by the amount of <br /> the proceeds rnul�ipl�ed by the follav�ing frac�ian: �a�the tota� amoun� of t�e sums secured immediately before th� <br /> �akin�, di��ded by �b� th� fair marke� value of�he Property immed�a�e�y befare the �ak�n�. Any ba�ance shal� be <br /> pa�d �a B�rrovver. In the e�ent of a par�ial takinb of the Proper�y �n wh�ch �he fair marke� �a�ue af the Praper�y <br /> im�r�ediateIy before the �akYng �s �ess �han �he amoun� �f�he su�ns secur�d imrnedia�ely b�fare �he taking, uniess <br /> Borrower and Lend�r��herv�ise agr�e rn wri��ng ar uniess AppIicable Law a�herwise pro��des, the proceeds sha�l <br /> be applied to�he sums secured by�hrs Securi�y Ins�rumen�w�e�her or no��he sums are�hen due. <br /> If�he Property is abandoned by Barrower, or if, af�er no�ice by Lender�o Borro�er tha�the condemnor offers �o <br /> �r�ake an award or s��I� a cla��n for damages, Borrov�er fails t�respand�a Lender vvithin the min�mum nurnb�r of <br /> �ays e��abIished by Applicable Uaw after�he date the notic� rs�xven, Lender is author��ed�a coilec�and apply��e <br /> proceeds, a� i�s ap�ion, either �a res�aration �r repair af the Properry Qr to �he sums secured by �h�s Security <br /> Instrume�€t, v�he�her ar no�then due. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower o�herwise abree in wr��in�, any appIication of proceeds to principa� shall no�ex�end <br /> or pos�pone the due da�e of the payments t-eferre� to in fihe sect�on �i�1ed Payment of Pr�nczpa� and �nteres�; <br /> Prepaymen�and La�e�harges or chang�fhe amount of such paymen�s. <br /> B�rrovver No� Released; Forbear�nce Sy Lender Not a Wai�er. Extens�an af �he �ime for payment ar <br /> mod�fcation of amor�i�ation of�he sums se�ured by this Seeuri�y Ins�-ument �ran�ed by Lender�a Borro�er ❑r <br /> any successor in Yn�eres� of Borrov�er sha�l no� opera�e �a reIease �he Iiabili�y of �he ori�inal Borrower or <br /> Bflrrawer's su�cessars in interest. Lender shall no�be reauired to commen�e proceedinbs agains�any successar in <br /> interest ar refuse��extend time for payment or o�herwise modify amar�i�a�ion af the sums s�cured by th�s Secur��y <br /> Instrumen� by reas4n of any demand made by �he orig�nal Borro�er flr Borrav�er's successars �n in�erest. Any <br /> fflrbearan�e by Lender in �xerclsinb any r��ht or remedy shal� no�be a wai�er af or preclude the exercise of any <br /> ribh�or�remedy. <br /> Succe�sor5 and Assigns �aund; Join� and Se�era� L�abi�ity; Acc�mmoda�ian Signers. The �a�enants and <br /> a�r�emen�s of�his Securi�y �nstrument shai l bind and benef���he successors and assigns of Lender and B�rra�ver, <br /> subject �o th� pravisions of section ���led TranSfer of �he Pr��er�y ar a Beneficial �n�eres� in Borro�vc�er. <br /> Bflrrawer's covenants and agreements sha�l be join�and severat. Any person v�ha caWsi�ns thYs Security �ns�rument <br /> bu� does na� execu�e the N�te �"Accom�mQdatian S�gner"�: �a} is c�-sibninb th�s Security Instrum�n� �nly �o <br /> mor-tgage, gran� and convey that Acc�mmodat�on S�gner's �nterest in �he Praperty under the�erms af�he Security <br /> Ins�rument; �b� is n��persana�ly abl�ba�ed�o pay the sums secured by�his Securi�y �nstrumen�; and�c} agrees tha� <br /> Lender and any other Borrower may agree to e�tend, modify, forbear or make any accommoda�ians�vrth regard�a <br /> the terms of�his Securi�y �ns�rumen�or�he No�e wi�hou��ha�Ac�ommodation S�bner's consent. <br /> Loan �harbes, �f�he laan secured by this Secur��y Ins�rument is sub�e�� to a law which se�s max�mum Iaan <br /> charges, and �hat lavv is finai�y interpre�ed so �hat the in�eres�or other Ioan charges coilec�ed or ta be collected in <br /> connec��on �vit� the l�an exceed the permit�ed Iimits, �hen: �a} any such Ioan char�e shal] b� reduced by the <br /> a�r�ount necessary �o reduce the char�e �a th� permit�ed limi�s and �b} any suar�s already co��e��ed from Borrower <br /> which exceeded perm��ted Iimits ��ll be refunded t� Borrawer. Lender 1-nay choose �� make this refund by <br /> reducin� the pr�ncipai owed under �he Note or by making a direct payment ta Borrower. �f a refund reduces <br /> pr�ncipaI,�he reduction�i�i be trea�ed as a par��aI prepaymen�v�i�h�ut any prepayment charbe under�he Note. <br /> Q 20D4-?41 a Com�liar�ce Systen}s,Inc.9F9G-44A6-24 t 3L2.4.721 <br /> Cor�sumer Real Estate-5ecurity Inst�rrter�t DL�D�G �'age 3 of 5 www,corr��liancesyst� <br />
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