<br /> Applicat�nn �f P�ymen�s. Unless App�i�abl� Law prQ��d�s other`nrYse, al� payments rece��ed by Lender shaX� be
<br /> appi ied: first, to an� prepayment char�es due under the Note; second, to �n�erest due; th�rd, to principa� due; and
<br /> las�,�o any late char�es due under�he N�te.
<br /> Charges; Liens. B�rrower sha�i pay al� �axes, ass�ssn�ents, char�es, fines and impos���ans at�ributable �o �he
<br /> �
<br /> Proper�y v�hich may atta�n priori�y over th�s Security I�s�rument, and leasehold paymen�s ar�round rents, if any.
<br /> Borro�ver sha��pay�hese obli�ations on time and d�re���y�o�he person owed paymen�. At�he request of Lender,
<br /> BorrQvver sha��promp��y furnish to Lender receipts evidenc�ng the paymen�s.
<br /> Barrov�er sha��promptly discharbe any �ien wh�ch has priori�y a��r�his Security Ins�rument unless Sorrawer: �a�
<br /> a�rees iz� writzng ta �he paymen� af the obli�a�ion secured by the X�en in a manner accep�ab�e tfl Lender; �b�
<br /> con�es�s in go�d �aith th� Iien by, or defends a�a�nst enforcement of�he Iien 7n, lega� pra�eedin�s which in the
<br /> Lender's opi�x��on operate to prevent the enfor��ment af the �ien; or �c� secures from the ho�der of the l�en an
<br /> . a�r�emen� sat�sfac�ary�o Ler�der subard�natin�the �ien to this Security I�strument. If Lender determ�es that any
<br /> par� af the Praperty is subject to a l�en which may at�ain �rrority o�er th�s Security Instrument, Lender may gi�e
<br /> Barrowe� a notice identifyin��he l�en. Barro�er sha�l sat�sfy the �ien or take one ar more of�he actions s�t fnrth
<br /> above wi�hzn ��days of th��i�in�of notice.
<br /> H��arc� �r Praperty In�u rance. B�rrower sha�� keep �he impro�emen�s naw exxst��b or h�r�after erec�ed an the
<br /> Praper�y �ns�ared abazns��oss by fire,hazards �nc�uded with�n the term "ex�ended ca�era��" and any other hazards,
<br /> �n�luding fla�ds or f�oodin�, for which t,ender requires insurance. This insura.nce sha�i be main�ained in �he
<br /> arnounts and fo�r the per�ods that Lende�r reQuires. The insurance carrie�pr�vidin�the insurance shall be chosen by
<br /> B�r�-ovver s�bject t� Lender's approva� v�h�ch sha�� nfl� be unreasonably wYthh�ld. �f Borrawer fa�ls �o nlain�ain
<br /> cov�rabe d�scrzbed aba�e, Lender may, at Lender's �ption, obtain �o�era�e to protect Lender's rz�h�s in the
<br /> Proper�y in accflrdance with sec�i�n t�t��d Pr��ection flf Lender�s R�gh�s in the Proper�y.
<br /> Al� insurance pa�xci�s and re�ewals shall be accep�able �o Lender and shaI� include a s�andard mor��a�e c�ause.
<br /> Lender shall have the ri�ht�o�o�d the pa�icies and �renewals. If Lender requires, Borrow�r shali pr�mptly �ive ta
<br /> Lender a�l re�e�p�s �f paid premiums and renewa� n�tic�s. In the event af�oss, Borro�er shall �iv�p�-omp�no�ice
<br /> to the �nsurance carrier and Lender. Lender n-�ay make p�-oof af loss if no�mad�prornptly by Borrawer.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower othervv7se ag�ree in writ�ng, insurance pr�ceeds shal� be applied ta res��ra�ion ar
<br /> repa�r �f the Praperty dama�ed, if, in Lender's s�le dis�retion, the resto�-a��an ar repair is econom�cally feasib�e
<br /> and Lender's s�curity �s no� �essened. If, �n Lender's sole discretion, the restoration or repair is na� ec�nomically
<br /> feasib�e or Lender's security w�uld be less�ned,��e ins�rance praceeds Sha11 be appl�ed to�he sums secured by�his
<br /> Security Instrum�n�, whether or not then due, w��h any excess paid to Sor�ower. If Borrower abandons the
<br /> Property, ar does n�t answer wi�hrn the numbe�of days prescribed by Applicable Law as se�for�h in a notice fron-�
<br /> L�nder to Borrov�er that the insurance carrier has offered to settle a claim, �hen Lender may c��lect the insurance
<br /> proceeds. Lender may use the praceeds �a repair or restore �he Proper�y or�t� pay sums secured by th�s Securxty
<br /> Instrum.en�,�hether or not�hen due. The perzod�f�ime for BQrraw�r to answer as se�for�h in the not�ce wi��be�zn
<br /> when the notice�s b��en.
<br /> Unless;Lender and Barrower a�herwise a�ree in wri��rtg, any app�icatian af proceeds�a princ�pa� shall not�xtend
<br /> or pos�ptine the du� date af�he paymen�s referred �o in �he section ti��ed Payment o� Principai and xnterest;
<br /> Pr�paymen� and Late �harge� or change�he amount of the paymen�s. zf under�he section ���led Accelera���n;
<br /> Remedies, the Praperty is acquired by Lender, Borrow�r's ri�ht t� any insurance pol�cies and proceeds resuitinb
<br /> fro� daxna�e to�he Praper�y pri�r to the ac�u�si�ion shall pass to Lender��the extent af the sums secured by�his
<br /> Secur��y Ins�rumen�i.mmedia�e�y prx�r t��he acqu�s�tzan.
<br /> Pr�ser��txfl�, Main�enance and Pro�ect�on �f the Prope�ty; gvrro�ver's Loan Applicat�on; LeasehQ�ds.
<br /> Borrawer shai� no�destroy, darna�e or impa�r�he Property, a�low the Praper�y�o deter�orate, ar camn-���waste on
<br /> �he Property.Borrower shall be in default�f any farfei�ure ac�ion or praceedin�,vvhether��vil or crim�na�, is b��un
<br /> �hat �n Lender's ��od faith�udbmen� could r�sul� �n forfe��ure of�he Property ar o�herwise mater�aily impa�r �he
<br /> lien crea��d by �his Securi�y Instr.umen� or Lender's securi�y �nterest. Borrower m�ay cure such a default and
<br /> reins�ate, as �ro�ided �n sec��on t��Ied Borrowerts R�g�t to R�ins�a�e, by causin��h� ac��an or pr�ceedin��fl be
<br /> dism�ss�d w��h a ru�z.nb�hat, in Lender's goad fai�h determinat�on,precludes farfei�ure of the �orrower's in�erest in
<br /> the Property or oth�r ma�erial impairmen� of the l�en created by this Secur�ty Instrumen� flr Lender's se�urity
<br /> �nteres�. Borr�wer shall also be in default if Bor�ower, durin��he Iaan appI ica��on process,�a�e ma�e�ial�y fals�or
<br /> inaccura�e information or sta��ments ta Lender �or fai�ed �o pro��de Lender w�t� any tnaterial �nformati�n} in
<br /> con�ecti�n wi�h the ��an e�idenced by �he Not�. �f this Secur��y �ns�rument is on a �easeha�d, Sorrower shall
<br /> corx�ply w�th a�l the pro�isions�f the �ease. �f Borrower acqu�res f�e�itle�o the Prop�rty,the �easeho�d and�he fee
<br /> title shal�no�merge unless Lender agrees�o�he mer�er in writ�n�.
<br /> Prv�ectxon of Lender's R�ghts in the Praper�y. If Borrower fai�s ta perfarm �he cavenan�s and a��eemen�s
<br /> �onta�ried in this Security �nstrumen�, or�he�-e �s a Ie�aI proceed�n��hat may s��,nif can��y affect Lender's r��hts in
<br /> the Proper�y (such as a praceed�ng in ban.�rup�cy, pr�bate, f�r Conden�na�ion o�r farfei�ure ar ta enforce laws or
<br /> re�ulations�, then Lend�� �may do and pay for vvhatev�r is �e�essary �o pro�ect the �alue of�he Proper�y and
<br /> Lender's r��h�s in the Proper�y. Lender's ac�zons may inc�ude pay�ng any sums secured by a��e��vhich has pr�ority
<br /> o�er�his Securi�y�nstrumen�, appearYng in cour�, paying reasona�Ie attorn�ys'fees and enterin��n the Proper�y to
<br /> make repa�rs.Ai�hou�h Lender may�ake act�an under thxs section,Lender does nflt ha�e�o do so.
<br /> Any amaunts disbursed by Lender under thi� section shall became additional debt �f Borr�wer se�ured by this
<br /> Security �ns�rument. Unless Borrow�x and Lender agree tfl ��her terms of payment, these amounts shal� bear
<br /> C�2dQ4-2013 Complian�e Systexns,lnc.9F95-44A6-�413L2.�.721
<br /> Consumer Rea�Estate-Security Ir�strumer�t DL2436 �a�e�of 5 www,�ampliar�cesyster�s.corr�
<br />