<br /> Applicable I�aw. As used �n th�s Secur�ty �ns�rument, �he term "App�icable Law" shall mean all control�in�
<br /> applicable federal, s�ate and �oca� sta�utes, reguiations, ardinances and administrative ru�es and arders ��ha� have
<br /> the�ffect af�aw}as wel�as al�applicable fina�,nan-appealable jud�c�a��p�nians.
<br /> �h�rbes; L�ens. Bor�ower shal� pay a1I taxes, assessmen�s, char�es, fines and impos���ons at�ribu�able �o the
<br /> Property which may attain priority over�his Securi� Instrument, and leaseho�d payments �r �round r�nts, if any.
<br /> A��he request af Lender, Barrow�r shall promp��y furnish�o Lender r�ceipts e�id�ncin��he pay�-�ents.
<br /> Sorr�wer sha�� pron�pt�y d�schar�e any ��en v�hi�h has priari�ty o�er th is Security �ns�rum�ent uniess Borrow�r: (a}
<br /> a��r�es �n writin� ta the payment af the ab�i�ati�n secured by the 1 ien in a man�ner accep�able t� L�nder; (b�
<br /> co�tests in �ood fa�th the lien by, �r defends agaxnst enfarcemen� of the l�en in, Ie�a1 proceed�n�s wh�ch in the
<br /> Lender's op�nian opera�e ta preWen� the enfarcemen� of�he l�en; or �c} secures from the ho lder of the ��en an
<br /> a�r�eement satisfac�ory to Lender subordina�in�the l�en to �his 5ecur��y �nstrumen�. �f L�nder determ�n�s that any
<br /> par� of the Proper�y is subj ec� �� a 1�en which may attaxn priar�ty ��er this Security �ns�r�men�, Lender may �i�e
<br /> BorrovWer a notx�e ident�fy�ng the 1�en. Bor�row�r shall sa�isfy �he Iien or t�ke one or m�re af the a���ans set fo�h
<br /> above w�th�n �Q days of�he�i��n�of notic�.
<br /> Hazard or Proper�� in�urance. Borrawer shal� keep the impro�e�-nents n�w ex�s�in� or hereaf�er erected on the
<br /> Prape�-ty insured a�ains� loss by f re,hazards included wi�hin the��rm "extended c��era�e" and any ather hazards,
<br /> inc�udi.n� floods or flood�ng, for v�hich Lender reau�res �nsurance. This insurance sha�l be main�a�ned �n the
<br /> amounts and for the periods that Ler�der requires. The �nsura�ce carrie�-provid�ng the insurance shal� be chosen by
<br /> Barrower subject ta Lender's appraWa� which shal� na� be un.reasanably w��hheld. If Barravver fails �a maintain
<br /> co�era�e described abflve, Lender may, at Lend�r's op�ian, obta�n �o�erage �o pro�ec� Lender`s r��hts �n �he
<br /> Pr�per�y in accordance with sectian ti�ied Prote���an of Lender's �ibh�s x� the Property.
<br /> Ali insuran�e policies and renewa�s shal� }�e aeceptab�e to Lender and sha�l include a standard m�r��a�e clause.
<br /> Lender sha��have th�ri�h�to ha�d the pol�cies and r�newals. �f Lender requires, Borrawer sha�l pron-�ptly �ive to
<br /> Ler�der a�� receip�s af paid prem�ums and renewai na��ces. In the e�ent of loss, Borr�wer shall �ive promp�na��ce
<br /> �o the insurance carrzer and Lender. Lender rnay make proof of�oss if no�made prompt�y by B�rrower.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrov�er otherwise abree in vvritin�, insurance p�roceeds sha�l be app�ied �o res�oration or
<br /> repa�r of the Pr�per�y dama�ed, if, �n Lender's sole d�scre�ian, th� �restora�ion or repa�r is econom�cally feas�ble
<br /> and Lender's s��urity is na� �essened. �f, �n Lender's sa�e discre��on, -�he restaration or repa�r �s na� econom�cal�y
<br /> feaszble�r Lender's secur�t�wou�d�e�essened,�he irasurance pr�ceeds shall be appiied ta the surr�s secured by this
<br /> Securi�y Instrument, vvhe�her �r not then due} with any excess paid �o Borrower. If Barrovver abandons �he
<br /> Pr�per�y, or does no�answer wi�hin the num�er of days prescr�bed by Appl�cab�e Law as set for�h in a na��ce fr�m
<br /> Lender�o Borravver that the �nsurance carrzer has offered ta settle a claim, then Lender may collect the �nsurance
<br /> proceeds. Lender may use t�ae proceeds �o repa�r or rest�re the Proper�y or�a pay sun�s secured by this Secur7ty
<br /> �ns�rument,wh��her❑r rno��hen due. The period of�ime for Borrov�er to ansv�er as se�for�h in�he no�ice wil�be��n
<br /> wh�n the natice is��ven.
<br /> Unl�ss Lender and Barrower o�herwise a�ree in �wri�in�, any applicatifln tif proceeds to princ�pa� shall not ex�epd
<br /> - or postpone�he due date of the paym�nts due under the �ontra�t or chan�e the a�noun� of�he payments. If under
<br /> the section titled Ac�e�eration; Remed�es, �he Proper�y �s acquired by Lender, Borrower's ri�ht to any insurance
<br /> p�licies and proceeds resul�ing from damage �o the Proper�y pria� to �he acquisitinn shall pass to Lender to the
<br /> ex��nt of the sums secured by�his Securit� Ins�rumen�immedia�ely prior to th�acquisi�ion.
<br /> Pre��r�atifln, ,1VIa�r�tenance and Pr�tectian of �he Prope�r�y; JBorrovverTs Loan Appl�ca�ion; L�a�ehalds.
<br /> Borrovver sha�� n�t des�roy, damage or impair the Proper�y, allow the Proper��to �e�eri�rate, or commit wast� �n
<br /> the Praperty.Barr�wer shai�be in default�f any forfeiture act�on ox-praceeding,whe�her ciWil flr�rimina�, is be�un
<br /> tha� in Lend�r's good fai�h 3ud�ment cau�d result in forfe��ure of�he Property or �therwise materially impair th�
<br /> �xen crea�ed by thzs Secur�ty �nstrurnent or Ler�der's security in�erest. Borrower may cure such a defau�� and
<br /> reinstate, as pro��ded �n section t�tled Barrower�s Rfbh� ta Re�ns�a�e, by causin�the a�tion or proceed�ng to be
<br /> d�s�n�ssed wi�h a ru��ng�ha�, in Lender's�ood faith determination,preciudes forfea�ure of th�B�rrov�er's �nteres��n
<br /> the Properry flr o�her �na�erial impa�rment of the lien created by �his Security �nstrumen� or Lender's secur��y
<br /> interes�.Borrawer sha��a�sa be in defau��if BorrQv`rer,durxn��he loan applicatifln p�ro�ess,gave mater�aily false o�
<br /> zna�curate �nforma�ion or s�atements ta Lender �or fa��ed �a pro�ide Lender wi�h any materia� information} in
<br /> corrnec��on with�he ioan evid�nced by the Contra�t. �f�his Security Ins�rum�nt is on a leasehold, Barrovver shal�
<br /> �omp�y with a�l�he pro�isiflris of�he lease. If Borrower acquires fee title�o the Proper�y,�he leas�hfl�d and�he f�e
<br /> t���e shal�no�merge un�ess Lender a�rees�o the mer�er in vWriting.
<br /> Protect�on of Lend�r's Righ�s �n �he Praper�y. If Barrovver fa�is �a perfarm the cov�nan�s and a�re�m.ents
<br /> cor��ained in this Security Instrum.ent, or�here zs a le�a� pr�ceed�ng�hat may sx�nifcantly affec�Lender's r�ghts �n
<br /> the Prope�-�y �such as a pro�eeding in bankruptcy, probat�, for condemna�ion or forfei�ure or �o enforce lavvs or
<br /> rebulat�ons�, �hen Lender may do and pay f�r �nrhatever �s necessary to pratect �he �alue of�he Property and
<br /> Lender's ri�h�s in the Properry. Lender's ac��ons may�n�iude pay�n�any su�s secured by a�ien whxch has prior��y
<br /> o�er�hxs Security�nstru�ent, appear�n��n court, pay�n�reasonabl�at�orneys'fees and enterir���n the Proper�y to
<br /> ma��e repa�rs.A��hou�h Lender may take actian under�his section, Lender d4es n�t have tfl do so.
<br /> Any amounts d�sbursed by Lender under �his se�tion sha�l becnxne add���ona1 deb� of Borrower secured by this
<br /> Security �nstrumen�. Un�ess B�r�-ower and Lender agr�e to other terms of pay�-nent, these amounts shall bear
<br /> �nterest from �he date of disbursemep� at the same rate assessed on ad�ances under the Contract and sha�l be
<br /> payable,wzth interes�, upon noti�e from Lender to Borrowe�-re�uestin�pay�en�.
<br /> �?�04-2�[3 Campl'sance Systems,�r�c.8 EB3-�EC3-24 t 3 L?.D.E�.7 i 2
<br /> CQ�scfr-ner Eteal Estate-Se�urity Instrument IJL2a3G Pa�e?of 5 www.camplizt��esystei�s.cvsn
<br />