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rn <br /> m IV �� � <br /> rnm � �� rn <br /> � <br /> o �� � � zrn � rn <br /> � �o rn , � �� � o <br /> o �z � C �� � � <br /> � Cn <br /> � Z� � Z �Z p — <br /> oa G�� � � =p�p (�J � <br /> �� rn �� � � <br /> rn� p � r c�i� Qo � <br /> �� � � C <br /> � � � <br /> w� <br /> �o � .�.� Z <br /> _ o� � � � <br /> C� Z <br /> � <br /> TH�S I1�STRUMENT PREPARED BY: AFTER REC�RDINC RETURN T�: <br /> Hvme Federa�Savings&Loan Assoc�a�ion af IIvme Federal Sa�ings&L�an Assoc�atiQn of <br /> Grand�sland �rand Isiand <br /> �Z1 South Lo�us�S�ree� 221 Sauth Lo�ust Street <br /> G RAND ISLAND, N E GS801 ��tAND �SLAND, NE 68SD 1 <br /> �Space Above This Line F�r Recording Data} <br /> L�AN�R�G�NAT�R NAME: �hris Kaskze <br /> N MLS C�MPAN�' I DENTIFI ER:446443 <br /> NMLS�RIGINATC3R�DENTIF�ER: 494665 <br /> DEEI3 �F TRl[.T�'T <br /> �PR.EAUTH�RIZED ��]PEN �ND) CREDIT � FUTIJRE ADVAN�ES AR� S��IJRED <br /> BY THIS I]EEI� [�F TRUST� <br /> THIS DEED �F TRUST �"Security Ins�rumen�"} �s made on Apri� Z5, 24�4. The grantors are ALLEN A <br /> M�D�'4�VELU and HEAT�ER L JC�URNEY�MCD�WELL, HL�SBAND AND '�V�FE, whose address is 827 <br /> � �H ERRY ST, �RAND �SLAND, Nebraska 658�1-S�3� �"Borrovver"}. Borrov�er is not necessari�y �he same <br /> as �he Persan or Persons �vha s�bn �he H�me Equ��y Line of �redi� Agreement, dated APril �5, 2��4 <br /> �"Con�ract"). The ob�iba��ons of Borrov�rers wha did no�sign the Contract are exp�ained further in�he section ti�led <br /> Successors and Assigns Eound; Joxnt and Several Liab�Iity; A�commodatian Signer�. The �rustee is <br /> Brandan �onnick, A��arney whase address is P� Sox 79U, GRAND ISLAND, Nebraska 6S84Z �"Trustee"�. <br /> The benefciary is Hame F�derai Sav�ngs&�Laan Assvciation af�rand I51and,wh�ch is organiz�d and ex�sting <br /> under the iaws of the Un�ted States of America and whose address is ZZ1 Sauth Locust Stree�, Grand �51and, <br /> Nebraska 68S�I �"Lender"�. ALLEN A M�D�WELL and HEATHER L J�URNEY-M�D�'L�ELL ha�e <br /> entered inta a Contract vvi�h Lepder as af Apr�� ZS, ���4, under�he �erms of which B�rrawer may, from time �ra <br /> t�me, ab�arn advances no� �o exceed, at any time, a �x�MA�IMUM PRINCIPAL AM�UNT (E�CLUDING <br /> PR�TECT�VE ADVANCES}�"� af Ten Thousand F��ve Hundred and U�II UU Do�lars �U.S. �I Q,50D.4U} <br /> �"Credit Limi�"�. Any par�y �nteres�ed �n the deta�ls re�ated to Lender's con�inu�ng ab��ga��on�o make advances�o <br /> Borr�wer is advised to consu�t d�rectly wi�h Lender. If not paid earlier,the sums ov�ing under B�rrov�er's Con�ract <br /> w��h Lender v�i�l be due on May 15s Z419. Th�s Security �nstrument secures �o Lender: �a3 the repaymen� of�he <br /> deb�under the C�ntrac�,vvi�h interest, includin�fu�ure advances, and al�ren�vva�s, extens�ons and mod�fica�ions of <br /> the C�ntract; �b� �he payment of all �ther sums, with in�eres�, advanced �o pro�ec� the security of�h�s Secur�ty <br /> �ns�rumen� under�he provisi�ns of the s�c�iQn tit�ed Protection of Lender's R�ghts in the Pro�erty; and �c}�he <br /> performance of Borrawer's co�enan�s and abreemen�s under th�s Security �nstrumen� and �he �ontrac�. For �h�s <br /> purpose, Barrower, in cons�derat�on af�he debt and the tr�xs� here�n crea�ed, irre�ocab�y gran�s and conveys �o <br /> Trus�ee, in trust,wi�h po�ver of sale,the fol�avving descr�bed property Iacated�n the�4�tJNTY�f HALL, S�ate�f <br /> N ebras�a: <br /> Addr�ss: 8Z7 S CHERRY ST, GRAND ISLAND,Nebraska 68801-8131 <br /> Leba� Description: LC]T EIGHT �8}, BL��I� THREE �3}, VALLEY VIE'L� SUBDIVISI�N IN TFIE <br /> CITY�F GRAND I�LAND,�-iALL►�t3TJNTY,NEBRASKA, <br /> T�GETHER W�TH all �he i�-�pro�ements nov� or hereafter erec�ed on �he pr�perty, and a�� easemen�s, <br /> appu�t-�enances, and f x�ures now or hereafter a part of�he proper�y. A1� rep�acemen�s and addi��ons shall alsn be <br /> c��ered by �his Security Ins�ru�nent. AIl �f the forego�ng zs referred to in �h�s S�cur�ty Ins�rument as the <br /> "Properry." <br /> SQRR��TVER CC�VENANTS �hat Borrower is �awfuily seised of the estate hereby conrreyed and has�he right�� <br /> �rant and �an�ey �he Proper�y and tha� �he Proper�y is unencum�ered, exc�p� for er�cumbran�es af record. <br /> Barrower warrar�ts and �uil i d�fend genera��y the ti��e �o �he Property against all clarms and demands, subject ta <br /> any encum�rances of record. <br /> Borrower and Lender cfl�enan�and a�ree as fallo�vs: <br /> Paymen�af Prin��pal and Interes�; ��h�r Charges. B�rrower shall pro�nptly pay when due�he principai of and <br /> interes�on�he debt�wed under�he Contract and Iate charges or any a�her fees and charges due under the Contrac�. <br /> Q 2�fl4-2d 1;Cam�liance Systems,Inc,8EB3-�'EC3-24 t 3�2.4.E t.7I 2 <br /> Consumer Real Estate-Security Instr�.srnent DL2�36 i�a�e l af S www.compliancesyst� <br /> � <br />