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2014036/3 <br />3.24 Density. Neither the Property nor any portion of it shall be included as part of the <br />gross area of other property not subject to this Conservation Easement for the purposes of <br />determining density, lot coverage, or open space requirements under otherwise applicable <br />laws, regulations or ordinances controlling land use and building density. No <br />development rights that have been encumbered or extinguished by this Conservation <br />Easement shall be transferred to any other lands pursuant to a transferable development <br />rights, scheme cluster development arrangement or otherwise; provided, however, that <br />with prior written permission of the Grantee, this paragraph shall not preclude such <br />transfer of development rights resulting from the destruction or demolition of any <br />existing residential building on the Property. <br />4. ADDITIONAL RIGHTS OF GRANTEE. Grantee, Grantee's heirs, successors and <br />assigns, hold all rights as owners of the Property to use the Property for all purposes that are not <br />expressly prohibited herein and that are not inconsistent with this Conservation Easement. Without <br />limiting the generality of the foregoing, the following rights are expressly held by Grantee: <br />4.1 Transfer. The right to sell, give, mortgage, lease, or otherwise convey the Property <br />subject to the terms of this Conservation Easement and consistent with the Conservation <br />Values of this Conservation Easement. <br />4.2 Agricultural Uses. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 3 above, the <br />Property may be used to grow and harvest native hay for commercial or noncommercial <br />use and to graze Permitted Livestock. Feeding measures allowable include, but are not <br />limited to, haying, caking and furnishing salt and minerals. Grantee may use water from <br />wells to provide drinking water to Permitted Livestock, but may not build dams for <br />watering purposes. <br />4.3 Existing Improvements. Grantee shall have the right to maintain, remodel, <br />remove, replace and repair existing fences,and roads, and in the event of their destruction, <br />to reconstruct any such existing fences and roads with another of similar function, <br />capacity, location and material, unless otherwise approved by Conservancy. <br />4.4 Permitted Structures. With prior written approval as to location, dimensions and <br />design, Grantee may construct of a small storage shed. With prior written approval as to <br />location, dimensions and design, Grantee may erect structures to generate power only if <br />the power generated is used exclusively on the Property, to operate a well or otherwise <br />for the activities allowed in this Conservation Easement so long as these improvements <br />do not significantly impair or interfere with the Conservation Values. Grantee may <br />construct temporary hunting blinds. <br />Grantee shall at all times use best efforts and practices in the construction of <br />permitted structures to minimize impact on the Conservation Values. All new <br />construction shall be sited as to cause the least disturbance to the Conservation Values of <br />the Property. Grantee agrees to use best efforts to site any new construction in such a <br />Page 12 of 24 Pages <br />