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��14�3573 <br /> full of aI� sums sec�:red by this Se�urity �ns�rument. Hovv��er, this option shall nat be exerc�sed by Lender if <br /> exerc�se�s proh�bited by federa�law as�fthe date of�his Security Instru�nent. <br /> �f Lender exercises �his op��on, Lender shal� ��ve Barraw�r notxce �f a�celeration. The na��ce sha�� pro�ide a <br /> period of not less th�.n the minimun� number of days estab�ished by Applicab�e Law fro�n �he date �he notice is <br /> de�i�ered or mai�ed w��hin v�hich Borrowe�r must pay all sums se�ured by this Security Inst�um�nt. �f Barrower <br /> fai�s �o pay �hese sums pri�r �o �he exp�ration of�h�s �eriod, Lender inay �n�flke any remedies permit�ed by this <br /> Securxty �nst�-u�men�eu��haut further natice or demand on Barrawer. <br /> gorrow�r's Right ta Re�nstate. �f Borrawer meets cer�ain cand��xons, B�rrower sha�l ha�e �he ri�h� to ha�e <br /> enf�rcement of th�s Security Inst�ument disc�n��nued at any �ime priaz- �a �he earlier of: (a} 5 days �or su�h a�her <br /> per�od as Appl�cab�e Law�nay specify f�r re�nstatement} before sa�e a�'the Proper�y pursuant to any p��v�r of sale <br /> con�a�ned �n �his S�curity I nstrument; �r ��� entry of a �ud�ment enforcin� this 5ecurity �nstrument. Those <br /> �nndit�ons are �ha� ��rrawer: �a� pays Lender al� sums which th�n would be due under th�s Secur��y instrument <br /> and�he Con�-r-act as xf n�accelera��on had occurred;�b}cures any defaul�of any other co�enants�r a�reemen�s5�c} <br /> pays ali e�penses incurred in enforcrn�this Secur��y �nstrument, 1nCIL1aIn�, but not lim��ed to, reasonable attorneys' <br /> fees t� �the e�ten�pe-rmit�ed by �aw; and �d}takes such act�an as Lende� may r�asonab�y requ�re�o assure that the <br /> lien of this Se�urity �nstrum�nty Lender's r��hts �n�he Praperty and Bo�-rower's �bli�a�Xon to pay the surns secured <br /> by this Se�urity Ins�rumen� sha�� cont�nu� unchan�ed. Upox� rei.nsta�ernen� by Borrower, �nis Security �nstrumen� <br /> and �he abli�a�ians ��cured h�reby shall �emain fully effective as �f no acceleration had occurred. Hovvever, th�s <br /> right�fl rein��a�e shall not apply Yn the cas��f a�celera�ian under�he section�����d T`ran5fer af�he Property Qr a <br /> Be�ef�c�al Interest�n Borrav�er. <br /> Hazardaus�ubsta��es. Barrower shall not c.aus� or permi��he presence, use, disposal, s�ora�e, o�r reiease of any <br /> Hazardous Subs�ances on or�n the Property. Borrower shall no�d�,nor a�Iovv anyone else to d�,any�hin�affe���n� <br /> the Prapex�ty �hat �s in violat��n of any En�iranr�.ental Law. The preceding twa sentences shall no� apply ta the <br /> presence,use,or stora�e on the Property of small quantities of Ha�ardous Subs�anc�s that are�enerally reco�nized <br /> to be approprxa�e t�norma�res�den�ia� uses and�o�naintenance of th� �roperty. <br /> Borrower sha�l proz�aptly�i�e Lender wr�t�en na�ice of any�n�es�iba�ion, cla�m, demand, lavvsuit or other ac��an by <br /> any �overnmen�al ar re�ulatory agen�y or pri�ate par�y �nv����n� the Px�per�y and any Hazardous Subs�a�ce ar <br /> Environmental Law af which B�rrovver has ac�ua� know�ed�e. �f Borr��ver learns, ar �s na�if ed �y any <br /> go�ernmen�a�nr re�uiatory autho�ity,�ha�any remo�al ar ather remed ia�i�n of any Ha�ard�us Substance affecting <br /> �he Praperty is ne�essary, Borrower shalI prornp�ly �ake all necessary r�medial ac���ns �n acc�rdance with <br /> En�ironmental Lavsr. <br /> As used �n�his para�raph, "Hazardous Substan��s" are �hose subs�ances defined as taxic ar hazardaus substances <br /> by Environ.�nental Law and �the fal�ow�ng su�astances: gasoline, kerosen�, other flammable ar taxic pe�roleum <br /> praducts, toxi� pes���ides and herbi�ides, �ala�ile s�luents, ma�erials conta�n�ng asbestos or farmaldehyd�, and <br /> radiaac�i�e ma�erials. As used in this parabraph, "En��rflnmen�al Law" me�ns federal �aws and Iaws nf the s�ate af <br /> Nebraska th��rela�e��hea�th,safety or en�ironm�ntal protection. <br /> Ac�e�erat�on; Rem�dies. Lender shall g��e na���� �o Borrower pr�or ta acce�eration fo�lowzng Borrower's <br /> breach �f any covenan�or agreemen��n �his S�curity Ins�rument or th��ontract under which acce�erat�on <br /> is p�rrnz��ed (bu� n�� pr�ar �o ac�ei�ra�i�n under the s�c�ion ti��ed Transf�r af the Proper�y or a S�nefi�ial <br /> Znter�s� in Sarrnw�r, unless App�icable Law pro��des o�herwise�. The no�i�e shall specify: �a) �h� default; <br /> �b� the actxon r�quired to cure �he defau�t� �c} a date, nn� �ess than the minimurn number af days <br /> e�t�.b�ished by App�icable Law fram the da��the nati�� ��gi�en to Btirrawer, by which �h�defau�t must be <br /> cured; and �d) that failur� tv cure the defau�t on 4r befare the date spe��f�d in �he no�ice may resul� �n <br /> a�celera�ion of the sums sec�red by �his Se�urity Ins�rument and sa�e of �he Property. To the extent <br /> per�nitted by law, the not�ce shali further inf�rm gorrav►�er of�he righ� �o r�ins�a�� after acc�leration and <br /> �he right ta br�ng a court act�on to as5ert th� non-existence of a defau�t or any flther defense of Sorrower to <br /> acce�eration and sa�e. �f�h� defauit is not cur�d on or before �he date spec�fxed xn the notice, Lender a� i�s <br /> op�inn may requxr� immedia�e payment in full af all sums s�cured by this Security �nstrument �►�vithou� <br /> further dennand and may invake the power a�'sa[e and any ather remedies permxt�ed by App��ca��e Lavv. <br /> To the �xten� p�rmitted hy law, Lend�r �hal� be enti��ed to ca��ect alt expense� �ncurred xn pursuxnb the <br /> remedies pro�ided in �his Se�t�on, inciud�ng, but no� Iimited �o, reasonab��a��orneys' fees and co��s of ti�ZQ <br /> e��dence. <br /> �.f the power af sa�� is in�aked, Trustee shall recard a not�ce of defau�� in ea�h county �n wh�ch any par� of <br /> th� Propert� is �acated and shall ma�l cop�es af suCh no�t�ce xn the manner�rescrxbed by App��cable Law to <br /> Sorrower and to the o�her persons prescr�bed by Applicable Law. After the tim� requ�red by Appl�cabie <br /> Lavv� TruStee sha�� g��e publ�c nat�ce of saie �a the persons and xn the manner pre�cribed by App�icable <br /> Lavv. Trus�ee, with�u� demand on Borrnwers sha�� sell the Property at public au�ti�n �o the hxghest b�dd�r <br /> at�he t�me and pla�e and und�r�he�erms designa�ed in the na��c�of sale in one or m�rQ parcels and in any <br /> ord�r Trus�ee d���rmines. Trus��e may pos�p�n� sal� �f a�� or an� parcel of the Pro�erty by pubiic <br /> an�xouncemQn�at the time and pia�e of any pre�iously schedu��d sale. Lender Qr�ts desxgnee may purchasQ <br /> �h�Property at any saie. <br /> Up�n rece�pt of pa�ment of�he pr�ce b�d, Trustee sha�� d����er tv the purchaser Trus�ee's deed can�eyxn� <br /> �h� Propert�. Th� recitals �n th�Trustee's deed sha�� be prima faeie e�idenc�of�he�ru�h of�he stat�ments <br /> made �h�re�n. T�us��e shall app�y the pr��e�ds of �he saie �n the f�llawing ord�r: �a} to all cos�s and <br /> expen5es of exer�is��tg the power of sa�e, and �he sale, includx�.g the ��yment Qf the Trus�ee's fee.s actualiy <br /> �2���-2a13 Compliance Systems,inc,9F9d-A�#Z5-24I�L2.4.721 <br /> Cons��r�er Real Estate-Secur�ty lrestrument DL243G Page 4 of 5 www.comp[iancesysterr�s.c�rn <br />