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��14�3573 <br /> �nspee�ian. Lender �r its aben� may mal�e reasonable entries upon and �nspect�ons of�he Proper�y. Lender shali <br /> ���e Borrower na�ice a�the tin�e of or prior�o an inspectian specifying reas�nable cause for�he inspe�tion. <br /> Cundemna�ion. The proceeds of any award or claYm f�r dama�es, dire��or consequential, in cannect�an with any <br /> condemna��on �r other�akin� of any part of�he Proper�y, or for c�n�eyan�e Yn lieu of condemnat�on, are hereby <br /> ass��ned and shal�be paid tfl Lender. <br /> In the even� of a tatal taking of�he Proper�y, �he proceeds shall be appli�d �a the sums secured �y this Securi�y <br /> �nstrument, whe�her nr n�t �hen due, ���h any excess paid to Borra�nrer. �n �he e�ent of a par��a� takxnb of the <br /> Prope�-fiy in v�h�ch the fair marke� va�ue �f the Proper�y immed�a�eiy bef�re the takinb is eQual to or�reater than <br /> the amaun� of the sums secured by �h�s Securi�y Instrument immedia�e�y bef�re the �akinb, un�ess Borrawer and <br /> Lender o�h�rv�ise a�ree �n writinb,�he sums secured by th�s Security Ins�rum�n�shal] be reduced by�he amnun�of <br /> the proceeds �nultiplied by the follawinb frac��fln: �a�the tota� amoun�af the sums secured immediate�y b�fore�he <br /> �akinb, di�ided by �b} the fair market �alue of the Praper�y �mmedYa�ely b�fore the �aking. Any ba�ance shall be <br /> paid to Borra�ver. In the e�ent af a partial �akinb of t�e Pr�perry �n v�rhich the fa�r marlcet �alue of the Praperty <br /> i��nmed�ate�y befare �he �ak�ng �s �ess than the am�unt af�he sums secured immediately before the �aking, unless <br /> Borrower and Lender�thervv�se agree in writin�or un�ess Applicable Lav� othervvise pro�vides, �he praceeds sha�l <br /> be appl��d to�he sums secured by�his Security �nstrument�he�her or no��he sums are then due. <br /> If the Property �s abandoped by Borrower, o� �f, af�e� not�ce by Lender�o B�rrov�er tha�the cond�mnor offers �o <br /> make an awa�-d or settle a claim for darr�a�es, Sor�o�er fai�s t�respopd to Lender within the min�mum number of <br /> days established by App�icabie Law after the date the notice �s�YWen, Lender is au�hor�zed�o col�ect and app�y the <br /> proceeds, at �ts op��on, either �o res�ora�iar� or repa�r of�he Proper�y ar �a the sums secured by th�s Security <br /> Ins�rument,whe�her or not�hen due. <br /> lln�ess Lender and Borrower o�herwise a��-ee ip writin�, any applYca�ian �f proceeds to pr�nc�pa� shall no�extend <br /> or p�stpone the due da�e of�he paymen��due under the�ontract or chan�e the a�nount of such paymen�s. <br /> Barrawer No� Rel�ased; For�aearan�e By Lender No� a Waiver, Ex�ensiop of �he time for payment ar <br /> madifcation �f amor�i2a�ion of�he sums secured by this Security Instrument branted by L�nder �o Borrower or <br /> any successor in in�eres� flf Borrflwer s��ali no� operat� �o release the liability �f �he origxnal Borr�wer or <br /> Borro�ve�'s su�cessors in interest. Lender sha�i not be required to commence proceedings aga�nst any success�r in <br /> interest a�-r�fuse�o e��end�ime for payment or a�her�rise mod�fy amor�iza�ion of the sums secured by�his Security <br /> Instrument by reason af any demand made by �he or�ginal Borrovver ar Borrower's successars in interes�. Any <br /> forbearance by Lender in exercisin� any r��ht or remedy shall not be a�vai�er of or pr�ciude the exercise of any <br /> right ar remedy. <br /> Successors and Assigns �ound; Jv�n� and Se�era� Liabi�ity; A�commvdation Signers. The co�enan�s and <br /> a�reements of�his Se�urity Instru�nent shaII bind and benefi�the successors and assrgns of Lender and Borrower, <br /> subjec� ta the pro�isians of sec�ion tit�ed Transfer �f �he Property ar a Bene�e�al �nterest xn �orrovver. <br /> Borrower's cfl�enants and a�reemen�s shall be joint and s�vera�. Any persan who co-signs�h�s Secur�ty Ins�rumen� <br /> bu� has no persona� �iabili�y under the Contrac� �"Acc�mmoda�ion Sign�r"}: �a3 is co-sx�ning this Securi�y <br /> Instrumen� on�y ta �nor��abe, �ran� and con�ey �hat Accommoda�ion Signer's in�erest zn �he Prflperty under the <br /> �erms of �he Securi�y �nst�ument; �b� is ��o� personaily obliga�ed ta pay the sums secured by �his S�cur��y <br /> Instru�nent; ar�d �c) agrees tha� Lender and any�ther Borro�er may agree�o ex�end, modify, forbear or make any <br /> a�co�nmodatians wi�h �egard to�he terms af th�s Securi�y Ins�rumen�or�he �ontrac�v�ith�u��hat Ac�ommodation <br /> Si�ner's�flpsept. <br /> Loan �harges. �f the loap secured by �his Securi�y �nstrument is subject to a �aw whic� sets maximum loan <br /> char�es, and tha� lav� is finai�y in�erpreted so tha��he in�eres��r�ther �oan charges c��lected or�� be co��ected in <br /> cannection w��h the laan exceed �he perm i�ted I i�ni�s, then: (a� any such �oan charbe shatl �e reduced by the <br /> amount n�cessary ta reduce the charge t� tl�e permi�ted lim�ts and �b} any sums a�ready c��l�cted frorn Borrov�er <br /> which exceeded perm i��ed li�r�i�s wi I1 be ��efunded �o Sorrower. Lender may choase to �r�rake this refund by <br /> reducin� the prine�paI ov�ed ur�der t�� �on�ract ar by makin� a direct paymen� �o B�rrower. If a refund reduces <br /> p�-incipa�,the reduct�on�i�1 be�rea�ed as a par�ial prepay��nen�under the��ntract. <br /> Na�ices. Any na�ice �fl Borrowe�- pro��ded for in this Security Ins�ru�nent shaI� be ��ven by deii� i� ar by <br /> mailing it by first c�ass mai� uniess App�icab�e LaWv re�uires use of ana�her me�hod. The notice shal�be da.rec�ed to <br /> �he Property Address or any other address Borrower des�bna�es by na��ce to Lender. Borrower agrees to pro�ide <br /> Lender vvith Borr��ver's �nost curren� maiIin� address, as i��nay chang� fram �ime-��-��me. Any notice to Lender <br /> shail be given by first c�ass mail to Lender's address stated herein ar any o�her address Lender d.esignates by notice <br /> to Borrov�er. Any notice proWided for in�his Securi�y Instrurnent shal� be deemed to hav�been bi�en�o Borrower <br /> or Lender when�i�en as pra�ided in�h�s para�raph. <br /> Go�erning Law; Severab�li�y.This Secu�-ity�ns�rumen�sha[1 be boverned by federal law and�he Ia�vvs of the state <br /> of Nebraska. In the ��ent that any pra�is�on or cIause of�his Security 7nstrumen� or �he �ontract conflicts r�vith <br /> Applicabi� Law, such conflic� shall po� affec� ather provisions of thrs Security Instrumen� or the Con�rac�which <br /> �an be���en effect wi�hou�the conflictzn�pro�ision. Ta�his end the pra�isi�ns af�his SecurYty Ins�rument and��e <br /> �ant�•act are dec l are��o be severab l e. <br /> �orrower's Co�y. Borrower shal�be�i�en one capy�f�his Securxty �nstrumen�. <br /> Transfer of�he Proper�y or a Benef�cial In�eres� in g�rrow�r. If alI or any par�of the Property or any ir�terest <br /> �n i� is sald or transferred �or if a benefc�a� interes� in Borrower is so�d or transferre� and Borra�nrer is not a <br /> natural persop� wi�hou� Lender's prior written consen�, Lender may, at z�s op�Xon, requxre �mmed�a�e paymen� in <br /> Q?d04-?4l�Camplian�e 5ystems,Inc.9F9G-A425-Z413L2,d.72� <br /> CQnsumer Real Estate-Security lnstr�ament DL243G Pa��3 ofS www.�om�liar�cesysten� <br />
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