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. , , <br /> , � ��14�3511 <br /> 6. �ccupancy.Bvrr�wer sha��occupy, establish, and use the Property as Barro�ver's prin�ipal residence <br /> within 6�days after the executi�n of�his Security Instrument and shall cant�nu�to occupy�he Property as <br /> Borr�wer's principal residen�e for at�eas�one year after the date of vccupancy, unless Lender otherwise <br /> agrees�n writing,which c�nsent sha11 not be unreas�nably withheld, or unless extenua.ting circumstances <br /> exist wh.ich are beyond Borrower's con�ral. <br /> l. Pr�s�n►ation,Maintenanceand Prntectionof th� Property;inspections.Borrower shall not cies�roy, <br /> damage ar impair the Property, a�low the Praperty to deteriorate ar commit waste on the Proper�y. Whether <br /> or nvt Borrower is residing in the Property,Borrower sha�l maintain the Property in order to prevent the <br /> Property from deteri�ra��ng or decreasing in value due to its cond��i�n. Unless it is determined pursuant to <br /> Section 5 that repa�r or restora.ti�n�s not e�onomically feasible,Borrower shall promptly repair�he Property <br /> if damaged to avoid further deteriora.tion�r damage. If insurance or condemnatian prnceeds are pa�d�n <br /> eonnect�on with damage to, vr the taking of,the Property,Borrower sha��be responsi��e for repairing ar <br /> res�oring�he Property only�f Lender has r�leased proceeds f�r such purposes. Lender may disburse proceeds <br /> for�he repairs and restorativn in a single payment ar in a series of prngress payments as the wark is <br /> comp�eted. If the insuran�e ar condemnatian praceeds are not su�ff'icient t�repair or restore the Proper�y, <br /> Bvrrower is not relieved of Borrower's obiigatian for the completion of such vr restoration. <br /> Lender or its agen�may make reasor�able en�ries upon and inspections of th�Property. If it has reasonable <br /> cause,Lender nlay ins�ect the interi�r of the irnpro�ements on the Propeity. Len�ler sha.11 give Borrower <br /> n�tice at the time of or prinr to such an interiar inspect�on specifying such reasonable cause. <br /> 8. Sa rrow�r's Loa n Ap p I i cat��n.Barrower shal�be in defau��if, during the Laan application process, <br /> Borrower or any person.s or entities ae�ing at the direction of Borro�uer ar with Borrower's knowledge or <br /> cansent ga�e materially false, mislead�ng, or inaecurate information or statements to Lender(or fa�l�d to <br /> pro�ide Lender with material�nformation}in connection with�he Loan. Material representations include,but <br /> are nvt limited�o, representations cancerning Borr�wer's occupancy of the Property as Borrower's principai <br /> residence. <br /> 9. Prot�ctionof Lender's�nter�st�n the Propertyand Rights Underthis Security Instrum�nt.If�a} <br /> Borrower fails to perfvrm the co�enants ar�d agreements contained in�h�s Security Ins�rument, (b��here is a <br /> �egal proceeding that xnight significan��y affect Lender's interest in the Pr�perty andJor rights under�his <br /> �ecurity Instrument�such as a procee��n�in bankruptc�,probate,for condemna.tion or forfeiture,far <br /> enforcement af a lien whi�h may attain pri�rity over this Security Instn�ment nr to enfarce 1a�vs or <br /> regu.�ations�, or(c}Barr�wer has aban�vned the Property,then Lender may do and pay f�r whate�er is <br /> reasonable or appropriate to pro�ect Lender's interest in the Pr+operty and rights under this Security <br /> Instrument, �ncluding protectin�andlor assessing the value of�he Prvperty,and securing and.lor repairing <br /> the Property. Lender's actions ean include,but are nat limited�o: �a}paying any sums se�ured by a lien <br /> which has priori�y o�er�his Security Instrument; (b}appearing�n caurt; and(c)paying reasanable attorneys' <br /> fees to protect its interest in the Praperty andJor rights under this Security Instn.iment, inc�uding its secured <br /> position in a bankruptcy proceeding. Securing the Prope�ty includes,but is no�limited t�, en�ering the <br /> Fraperty to make nepairs, cha.nge lvcks, repla�e ar bvard up doors an�windows, drain�uater from pipes, <br /> eliminate building or other code�io�ations or dangervus cflnditions, and ha�e utili#ies turned on or off. <br /> Although Lender may take action under this Sectian 9,L�nder does no�ha.�e to do so and is nat under any <br /> duty or obligativn to do so. It is agree��hat Lender incurs no liability far n�t taking any or all actions <br /> authorized under th�s Section 9. <br /> "E 06ANE D��6289fi8588 May 29,2�14 t19:1 Bam <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Famiiy-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRLIMENT WITH MERS Fv�m 3028 1101 <br /> VMR� VMP6A{NE}(1302)AO <br /> Wolters K��r Financia�SerWices Page 8 of 17 <br />