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��14�334� <br /> qa33z65aso5� o��o ��� ozo� <br /> �C} �alculationof�ntere�t Rate Chan��s <br /> E�efo�e eac� �hange �at�, Len�e� wf�� calcui�te a ne�v ir��eres� rate b}� ad�ing a mar�in �f <br /> TWo and No- Th�t�s�pdth� �ercent��e point�s} <br /> � 2,d�� °Io} to the �urrent Index and roun�ing the sum to the nearest <br /> one-eighth ofi one ��rcen�age point ��.1��°lo�. Subject to the l�mits st�ted in paragraph �D} �f <br /> fihis Rider, this raunded am�unt wi�[ be the new interest rate until �he ne�t Change Da#e. <br /> �D} �.imits on interest Rate Ghanges <br /> The existing ir�terest rate �il� never in�re�se �r decrease by more than <br /> �ne a�n� No-Thousandt�s percentage paint�s} � 1.��� °Io��n any single <br /> �han�e Qate. The inter�st rate will never be m�re fhan F�ve ar�d N�-Thousan�ths <br /> percentage points � �.��� °�o} higher or I�wer�han the �nitial inter�st rate s�a�ed in <br /> Paragraph �of�he Note. <br /> �E}�alct�lationof Payment�han�e <br /> �f �he interest rat� cf�an�es on a Change Date, Lender will caiculate the amount nf <br /> mvnth�y payment of princ�pal and interes� which would be necessary to repay th� unpaid <br /> �r�nci�al balance �� ful� at the Maturity �ate at the ne�v interest rate throu�h subsfantiai�y <br /> equal payments. in making su�h calcuia#ion, Lend�r �i�l use the un�a�d �r�nci�ai balance <br /> which uv�uld �e owed on �he �hange Date if there had been no defau�� in p�yment on the <br /> N�te, reduce� �y the amount �f an}� �re�ayrnents �� �rinc��al. The result Qf this calculation <br /> will be the amount of the nevv monthl� payment of�r�r�cipal and interest. <br /> �F� Notice of Changes <br /> L�n�er wi44 g�ve n�tice ta �S�r��wer of any �hange in tl�e interes� rate and monthly <br /> paymen� amount. The notice rrtus� be g�ven at ie�st �5 days before the new monthly payment <br /> amount �s d�e, �nd rnust set fnrth �i} the da�e of the notice, �ii} th� �hange Da�e, �iii} the Q!d <br /> ir�ter�st �ate, �iv} ��� �ew inte��st �ate, �v} �he r��� mo��h�ly �a��n�nt a�€�unt, �vi} ��� �urrent <br /> [n�ex and the date it v�ras pu�Iished, �vii} the method flf ca��uiating the Gh�nge in monthly <br /> payment �mount, �nd �viii} any other �nfarmation which ma� be required by law from time to <br /> time. <br /> �G� Effecti�e Date of Changes <br /> �4 ne�v interes� rate calculated in a�cor��nce with �arag�aphs ��} an� �D} of #his Rider <br /> �vill bec�me effectiv� an the �hange C�ate. �arro�ver sh�i� rr�ak� a payrrtient in the r��w <br /> monthl� ama�nt beginning on the fi�st payment date which occurs at ieast �5 days after <br /> Lender has given Borra�e� the noti�e of changes required by par�graph �F} of this Ri�er. <br /> 8����we� shall �ave n� �bliga��on tr� �ay ar�y inc�ease ir� ��e mon�hl� �ayrnen� a�n�unt <br /> calculate� in accordance w��h parag�aph �E}of this Ride� fQr �ny payment date ac�urring less <br /> than �5 days after Lender has giWen the required nfltic�. if the manthly payment am�unt <br /> ca��ulate� in a��a��an�c� ��th �a�agra�h �E}�f �h�s Rider �ecreased, but Lender failed ta g��e <br /> timely n��ice af the decreas� and Borravver ma�e any month�y �a�ment amoun�s exceedin� <br /> the �aymen# amnunt vvhich sh�uld have been stated in a timely no�ice, then B�rro�er has the <br /> a�tivn to �ithe� �i} demas�d the r�turn �� ��rr��e� �f any �xcess �aym�nt, with interest <br /> thereon at the Nflte ra#� �a rate equal to the interest rate which shau�d have b�en stated in a <br /> timely n�tice}, or �ii} reques� th�t any excess payment, v�ith ir�#erest the�eor� at the Nate rate, <br /> �e a��lied as �aym�nt vf �rinc�pa�. Lende�'s ob��ga�ion �� �eturn any excess pa�ment with <br /> interest on dem�nd is nflt assign�ble even if �he Note is otherwise assigned before the <br /> demand f�r returr� is made. <br /> Initi�ls: (�t.J <br /> � <br /> �-59'!!1 ��5�8} P�ge��f 3 <br /> � <br />