<br /> �the.Praper�y and r�ghts under th�s S�curity In�tr�.u~nen�; and�d�takes such actzon as Lender may
<br /> reasanab�.y requYre�a assure that Lender's i-�terest ir�the Praperty and r�gh�s under�his Security Ins�rument,
<br /> and I3orr�w�r's obligat�orx to pay the sums secured by th�s Se�urity Ix�s�rumer�t, shall cantinue unchar�g�d.
<br /> Lender may requir��hat�3o�rrower pay suc�i rei-�statem�x�t surns and expenses in one ar n-�ore af the fo�.lowing
<br /> fornas; as se�ected by Lender: (a) cash; �b�m�ney order; �c� cer��f�ed cheGk, �bank c�ieck, �reasurer's ch�ck flr
<br /> CaS�ier�5 C�.1eC�, prav�.ded any such.�heck�s dra�wn upor�a�n in.�s�itut����rhose depas�.ts are i�a.sured�y a
<br /> ' federal agex�.cy, instrum.en�ality�r e�.tity; or�d)Elec�ranic�unds Tra�isf�r. TJpon re�s�aterrien��y B�rrower,
<br /> this�ecur�.�y Instrument anc�abligations secured her�by sha1l.r�ma�n fu��y effec�ve as if�.o acce�era�on had
<br /> flccurred. However, this rxght to rei.�.state sha11 not app�y in-�he case of acce�.erat�on under Sect�on �8.
<br /> �a= SaIe �f �ote; Chanr�e of Laa� S�r►r�cer; Not�c� of �r��van��. Th�No�e or a��rt�al�n�erest irl the
<br /> Nnte�toge�h�r with�his Security Instr�.unent} ca�be so�d one flr more times�xrithou�pr�or nat�.ee to
<br /> B�rrower. A sale might result ix�a change xn the enti�y�known as�he "Laan S'e�-vice�"}that co�lects Per�odi.c
<br /> Payme�:ts�ue under�he No�e axa.d�s Secu�ity Ins�rume�t a�.d.performs oth�r mor�ga�e loaxz servicira.g
<br /> obligatio�s u�der t11e Note, �is Secur�.ty Instrument, axZd App��cable Lavv. There also mzgh�be an�or more
<br /> cha.n.ges�f the JLoan Servicer ur�re�ated�o a sale af the No�e. If�her��s a cha.nge of the L�an Serv�cer,
<br /> �orrower wi�be gzven w�-itten not�ce of��ie change whic�vv�1�.state�he nam�and address af th�new Laan
<br /> Serv�cer, �ie address to wh�.ch paymen��sh�uld�e made a�.�any other�nfarmatio�.RESPA.re�uire�in
<br /> canne��ian�ith a no�.c�af transfer of servicix�g. If�h.�No�e is sold ar�d�hereafter�he Loar�.�s servieed by a
<br /> Loan Serv�eer at.her than the purchaser of the Note, the mort�age loan servic�n.g obligatz�ns t�Borrower�vvi��
<br /> remai-ta.uTith�he Loaxa.Serv�cer or be transf�rred to a successor Loan Servi.cer and are n�t assumed by the
<br /> Note purchaser unle�s otherur�se provided by the Na#e purchas�r.
<br /> Ne�ther Barr�vver nor Lend�r xriay commen�e,j o�n, or be j oin�d�o any j ud:�cia1 acti�n�as exther an
<br /> �.d�v�dual�itigar�t or�h�member of a class�that ar�ses from the other party'S a:.C�iQ�IS�]�SlI.�1�t�t�l1S
<br /> Security Insl:rument or�ha�a.�leges tha��he other�ar�y has b�each�d any provision af, or any duty owed by
<br /> reas�n af, thi� Security Tnstrun�er�t, unti.l suc�Borrower ar I�ender has notified�.�o�ier party�wit�such
<br /> �o�ce g�ve�i�eoxnpliance w��h.�h�requiremer�ts�f S�ctzon �S�of suc�i alleged b�ea�h a�c�a�fard:ec���
<br /> other�ar�y�.ereto a rea.�onab�e per�od aft�r the g�ving�f suc�i n�t�ce to�ake corr�c��ve act�:an. If App��cable
<br /> Law prov�.des a time per�od whi_ch must e�.apse befare cer�a�n act�on can be ta�e�., �iat t�rs�.e period w�.��be
<br /> deemed t�b�rea�o�ab�e for purpos�s of this paragraph. The no�ice af accelerat�on a:r�d apportu:�i�ty to cure
<br /> g�.ven t�Borrower pursuant to Sec��.an�2 and�he notice of accelerat�on given to Barrawer pursuar�t�a
<br /> � Sect�.on 1 S shall be de�med to �at�sfy the�otice and opportun�ty to�ake correc�ive ac�ion�rov�:s�on�of flais
<br /> Sect��n 2�.
<br /> 21. H a�arc��us 5 uhs�an�es: AS uSed.�n thi5 SeC��on�1: [a� "�a�a��ous►Su�stanc�s"are�hose subst�n.ces
<br /> �Iefi�ed as�axic ar hazardous substar�.ces, po��utan�s, �r was�es by Envirarnrnen�al.Law and��.e�o���wi�.g
<br /> su�stanc�s; gasolix�e, kerosene, o�her flammab�.e or taxic�etrflleum prod.ucts, �vxic pes�zcid.es and�ier��.cides,
<br /> �o��:��.e sfllvents, materia�s cor�ta�ing asl�estas or foz�.a��:e�yde, and r�.diaact�ve materxa.Is; ���
<br /> ".F`Y�VIYDYLYI'IQ��CI��GI�N1Ir�rneans federa��.aws and lativs�f�Yie juxi�sdict��n where the Pr�perty�s�acated tha�
<br /> re�ate to�.ea�th, sa.fety or env�ronmern�al protect�.fln; �c3 "�nvzYan�en�a�C'l�anu�a f'iaicl�xdes any respo�se
<br /> action, remedia�ac��on, ar rem�val actxon, as defi.r�ed�n Envir�nmenta�Law; and�d}ax�. "Envi�onmen�-cr2�
<br /> Cond'i�ion"means a cond.it�on�iat can caus�, �ontribute�o, or a�:herw�.se�r�gger ax�.Enviro�rn:en�a1��earxu�.
<br /> Borrower shall n��cause�r p�rmit the presence, use, d.�sposa�, �tarage, or release�f any Hazarc�ou.s
<br /> Substances, �r�.b�reaten�o re�eas�ar�.y Ha�ardous Su�bstances, o�x Qr in�he JProperty. Borro�ver shall not da,
<br /> nar allov�r a��.y��ne else�o do, a�y�h�:ng affecting�he ProperCy�a)that is�:�.vio�ati�r��f any Environmen�al
<br /> Law, ���which crea�es an Environmenta�.�and�tion., or�c�urh�ch, due��th�presence, use, or rel�ase of a
<br /> Hazardaus Substance, crea�es a�o�.da��o��hat adversely affects�he value of the Pro�aer�y. �I`he prece�ng tvva
<br /> z��os�?�
<br /> NEBRASKA-Singfe Family-Fa��ie M aelFreddie Mac�N[FDRM �NSTRll�i EN� Farm 3�Z8�!0'1
<br /> VM P� VM P6[NE���30��
<br /> Wolters K[�awer Fnanc�a!Serv�ces Page�3 af 17
<br />