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��14�3�99 <br /> des�gnated a substitute not�ce address by nat�ce�co Lender. I3orrower�ha11 promptly n�ti:fy Le�der of <br /> Barr��txrer's change of address. If Lender specxf�es a procedure far rep�rting Borrotiver's change of address, <br /> �hen Borraw�r shall�n�y r�por�a change af address�hroiugh th�.t spec�f�ed procedure. <br /> There rnay be flnly one desi.gnated r�ot�:Ce address uxzder th�.s Securi.ty Instru.ment at any one��me. Ax�y nat�ce <br /> to Lender sha�., g��ren by del:zver�ng it ar by mai�.ing�t by f�r�t class mai�tfl Lenc�er's address s�at�d herein <br /> ur�ess Lender has des�.gnated anather address by no��c�to Borrower_ Any notice i:n connection w��i�s <br /> �ecurity Ins�u.x�ent sha1�.not be deemed to have bee�given ta L�nder unt�l actually�ecei.ved by Lender. If <br /> any r�ot�ce xequired by�his Security Ins��nent�s a�sa rec�u�red uxlder Appl�cab�.e Lav�, �he App�.�cable Law <br /> requ�rement w�Il satisfy the carrespandi�.g requ.irement uYider thi�Security I�s�rumex�t. <br /> �6. �o�erni�� Law; �eWerabil�ty; Ru��s �� ��ns�ruct��n. Th�.s Security I�strumer�t shall be governed by <br /> federa��aw a.ud the 1aw of�he�urisd�.ct��wh�.ch the Property�.s Iacated. A��ri,ghts and obl�gat�.�ns <br /> conta�.ned�n t.�is Securz�y Instrume�.�are subj ec�to arn�r requzrements ar�d Lim�tat�.ons af l�pplicable Law. <br /> App�icable Lav�migh�e�pl:xcitly or iraa.p��citly alla�r�he par�es to agree by cox��ract or�t m�ght be si�ex��, but <br /> such s�e�ce sha1�.not be construed as a pr�hibit�on against agreemen�by ca�tract. I��he event that any <br /> provis�on or��.ause af�his S�eurity Instrument or the No�e con.f�ic�s w�th App��cable Law, such confl�ct sha�.�. <br /> not affect other provi.sior�s of this Secur�.ty Instrumen�o�the Nate�vh.�ch ca�b�given effee�v�i�hou��e <br /> c�nfl�c�irig�r�vi�ion. <br /> As�s Security Ins�r�.-rment: �a}yvo�ds o��he mascu���e genc�er shall mear�and�.nc�u�e correspond�.ng <br /> neuter wards ar�rords of the femir��r�e gender; �b}uTor�s ir�.�he s�ngu�.a�sha�1 mean and�.r�:c�u�.e the plural <br /> and v�.ce versa; aud�c��he word'�may'' g�.ves so�e discretion tivith.out�y ab�igation to�e any action. <br /> 'I�. Ba rr�w e r's ��p�. Barrawer sha1�b e g�v�n one capy o f the Note and of this S�curity Instrurr�ent. <br /> 'I 8. Transfer�f the Prop�r�y or a �nef�c�al �nteres� in B�rr��er. As used in this Sect�on 1$, "Inte�est i�a. <br /> the ProperCy" means any�ega�or benef��ia1 interest�n t.�ie Property, inc�ud�ng, but no�limxted to, �i.ose <br /> benef�c�a1 in-�erests transferred 7.n a bond.for deed, contract for deed, i�ta.��ment contrac�or escrow <br /> agreem�n�, the in.ten�of vtrhic�Ys�he transfer of��t�e by Borrovver at a future date�o a purchase�. <br /> If a��ar any par�af�ie Propex�y or a.nny In��rest in�he Pro�aer�y�s sold or�ransferre�:�or if��rrower is not�. <br /> natuxal persor�and a be�etxcxa��nteres�in Borr�wer�s s�l.�ar t�ransferred}with�u�I1enc�er's pri�r writte�. <br /> cor�se�.t, Lender may require�mxnediate pay�nent i.x�fu1�of a1I.sums se�ur�d by this Seeur�ty Instrumer�t. <br /> However, �h-��aption shall r�o�be exercis�d by Lender�f such exerc�se zs�rohlbited by 1�ppl�cab�.e Law. <br /> If Lender exerc�ses th�.s opt�on, Lender sha�.�.give Borrovrer notice of acce�erati�n. rI`he n�t�ce s�a.�1 pr�v�d�a <br /> period of not�ess tlia�l 3 4 d.a.ys from the date th�not�ce is gzven�n accordance with Sec�an I 5�n v�rhich <br /> Borrov�rer rnust pay�I�sums secured by this Security Ir�s�rument. If B�rrawer fa.ils to pay�.hese sums prior to <br /> the e�pirat�on��th�s per�od, Ler�der may inv�ke any remed��s perm�tted by th�s Secur�.ty In.s�ment�rit�iaut <br /> furt�ier notree ar demand o�n Borr�v�er. <br /> '�9. �orr��r er's �g ht to Re�ns�a�� ,Aft�r A cceierat ion. �f Borro�ver meets�er�a.i�condi�a.ons, �orrQwer <br /> sha�1 have the r�.ght to have e�farcem�nt af�s�ec�rity I��r�nent di.�co��iued at any���pr�.or t��he <br /> �ar�.zest flf: ��.} f�ve da.ys befare sa.le�f��ie Pra�ex-�y pursua�t�o any power af sa�e contain.ed�this Secur�ty <br /> Insfrument; �b} suc�i other per�od as Applica��e La���ight speci�y for�he terrni�.a�ian of Borrower4 s righ��o <br /> reinstat�; or��� �n�of a�ud�ment er�orcing this Secur�.t�Instrument. Those conda.ti.�n�are�hat Borrawer: <br /> �a��ays Lender a��su:ms which�hen due�der t�iis Sec�r�ty Instrument and�he Na�e a.s if no <br /> acce�era.�ion had occurred; (b}cures a�y defaul�of any ot�ier covenants or agreements; �c}pays all�xpe�ses <br /> incurrec��n�nfarc�.ng�his Security Ins�x`�..ment, �nc�ud�ng, bu�n�t�imi�ed�o, reasonab�e attnrneys' fees, <br /> property inspec�ior�.an.d va�ua.t��n fees, and o�her fees incurred for the purpase�f pro�ec�ing Lende�'s ir�teres� <br /> 24Q�6�7'f <br /> NEBRASKA-Singie Family-Fannie llllaelFreddie Mac�NfFORM 1NSTRUM EI�T Farm 3��8'�1D1 <br /> VN[P� VM P6�NE}{13�2� <br /> V�Io[ters Kluw er Fir�ancial 5er�ices Page 12 v�'f 7 <br />