<br /> Trustor shall comp�y vvi�h all �a�vs, �rdinances, regula�ians, co�enan�s, cond�tions, and restrictions affecting �he
<br /> Property and not cammi�, suffer, or permit any ac� to be dane i.n or upon �he Properry in Wi�latYon of ariy lav�,
<br /> vrdinance, regu�at�on, c��enant, condition, or restri��ion. Trustor shall camplete or restflre, promptly and in govd
<br /> vworkmanlike manner,any improvement on�he Praperty whi�h may be damaged or destroyed and pay,when due,a11
<br /> �laims fvr labor performed and materials furnished therefor and for any alterati�ns�hereof.
<br /> 4. INSURAN�E. Trustor, at its expense, wi�l maintain, �v�th �nsurers appro�ed by Benefc�ary,
<br /> insurance with respect to �he improvemen.ts and personal property, consti�uting the Property, agai.ns� loss by f re,
<br /> �ightning,tornado, and o�her perils and hazards co�ered by stiandard extended co�erage endorsement, in an amount
<br /> equa��o at least one hundred percent�1��%} of�he f.ull rep�acement�alue thereof and insurance against such o�her
<br /> hazards ar._c���n such amaun�s as zs customar�ly carried by owners and opera�ors of simi�ar proper�ies. A��insuran�e
<br /> po�icies ma�n�a�ned pursuan�:���������-��;��� �������i��:��'i�drne�T`rustar and Beneficiary as insured, as �heir respecti�e
<br /> interests may appear, and pro�ide that there be no cancellation ar modification wi�hout at least 15 days'prior wr�tten
<br /> notifica��an t�Trustee, and Beneficiary may pracure such insurance in ac�ordance vv�th the pro�isions of paragraph
<br /> 6 hereof. Trus�flr shall de�i�er to-Beneficiary the�riginal policies of insurance and renewa�s�hereof or rnemo copies
<br /> of such policies and renewa�s thereof. Failure to furnish such insurance by Trustor or renewa�s as required
<br /> hereunder shall,at the opti.on of.Benefciary,cvnsti�ute a def.ault.
<br /> 5. TA�ES,ASSESSMENTS,AND�HARGES. Trus�ar shall pay a11 taxes,assessments,and oth�r
<br /> charges, including, without l�mitation, f�.nes and irnpositions attributable�o the Property and�easehold payments or
<br /> graund ren�s,if any,before�he same become de�inquent. �`rustor sha�1 promp�Iy f.urnish to beneficiary al�na�ices of
<br /> amoun�s due under th�s paragraph and, in the e�ent Trustor sha11. make payment directiy, Trus�Qr sha1� pramp�ly
<br /> f.urnish to Benef c�ary receipts e�idencing su�h payments. Trustar shall pay a�l taxes and assessmen�s vWhich may be
<br /> Ie��ed upon �enef czary's interest herein ar upon this Trust Deed v�rithout regard to any �aw �ha� may be enacted
<br /> impasing paymen�of the�vhole or any par�thereof upon the Benefi�iary.
<br /> shatl make al�.payments af in�erest and principal and payments of any other charges, f�es, and expens�s contracted
<br /> �a be paid to any ex�sting ar subsequent lienholder�r benefciary under any existing or subsequer�t mortgage ar trust
<br /> deed before the date they are delinqu�n� ar �n de.f.aul.t, and promptly pay and discharge any and a11 other �iens,
<br /> c�aims, ar charges which may j eopardize the security gran�ed herein. �f Trus�ar fails�� make any such payment�r
<br /> fai�s to perform any of th�co�enants and agreements contained i.n this Trus�Deed, or the Note referred to herein, or
<br /> in any pr�or or subsequent �rust deed, or if any actian or proce�ding is commenced v�h�ch ma�erially affects
<br /> Beneficiary's interesfi in the Praperty, ine�uding, bu� noti lim��ed �o, eminent d�main proceedings, proceedings
<br /> invol�ing a de�edent, no�ic� of sale by Trustee, no�i�e of default by Trustee, trust deed f.oreclosure actian, or if .
<br /> Trustor faits �o pay Trus�or's debts generally as they become due, th.en Benef ciary, at Beneficiary's option and
<br /> vvithou�notice�o or demand upon Trustor and wi�hout releasi.ng Trustor fram any obl�gati�n hereunder, may make
<br /> such appearances�;`�diSrJ�.11�G���.�� �s���:�_ and ��!�� �������aLixU����3 xs ne�essary �o pr�tect Beneficiary's in�erest,
<br /> including,bu�na�lim3ted to,disbursement af reasonable attorneys' fees,payrnent,purchase, con�es�, or campromise
<br /> of any encumhrance, charge, or lien, entry upon the Property to make repa�rs, or declarati�n of defau�t under this
<br /> Trus� Deed. �n �he e�ent that Trustar sha11 fai� �o procure �nsurance ar �o pay taxes, assessments, or any a�her
<br /> charges or to make any paymen�s ta any existing or subsequent l�enhotders or existing or subseyuen�beneficiaries,
<br /> Benef ciar}�may procure such insurance and make su�h paymenr bu�shall not be �bl�ga�ed to do so. Any amoun.�s
<br /> disbursed by Benef ciary pursuant to �his Paragraph 6 sha11 become additional �ndebtedness af Trustor seGured by
<br /> th�s Trus�Deed. Su�h amounts shall b�payable upon no�ice from Beneficiary ta Trustar reQuesting payment thereof
<br /> and sha�1 bear int�rest from the date of.drsbursemen�at the rate payable from�ime to time �n outs�and�ng pr�ncipal
<br /> under �he Note unless paym�nt of interest a� such ra�e vvould be cantrary to applicable �aw, in whi�h e�ent such
<br /> amaunts shall bear in�erest at the highes�rate perm�ssible under applicable law. Nothing contained in this Paragraph
<br /> d sha�1 requ�re Benef�c�ary�a incur any expense or take any a�tian hereunder.
<br /> 7, ASSIGNMENT �F RENTS. Beneficiary shall ha�e the right, power, and au�hority dur�ng �he
<br /> continuan�e of this Trus�Deed�o collec�the rents, issues, and prafi�s af the Property and of any persona�praperty
<br /> l�cated th�re�n�vi�h�r vWith�u�taking possession of�he property affected hereby,and Trustar hereby abso�ute�y and
<br /> un�ond��ianally ass�gns a�l such rents, issues, and profits ta Benefciary. Beneficiary, hovve�er, her�by consents to
<br /> the Trustvr's�o�lection and retentian of such rents, issues, and pr�fts as they a�crue and became payabie so long as
<br /> Trus�or �s not, at such time, in defau�t v�ith respect to paymen� of any indebtedness secured hereby, or Yn the
<br /> performance of any agreernent hereunder. Upon any such default,Beneficiary may a�any txme, either in pers�n,l�y
<br /> agent, or by a recei�er to be appoin�ed by a caurt,v�.i�haut notice and vWi�hout regard to the adequacy of any securi�y
<br /> for�he indebtedness hereby secured,�a�ent�r upon and take possession of the Prvp�rty�r any part thereof and,in its
<br /> awn name sue, for or othervW�se col.lect such rents,issues,and prafits,includi.ng�hose pas�due and unpaid,and apply
<br /> �he same, less costs and expenses of operation and callection, including reasonable a�torneys' fees, upon any
<br /> - indebtedness�secured hereby and in such order as Benefi�iary may determine; �b� perfo.rm such acts of repa�r or
<br /> protectian as may be necessary ar p.roper to conser�e the�alue of th�Property;�c}lease the same or any part thereof
<br /> for such ren��a�,�������, a��..>>.u�n such c�nd�tions as its iud��Pr�.�ay dictate, or terminate ar adjust the terms and
<br /> conditions of ex�s�ing�eases. Unless Trustor�and�Beneficiary thereof agree otherwise in writ�ng, any application af
<br /> rents, issues, or prof ts t� any indebtedness secured hereby shalI not ex�end or postpone �he due date of the
<br /> insta�lment paymen�s as pravided in said prvm�ssory note or change the am�un�of such installments. The enter�ng
<br /> upon and taking possession of the Praperty, the collect�an of such rents, issues and profits, and fhe appliGation
<br /> thereaf as aforesaid sha]1 not wai�e or cure any defaul� or notice af default hereunder or in�alida�e any act done
<br /> pursuant tfl such nvtice. Trustor also assigns to Beneficiary, as further security for �he perf�rmance of �he
<br /> o�l�gations secured hereby, al� prepaid ren�s and a�l manies which may have be�n or may hereafter �e deposited
<br /> with said Trustor by any lessee of the Property to secure the payment of any rent or damages,or,upon default in the
<br /> performance of any of the pro�is�ons hereaf, Trustor agrees to deli�er such ren�s and depasits to Beneficiary.
<br /> Deli�ery af written not�ce of Benefi�iary's exercise of the righ�s granted herein to any �enant occupying said
<br /> premises shall be suff�cient ta require said tenant to pay rent to tihe Beneficiary until further no�ice. -
<br /> 2
<br />