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<br /> Return To: Horizvn Bank,1U841 North 142nd Street,Post�ffice Box 447,�a�erty,Nebraska G845Z
<br /> THIS TRUST I]EED, made May �, 2�14, by and among Shady Bend Vi11as, LLC, vvhose mailing
<br /> address is 1 S34 W. 7th Street, Crand Island, Nebraska 658�3-4604 �herein "Trustor"�; and H�rizan Bank, whose
<br /> mail�ng address �s 1�841 Nor�h 142nd Street, Past �ff ce Bax 447, Wa�er�y, Nebraska 684d� �herein "Trustee"};
<br /> and Horizon Bank, whose maili.ng address�is 10841 Nor�h I42nd S�r�e�, Post 4ff ce Box 447, ,L7Va�erly,Nebraska
<br /> 68462�herein"Benef�iary"�.
<br /> F�R VALUABLE ��NSIDERATIQN; Trus�or irrevo�ably grants, transfers, con�eys, and assigns to
<br /> Trus��e, �N TRUST, W�TH P�VL�ER�F SALE for the benefit and security o.f.Beneficiary, under and subj ect�o fhe �
<br /> terms and conditians of this Trust Deed,the following des��ihed rea�pr�per�y,located in HaI1 County,N�braska:
<br /> See attached�ega1 description.
<br /> T��ETHER�Vv�:'i�� w'.� �� ��?� �����������;; �:���:;'c���r �iow owned or hereafter acqu�red: ren�s, profits,
<br /> roya��ies,in�ome, and ather�enefit�deri�ed from the real property;all Ieases or subleases c�vering the rea�p.roperty
<br /> or any par�ion thereof; a11 interests, estate, or other ciaims, bo�h in law and in equ��ty, in �he real property; a�1
<br /> homestead exemprions which are hereby released and wai�ed; ali �asements, rights-of-vvay, �enemen�s,
<br /> her�ditam�nts; all oil and gas rights and pr�fits and wa�er righ�s; all rxght,t�t�e, and interest of Trustor in and t�any
<br /> Iand ly�ng w�thin �h� right-of vvay af any street or highway adjoining �he rea] prop�r�y; any and aIl build�n�s,
<br /> f�xtures,impro�em�nts,and appurtenances now�r hereafter erected�herean or belo.nging�hereto�herein ref.erred ta
<br /> as "Impro�ement" or "Improvements"�; and any and al� av�ards made for the �aking by em�nent domain, or by any
<br /> proceeding �r purchase in �ieu thereof, of�he v�hole o.r any part of the real propeY-�y. A11 af the foregoing esta�e,
<br /> property,and i.nteres�c�nveyed to Trustee here�n collect��ely referred to as�he"Praperry."
<br /> �a} The paymen�of indebtedness e�idenced by Trustor's notes ar guarante��"Note"}with an ef.f.ective
<br /> d.ate of May 1, Z�1.4, in the prin�ipal sum of Tvva Hundred Nin�ty Three.Thousand Two Hundred Do�lars
<br /> �$293,2��}, �agether with interest at the ra�e or rates provided there�n and �he principal and interes� on any future
<br /> loans e�idenced by. promiss�ry notes or guarantees stating they are secured by this Trust Deed, ar�d any and ali
<br /> renewa�s, modifications, and ex�ensions thereaf, ba�h principal and interest being paya�le in accordance with the
<br /> �erms set for�h therein,which,by this referenc�,�s made a part hereof..
<br /> (b} The perfarmance of.each agreement and covenanti of Trustor herei.n contained;and
<br /> �c} The payment of any sum or sums of money wh�ch may �e hereafter paid vr advanced by the
<br /> Benef ciary under the t�rms of.this Trust I]eed,tagether v�ith interest�herean at the rate prfl�ided�n�he"Note."
<br /> AGREES A��'�.ji��i�+�►��'�: .
<br /> 1. PAYMENT QF PRINCIPAII AND INTEREST. Trustor shall promptXy pay, when due, the
<br /> pr�ncipal of and interest on the indebtedness e�idenced by the Note,and all other charges and fees as pro�ided in the
<br /> No�e,and the prinCipal of and i.nterest on any Future Ad�ances se�ured by�his Trust Deed.
<br /> 2. WARRANTY �F TIT.LE. Trustor is �awfully seized and possessed �f good and �ndefeasible
<br /> title and estatie to�he Properfiy hereby c�n�eyed and has the right ta grant and con�ey the Property. The Proper�y is
<br /> free and clear of a1� iiens and encumbrances, ex�ept liens n�w of record, and Trustor wi�l warran� and defend �he
<br /> ti�le to�he Property against all��ai.ms and demands.
<br /> 3. MAINTENAN�'E AND CUMPLIAN�E WITH LAW S. Trus��r sha�1 keep the Property in
<br /> good repair and conditian, shall not�omm�t waste ar permit impairment ar deter�ora�ion of the Property, and shal�
<br /> comply with the provisivns of any Iease if this Trust Deed �s on a Ieasehold. No �mpro�ement, now �r hereafter
<br /> erected upon the Praperry, shall be al�ered,removed,ar demolished without the prior written consent of Beneficaary.
<br /> 1
<br />