<br /> 14. DEFAZTIIT. Trustar w��I be in default if any party ob�igat�d on the Secured Debt fails �a make paym�nt�vhen due. Trustar
<br /> w�ll be in default if a breach ���urs under �he �erms of th�s Securi�y �ns�rument o� an� ot��r document ex�cu��d �ar th�
<br /> purp�se �f crea��ng, secur�ng or�g��an�g���e=��e��r�d���eb�. A goad fa�th belief by Be�.�f iciary that Benef�c�ar�r at any
<br /> t�me �s �nse�ure ���h respec� t�ari�r pers�n..;o�...:����ty ob��gated on �he Secured Deb� ar�hat �he prospect of any payment ar
<br /> the value�f the Pr�per�y:�s �mpaired s�ia.������°:��nst��ute an:y event of defau�t.
<br /> :...�dYss...,..,:.'CwK.�•�iCiz�.slaa-w._.:.tx......�....4.x.':... �. :..�m� � � .. . .
<br /> . .:y.-g•�:.t'.:-.'-.�.......1,�...�...�...]�.........,i
<br /> 15. �NI.E�lIES �JN DEFAITLT. In s�m.e instances, federa.l and state law wi�� require Ben�fici�ry tn prov�de Trus�ar w�th
<br /> not�ce af the right ta cure or a�her nvtices and m�.ay establish time sch�dul�s for forecl�sure ac���ns. Subject to th�se
<br /> limitat�ons, if an�, Bene�c�arsr ma�ac�elerate�he S�cured Debt and f�rec�ose this Se�urit� �nstrument in a manner prov�d�d
<br /> by�aw if Tru�tor�s �n default.
<br /> At the option �f Benefi�iary, all or any par� of �he agreed fees and �harges, ac�rued interest and prinCipal sha�� bec�me
<br /> immed�ately due an�paya�b�e, after giving not�ce if requ�r�d by law, upon�he oc�urr�nce of a default�r anyt�me thereaf�er.
<br /> �n add�t�an, B�n�fic�arsr sha.�� b� ent�tl�d t� a.�l th� rem�d�es provid�d by law, �h� �erms af�h� Secured D�bt, �his Securi�y
<br /> Znstrum�nt and any re�a��d d�cun�.ents, includ�ng�vithau� l�n�ta�ian, the p�wer�o sell th�Praper�y.
<br /> If there �s a defau��, TI`L15��� 5I1�.�.�, in additi�n to any ��her permi��ed r�medy, at the request of th� Beneficiary, adv�rtise
<br /> and �e�l �he Pr�p�r�y as a who�e or in se�arate parce�s a� publ�c auction to t�e highest b�dd�r for cash and �anvey abs��ute
<br /> t�t�e fr�e an d c�ear o f a l� rig h t, �i t le an d �n�er�st a f Trus�or at suc h time an d p�ace as Trust�e designa�es. Trustee s�all g��e
<br /> n����� of sal� x�,c�ud�ng the time, ��rms and p�ac� of sale and a descr�p�ion of�he property to be sold as requ�red by th�
<br /> appl��able�a�v �n effect at the t�m.e of the pr�posed sa�e.
<br /> Upon sal� �f�a.e prnper�y and to the ex�en� not proh�b��ed by la�v, Trustee �ha�� n�.ake and deiiver a deed �o th� Prop�r�y
<br /> s�ld wh�ch con�eys absoXu�e t���e ta the purchaser, and after f�rst pa�ing aI� fees, charges and cos�s, shal�pay to Benef�ciar�
<br /> aIl moneys advan�e� for repairs, ta�es, 1.�15ll�'�I��y ���ns, assessnn.ents and pr�or �ncumbranc�s ax�d �nterest thereon, and the
<br /> principa� and in�eres� on the Secur�d I]ebt, pay�ng the surp�us, if any, �a Trus�ar. Benef�c�ary may purchase the Proper�y.
<br /> The re��t�l.s �n any de�d of�onv��ance s�iall be pr�ma fac�e eviden��of the fa�ts se�.f�rth there�n,
<br /> Ali remed�es are �istinc�, �um�uXa�iv� and no� exc�us�ve, and the Beneficiary �s en�it�ed to all renzedies �ro�ided at �aw or
<br /> equ��y, �he�.er ar not �xpress�y se� for�h, The acceptance b� Ben��c�ary af any sum in pay m�nt or par�xa� paynzent on �he
<br /> Secured Debt af��r the ba�anc� zs due ar i� a��elerated or af��r foreclosure roceedin s are f
<br /> of Benefici ' ' . . P g . �led shal� not const�tut� a wa�ver
<br /> a r y s r�g h t �o r e q u i r e c a m p l e t e C u r e o f a n y e x�s��n g d e f a u l�. B y n a t e x�r c�s�n g a n y r e m e d y o n T r u s t�r's d e f a u l�,
<br /> B en e f�czar�does no t wai�re Bene f���ary's r�g h��o�at�r c�nsi der�he event a de fau�t i f�t c�ntinues ar happens again,
<br /> 1G. E�PE�SES; AD�Ll'A�CES �� C�VENA�TS; ATT�R.�EYS' FEES; C�L�E�TI�N C�STS. Except when
<br /> prohibited �by �a�r, Trust�r agrees to pay a�l of Bene�ciary's �xpenses if Trustor br�aches any cavenant in this Secur�ty
<br /> Ins�rument. Trustor wil� a�.so pa� on demand any amount �n�urred by Bene�ciary for �nsuring, inspec�ing, preserving or
<br /> other�vise protec�ing the Proper�y and Benefi��ary's s�curi�y �nterest. These expenses will bear �nteres� from�a.e dat� of�he
<br /> paym�nt unt�� pa�d zn full a��h� h�ghest �nteres� rate in effect as pra�id�d in th� terms af the Secured Deb�. Trustor agrees
<br /> ta pay a�� C�5�5 and e�penses incurred b� Beneficiar� in collecting, �nforcing �r prot�cting Ben��ciary's rzgh�s and
<br /> r�med�es under t�.is �ecurzty �ns�rument. Th�s amoun� may �nc�ude, but is no� I�n��ed t�, att�rneys' fees, cour� costs, and
<br /> other legal e�penses. This Security �nstrument sha1X remain zn effec� unti� r�lease�.. Trus�or agrees to pa�r f�r any
<br /> r�cordat�on costs�f such release.
<br /> 17. ENVIRC7NME�TAL LA�VS AND HAZARD�US SUBSTAN�ES. As u��d in this se�tian, ��.} En��ranmen�al. Law
<br /> means, w�thou� �im�.tation, �he �om.preher�sive Environmental Res�o�.se, ��a�pensa�ian and Liabil�ty A�t �CER�LA, 42
<br /> U.S.C. 96n I e� s�q.}, and a�� other federa�, sta�� and l�ca�. laws, r�gula�ions, ordinances, �our� orders, at�arney �enera�
<br /> opinions ar in�erpret�ve Iet�ers cQncerning �h�publ�c hea��h, safety, we�fare, env�ronm�n�or a ha2ardous substance; and ��}
<br /> Hazard�us Sub�tanc� nz�ans any to��c, radi�ac�iv� or hazardous materia�, was�e, pa�lutant ar c�ntam.inant which has
<br /> character�st��s whxch render the subs�ance danger�us �r p�ten��a�ly dangeraus ta the pub�ic hea�.th., safety, �re�fare or
<br /> environm�nt. The t�rm includes, with�u� ��m��at�on, any substanCes defined as "hazard�us ma�erial," "toxic subs�an�es,"
<br /> "hazard�us waste" or "hazardous substance" under any En�ironm.ental La�.
<br /> Trus�ar represents, ,warrants and agrees that:
<br /> A. Except as pr���ous�y disc�osed and acknav�Iedg�d �n writ�ng t� B�neficiary, no Hazard�us Subs�ance is or wi�� be
<br /> located, stor�d or rel�ased �n ar �n �e Pr�perty, This restr�ctlon d�es nat appl� t� sma�� quanti�ies �f Hazardous
<br /> Substanc�s that are gen�rally recogni2ed�o be appropria�e for the norma�use and maintenan���f�h�Pr�per�y.
<br /> B. Except as pre�iousl� dis�losed and acknovv�edg�d in writing ta Benef�ciary, Trust�r and e�ery tenan� have be�n,
<br /> are, an�shall rema�n�n full comp��ance�rith any appl�cab�e Env�ronmental Law.
<br /> C. Trus��r shall immediate�y na�ify Bene�ciary �f a rel�as� or �hreatened re��ase of a Hazardaus Subs�anc� occurs on,
<br /> under or abou� the Property ar there �s a v���ati�n �f any Environmen�al Law conCerning the Propert�. �n such an
<br /> �vent, Trus�or�ha11�ake all n�cessary remedial actian in acc�rdance wi�h any En�iron�n�ntal Law.
<br /> D. Trustor sha�I immediate�y natify Bene�ciary xn wri�ing as s�on as Trust�r has reason to beli��e there�s an�pending
<br /> �r �hr�a��ned �nv�st�gat�on, cla�m, or pro�e�ding relating �� th� release �r threaten�d r�l�ase of any Ha2ar�.ous
<br /> Substance or the vio�a��an of any En��r�nmenta.� Law.
<br /> 18. ��NDEIVIl�ATI�N. Trus�or�v��� gi�e Bene�ciary pr�mp� not�ce of any pending or�hr�atened acti�n, by pr�vat�flr pub���
<br /> ent�t�es to pur�hase or take any or a�l of the Prap�r�y through candemnat�on, �n�a.nent d�main, or any other m�ans. Trustor
<br /> auth�riz�s B�nef�ciary to i�.ter�en� in Trustor's name in any �f th� abo�� des�r�bed a�tions or c�a�m.s. Trus�ar ass�gns �o
<br /> Benef�ciary the proce�ds of any award or claim f�r damages cann�c�ed with a conden�nat�on �r �ther �aking af aIl ar an�r
<br /> par� of �he Praperty. Such procee�s sha1l b� considered paynlen�s and w��� b� app�i�d as provided in �.is Security
<br /> �ns�ru�m�nt. Th�s ass��nmen� of pr��eeds is sub�ect to �he terms af any pri�r�nor�gage, dee� of trust, secur�ty agr�ement or
<br /> o�er l��n d��ument.
<br /> 19. INSUR.A�CE. Trus�ar shaJ.� k��p Pr�p�r�y insured aga�nst l�ss by fir�, f�vod, thef�and o�h�r hazards an� r�sks reasonably
<br /> a��ocia�ed vvit� �he Proper�y du� �� i�s �yp� and location. This insura�.�e shall �e mainta�ned �n th� amaun�s and f�r th�
<br /> per�ods that Ben�f�ciary requ�r�s. 'L�iat Ben�ficiary requires pursuan� �o �he preceding sentence can change during �h� term
<br /> of the Secured Debt. The �nsuran�� carr�er pr�v�d�ng �he insurance shaJ.l b� chasen by �'rustor sub�ect to B�nef�ciary's
<br /> approval, wh�ch shall not be unreasonably wi�hhe�d. If Trus��r faxls to mainta�n th� ��verage d�scribed ab�ve, Benef���ary
<br /> may, at Benef�c�ary's option, �b�ain cav�rage ta pratect B�n�ficiary's righ�.s �n the Prvper�y according t� the �erms af this
<br /> Secur��y Instrumen�.
<br /> AII insurance oli�ies and ren�wals �hall b� ac�e tabl� ta B�nefic�ary and sha.�� include a standard "m�r�gage c�ause" and,
<br /> �vhere a ��ca��e l�ss
<br /> , a ee clause. Trus�or s�ial� 1
<br /> Pp A y mmedlat�ly not�fy Ben��c�ary of cance�lat�on or �erm�.natlan of ��e
<br /> insurance. Benef�ciar� sha11 have the right tfl ha�d th� po�ic�es and rene�va�s. �f Beneficiary re�uires, Trustar sh�,�
<br /> �mmed�a�ely��ve ta Bene��iary a�I receip�s of paid premi.uxns and renewa�.n��iGes, Upon loss, Trustor shaI,� g�ve imnzed�a�e
<br /> notice t�the�nsuranc�carrier and Benef�ci
<br /> ar�. B�ne���ary m.a�r make praaf of�oss �f not m.ade�mm�drate�y b�Trust�r.
<br /> (pa e3of4�
<br /> � �994 Wolters Klt€wer�inancial Ser�ices-Banfcers 5ystems7M Form R��DT-N� '�217 512Dafi � A.
<br /> VMP�-C'165�NE} �o7�s�
<br />