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��14�3155 <br /> B. A�1 future ad�ances fr�nz Benef�c�ar�r to Trus�or or other future �b��gat�ans of Trus��r to Benef�ciary under any <br /> pro�n�ss�ry not�, contract, guaran�y, or o�her �v�denc� of debt executed by Trustor zn fav�r of Benefic�ary execu�ed <br /> aft�r th�s S�cur��y Instrument �hether or not th�s Securi�y Instrurr�en� is specif�Cal.�y referenced. If m�re �han one <br /> persan signs th�s Securi�y Znstrument, each Trus��r agr��s that this Secur��y �nstrumen��u�ll s�cure all future ad�an�es <br /> and future obXiga��ons �hat are given �o or in�urred by any �ne ar m.ore Trustor, or an�r ane or m.ore Trust�r and <br /> oth�rs. A�1 futur� advanc�s and other future �biiga�i�ns axe secured by this Security Instrumen� even though a�� or <br /> par� rnay no�yet be advanced. A�� future advances and other future ob�igat�ans are secured as if made �n the �ate of <br /> this 5e�urity �nstru�nen�. Na�hing in this Security �nstrum�n� shal.� cons�i�ute a commi�men� �o make add���ana.� or <br /> future loans or ad�ances in any amount. Any su�h��mma.�ment must be agreed�o in a s�para�e wr�ting. <br /> �. A11 ob��gations Trus�or�wes ta Benef��iary, �vhich may�at�r a��se, to the extent no�proh�bited by law, in��uding, bu� <br /> n�t Iimu.ted to, �iabi�it�es for�ver�raf�s r�lat�ng to an de �s�t ac�oun�agr�em�nt bttween Trus�ar and B�n�ficxary. <br /> D. AII addi�iona� sums advanced and ex ens�s incurre�� ��n�fz��a for �nsur�n re�er��n �r o��.erwise r ec 1n <br /> P � �`Y g 7 P g p flt t g <br /> �he Proper�y and its va�ue and any ot�aer sums advanced and �xpense� incurred by �3�nef���ary under�he terms �f th�s <br /> Se�uri�y �nstrument. <br /> This �ecurity Ins�rumen� vv��� na� secure any �ther debt �f B�neficiary fails �o g�ve any r�qu�red noti�e of �he right �f <br /> resciss�on. <br /> 5. PAYMENTS. Trus�or agre�� that ail paym�nts under �he Secur�d D��t will be paid when due and in accordance ��th �he <br /> ��rms of�he S�cured Debt and�his S�cur�ty Instrument. <br /> 6. ,WARRA�TY �F TITLE. Trust�r vvarran�s tha� Trustor is ar �vill b� �awfu��y s�iz�d af the e�tat� conveyed by �his <br /> S�cur�ty �nstrument and has �he r�gh�to irre�ocably grant, �anvey, and sel� the Proper�y �o'Trus�e�, zn trust, w�th po�v�r of <br /> sa1e. Trus�flr a���v�arrants tha��he Property�s unencuxnbered, e�.cep�for�ncum�rances of rec�rd. <br /> 7. P�C3�t S�CUR.ITY INTEl�STS. �N'ith regard to any other mor�gage, deed of trus�, secur�ty agreement or oth�r �ien <br /> docunzent that created a pr�or security inter�st or encumbrance on the Praper�y, Trustor agrees: <br /> A. To�na�e aII pa�men�s when due and�o perfonm or c�mp�y w�t.�.�all c�venants. <br /> B. T�promp�ly d�Iiv�r to B�n��c�ar�r any no����s that Trus��r recexves from t�.e h�l�er. <br /> G. �o� �� a1law an modif�cat�on or e�t�ns��n �f n�r r <br /> y ,� �a equ�st any fu�ure adv ances under any nn�e or agreem�nt <br /> secur�d by the�ien docum�nt w��hout Benefic�ary s grior wrzt�en cvnsent. <br /> S, �LAI�VIS A�-AI�ST TITLE. Trustor will pay aI� �axes, assessmentss liens, en�umbrances, lease payments, ground r�nts, <br /> u�����ies, and ather ch.arges relatxng to the Proper�y wh�n due. Bene���ary may requxre Trustar �a pravide �a Beneficiary <br /> copxes nf all n�t�ces tha� such amounts are due and the re�e�pts eviden��ng Trus�vr s payxnent. Trustor will defend tit�e to <br /> the Pr�perty again�� any c�a�ms tha� would impa�r the �i�n af �his Secur�ty �nstrumen�. Trustor agrees to ass�gn to <br /> Benefic�a.�y, as requested by Benef�c�ary, an� rxghts, c�ai�s or defens�s Trustor may have again��par��es who suppXy �abor <br /> or ma�er�a�s to ma�ntain or�mpr�ve the Proper�y. <br /> 9. DUE �N SALE D�t ENCUMBRA�CE. Beneficiary may, a� its op��on, declare the en�ire�a.�ance af the Secured Deb� �o <br /> be immediately du� and payable upon the crea�ion af, tran�fer or sa�e of a���r any part of�he Prop�r�y, This right is subje�t <br /> �o the re�trict�ons zmp�sed by f�dera� �aw ��2 �.F.R. 591}, as app��cable. Thxs cavenant shaX� run �vith the Proper�� and <br /> shall�n effect unti�the Secured Deb�is pa�d in fu��and th�s Security �ns�rum�nt�s reXeased. <br /> 10. PR�PERTY C�NDI�I�N, ALTERATI�NS AN�]I�SPE�TI�N, Trustor tiv�ll keep �h�Proper�y in goad cand�t�on and <br /> make aII repairs t�.a�are reasonab�y necessary. Trus��r shall not c�m�mit�r al.�ow any tivast�, impairmen�, or�et�rxoration�f <br /> �he Prop��y. Trustor �r��� ke�p �he Prop�r�y free �f nox�ous we�ds and grasses. Trus�or agrees tha� �h� na�ure of the <br /> a�cupancy and use w�11 n�t substant�ally �hange wi�hou� Benefi�iary's pri�r �rritten consent. Trustor tiv�l� not perm�� any <br /> change in any licen�e, restr�ct�ve �o��nant �r easemr.en�. �vi�hout Beneficiary's prior wri��en consen�. Trustor w��� natify <br /> Benef�c�ary of a��demands, prac�ed�ngs, claims, and actions aga�ns�Trust�r, and�f any�oss ar damage to the Pr�per�y. <br /> B�nef�c�ary or Ben�fi�iaz�'� agen�s ma�, a� Beneficiary'� opti�n, enter the Prop�r�y at an�r r�as�nab�e time for�h�purpose <br /> af �nspec��ng the Pr�per�y. Benefi�iary sha�I gi�e Trustor n�t�ce at the time �f or before an insp��t�on sp�c�fy�ng a <br /> r�as�na�le purpose for the �nspe��ion. Any inspec�i�n of�he Prope�ty shal�be ent�re�y fQr Benef�c�ary's benef�t and Trus�or <br /> �vz�� in na wa� rely�n Benefic�ary's insp�ction. <br /> 11. AUTHURITY T� P�R.F�RM. �f Trus��r fai�s to perfanm any duty or any of th� co��nants contained in this Securit� <br /> �nstrument, Beneficiary may, �vith�ut n��i�e, perfarm or cause th�m ta b� p�rform��. Trus�or appoints B�ne�ciary a� <br /> attorney �n fact to s�gn T`rustor's name or pay any amount n�cessary for perf�rmanc�. Benefi�iary's r�ght to perfarm for <br /> Trus�or sha�� �ot crea�e an abligation t� p�rform, and Benef�c�ary � fai�ure ta perf�rm tiv��� not preclud� B�n�f�c�ary fr�m <br /> �xer�ising any of Bene�ciary s other rights under th�la�v or this SeCur�t�r �ns�rument. �f an� construct�on on the Property is <br /> dise�ntinued or not carried on zn a reasonab�e man.ner, Benef�c�ary,may take a�� steps ne�essary to protec� B�nefic�ar�'s <br /> security interest�n�he Proper�y, including complet�on of th�construction. <br /> 12. ASSIGNMENT �F LEASES AND RENTS. Trus�or irrev�cab�y assigns, grants and con�eys, to Trustee; in trust for �he <br /> benefit of Bene�c�ar�r as add�tional securi�� alI �he right, tit�e and interest in the fo��o�ing �a�l referred ta as Proper�y�: <br /> exis�ing ar future �eas�s, subleases, ��censes, guarant�e� and an� ather �ri�ten or verba� agreenlen�s f�r the use and <br /> �ccupancy af the Pr�per��, inc�uding an�r �xtens�ons, renewals, modifica�i�n� or replacemen�s �al� ref�rred to as Leas�s}; <br /> and r�nts, �ssues and profi�s �a�� referred t� as Rents}. In the �vent any ���m listed a� Leases or R�nts is detern�ined �o �e <br /> persanal proper�y, �his Assignm�nt wil� a�so be regar�ed as a security agreemen�. Trus�or�vil�prompt�y pro�id�Beneficiary <br /> w�th. cop��s of t.�e Leases and will cer��fy these Leases ar��rue and �arrect c�p�es. The e�isting Leas�s w�ll be provided on <br /> execu�ion af th� A���gnm�nt, and alI future L�ases and an�r other inf�rma��an wr�h respec��o thes� Leases v�iii be pro�id�d <br /> immediate�y af�er �h�y ar� executed. Trustor may col�ect, recei�e, enj oy and use the Rents so long as Trustor is n�� in <br /> defauit. <br /> Upon defau��, Trustor wil� rece�ve any Ren�s �n trus� f�r Bene�ciary and wi�� no� c�mmingl� the Ren�s with any n�er <br /> funds. Trustar agrees�hat�his Security�nstrument�s�mmediate�y effe�t�ve bet�v�en Trus�or and Ben��c�ary and eff�c�i�e as <br /> to�h�r�par�ies�n�h�r��ording af�h�s Assigzimen�. As l�ng as�h�� Assignment is in�ff���, Trus�or warrants and repres�n�s <br /> �ha�no default exists und�r the Lea�es, and the par��es subj ect�� ��ae Leases have nat violated any app�icabl� lavv on�eases, <br /> licenses and�and�ords and tenants. <br /> 13. L�ASEH�LDS; C�ND� S; PLA�NED UNIT D�VEL�PMENTS. Trust�r agrees to comply with �he <br /> prowis�ons of any ��ase if thzs Securz�y �ns�rument is �n a Ieaseho�d. �f�he Proper�� �ncludes a un�t in a condnminium�r a <br /> pianned unit deve�opm�nt, Trustor�v��l perform a.�� of Trustor's du��es und�r the c�venants, by-�ativs, ar regu�a�i�ns of�h� <br /> �ondomun�um�r p�ann�d un�t deveXapmen�. <br /> �pa e of 4J <br /> � �994 WValters K�uwer�ir�anciai Ser�ices-Bankers Systerns�M �orm RE-�T-NE 1211�IZD�fi � � <br /> �� <br /> vnn�oWc�6��NE� ta�o�3 <br />