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��14�3174 <br /> continue to pay to Lender the am�unt of the separate�y designated pay�ne�ts�ha��vver�due v�h�n the <br /> �nsurance co�rerage ceased ta�e Yn effect. Lender�ll aecept, use and retai.n these payments as a <br /> nfln-refundab�e�oss reserv��n lieu of Mortgage Ir�surance_ Such�.oss reserve s�a��be non refun.dable, <br /> n.otwith�tand�ng the fact that�he Loan is u�.timately pa�d in fuil, �.a.d Le�der sha��not be pay <br /> Borro�wer any interes��r earnings on such�oss reserve. Lender can no�onger requ�r-e 1as�reserve payments <br /> if Mortgage In�urax-�.ce�over�.ge��n the a�naount and for�ie perzod�.hat Lender requires)prov�ded�y an <br /> i.�surer se�.ected by Ler�der again becomes avai�ab�.�, �s obtained, and L�nder rec�uires se�ar�.���.y designated <br /> �aaym�nts�award�e premium.;s for Mor�gag�Insurance. If I�ender requirec�Mortgage InsYxrance as a <br /> condit�on of xnaking�he Loa�and Bor�o�ver uras required�o make separa�ely des�.gnated payments t��ard the <br /> premiurns for 1Vlortgage Insuraric�, Borrower sha��pay the premiuxns required�a n� Mortgage <br /> Insurance�n effect, or to provzde a no�refundable�.oss re�erve, unti�Ler�der's requirement far Nlor�gage <br /> Insurance�nd�in accordance�v�ith any urr�.tten agreement betweer�B�rrower and Ler�d�er providir�g for such <br /> terna�na�ion or u�txl term�nation is requxred by Applicab�e Law. Nothing�.n this Sectio� 1�affects <br /> Barrau�er's ob�igati:on ta pay�nterest at�he rate prov�ded�the Note. <br /> 111Ior�gage Insurance rei�nburses Lender tor any eri��ty that purchases�he Note�f�r certa�.n Ios�es�t may incur <br /> if B�rrower does not repa��he Loan as agreed. Borrower is na�a party��the Mortgage Ynsura�.ce. <br /> �Vla�gage i�sure�s evalua�e the�.x-�o�al.r�sl�on all such insurar�.ce irz force from t�me to t�me, and may en�er <br /> in.�o agre�ments��i other parties�hat share or madify their risk, or�educe�osses. rThese a�reements are on <br /> terms and cond��.:ons that are satisfactox-�r ta�ie mor�gage in.surer ar�c�the o�her party�or par�i:es�to thes� <br /> agreemen�s. These agreements may require�he mortgage insurer�o make pay�ments us�ng ar�.y source of funds <br /> that the mortgage i�.surer may have ava��ab�.e��xrhich may in�iude fund�ob�ained fr�m M�r�gage Insura�ce <br /> prerniurn.s}. <br /> As a result of the�e agreements, Lender; any puxchaser of�he Note, ax��ther insurer, any rei�.surer, any ot�ier � <br /> ent�ty, or a�y af�.Xiate af any of-�he foregoing, may receive�c�-ectl�y or indirec�ly� am�t�x�:ts that derxve from <br /> �or rnight be characteri�ed as}a par��an of�orrower's paymer�.ts for Mor�gage�u:rance, �n exchange for <br /> sharing or m.�dxfy�.�r�g�he��rtgage�.�surer`s risk, �r reducing��sses. If�uch a.gre�n�a��t�r��des�hat a:x� <br /> aff�iaie of Lender takes a share o��he insurer°s��s�in exchange f�r a shar�of�h��remiurr�s pa�.c��a�h� <br /> insurer, �ie�.rrangemen�is of�en�ermed.'p ca�pt�ve re�su�ance.'' Fur�her: <br /> �a} �y such agreements�vill nat affect the ama�nts th�.t B�rr�wer has agreecl t���y f��-1V�ortgage <br /> ]fiise�-ance, or any oth�r t�rms of th�Loan. Su�h agree�er�ts will.mot i�crease th�amaunt <br /> �3orr�wer�vi.11 owe for Mortgage In.surance, and they�.�.1 not en�i�l��orr�wer to any ref�d. <br /> 4b} An�such�greements w�ll�ot affect the rights�3orra�ver ha5--�f a�y-vv�.th resp�ct to�he <br /> Mo�tgage Ins�.ar-amce r�der the H�meowriers 1'rot�cfion�ct of 199�ar aaiy�the��aw. Th�se righ�� <br /> may i�aclud:e the r�.ght ta receive certain�sclo��re�, ta r�quest and�]b�ain.��.��ell�:ti��n of�he <br /> Mortg�.g��risuranc�, to have the Mmrtgage I�.sur�.n��term�.riafed auta�,at�.�al�y, andl�r to receive <br /> a refund af any IVgvrtgag�In�ur�nce pr�miu�s th�.t were ua�e�rn.ed at the�i.�me�f such <br /> cancellat���or ter� <br /> �'�, Assignmen� �f 11l�isce���ne�us Proceeds; F�rf���ure. A��1Vl�sce��.an.eous Praceeds are�iere�y ass�.gned�o <br /> and shall be pazd ta L�nder. <br /> If�he Property is da�naged, such�us Froceeds sha11 be applied t�resto�rat�on�r repair of�he <br /> 1'roperty, �f the restorafio�or r�pair��eco�omically feaszbl.e and Lender's sec�.xity����t lessened. During <br /> such repai-�ar�d restora� per��d, Lender sha1�hav��he r�ght to hold.suGh 1Vlxsce�aneous Proceeds until <br /> Lender has hacl ar��ppox�u:r��t�r�a�.n.spect s�ch Praperty�o ensur�th��ork has beer�c�mp�ete�1 to Lend�r°s <br /> 24�G6122 <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Fami[y-�annie[ViaelFreddie Mac UNIFQRM fNSTR�h�EN� Form 3�28 110'� <br /> VM P d VM P6�1VE}��13��} <br /> Wofters Kluw er Finar�cEa[Se�vices p���g���7 <br />