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� ��14�3174 <br /> for�he repairs and restoratifln�.n a single payment ar�n a series of progr�ss payme�ts as the�vork is <br /> cQmpleted. If�he insuras�c�or condemnatian proceeds are not suff�c�ent�o repa�r�r res�ore th�Proper�y, <br /> Bnrrawer is x�ot re�ieved of Borrourer's obl.zgation f�r�he con�pl.e��on of such repai.r or restflration. <br /> Lender ar its agent may�na:ke rea:sonab�e entr�es u�or�and�nspec��ons of the Pr�perty. If it has reasonab�e <br /> cause, Lender may inspect the i.nterior of�he�.mprovements on�h�Prapex-�y. Lender shall give Barr�wer <br /> noti.ce at the t7:me of or priar to such an�ter�ior insp�c��on specifying sueh reasonab�e <br /> S. 1�3orro�rer's L�an App��cat�nn. Borr�wer sha�l be in defau�:t��, dur�ng the Loar�app�ica�i�n process, <br /> �3orrower flr any persans or enti�.es ac�ing at the direct�on of Borra�rer ar vv�th Borrower¢s know�edge or <br /> can�s�nt gave rriater�al�y false, mis�, or in.accurate ir�.forma�.an��statements�o Lencier�or fai�.�d t� <br /> prov�de Le�der wi_th.m.a�eria�i.nform.a�io�)i.n cannec�ran with�he L�an. N.�aterial representa�ions in�I.ude, bu� <br /> are not�.i.mi�ed tv, repre�entat�ons concer�ung Borrower's ocCupancy of the Property as I3arrower's princ�pal <br /> residerxce_ <br /> 9. Protection �f Lender's Cnterest �n the Pr�pert� and R��hts L�nder this S�curity instrument. If�a} <br /> Borraujer fai�s to perform the eovenan�s and agreemen�s c�ntained i-�th�s Secur�ty Ix�.s�rumer�t, �b}t�iere�s a <br /> �ega�proc��d.��g that rrugh�s�.gn�ficantly affect�ender'��nte�est in�he Pr�pert�r�:r.�dl�r righ.ts unc�er�is <br /> Secur�ty I��rumex�t�such as a praceed:�ng�ba.-�-u�tc�, �roba�e, f�r cond�emna:.tiar�or forfei�ure, for <br /> enfarcemen�of a Iien�v�ch ma�r a�ta�n p��orx.ty ov�r this Security Ix�strume�.�or to enforce�aws or <br /> regu�at�.�ns�, �r�c�I3orrower has aban.doned�.e 1'roper�y, then Lender may do ar�c1 pay f�r v�h�.tev-er�s <br /> reasanable or appropr�at�to pro�ec�Lender's in.teres�in�he Property and.righ�s under t�ais Secur�ty <br /> Instru�r�.�nt, including protecting andlor assessing th�value�f�.e Property, and secur�ng�.cU�r repairing <br /> �he Property. Lender's actions can�nc�ude, but are nflt�imi.ted to� �a�paying any sums b�a�.�en <br /> whic�i has priorxty�ver this S�curi�.y In:s�rument; �bj appearin:g�n court; and[c�paying rea.�orzab�e attprxa.eys' <br /> fees to proteet�ts�ntere�t�n�he Praperty a.r�dlar righ�s u�c�er this Securi.ty Ins�rum.e�t, �nG�udillg its 5ecured <br /> posit�on i-�a i�arikruptcy proceeding. Securi�.g�Yie Pra�er�y inciudes, I�ut i5 not�imited to, entering t.�.e <br /> Property to make repairs, char�ge�ocks, replace or boarc��p d�ors a�c�wxndows, dra�wa�er fro�pipes, <br /> el�nate�.ing ar�ther code violatia�s vr dangeraus c��d.�t�ons, an�.h�.ve ut�.Iit�es t�.rned.on ar�ff. <br /> Al�hough Lender may ta�e ac�ion�der th�.s Sectia�9y Lender does not h�.ve ta do s�and is not und.�r any <br /> duty o�ablzgatzon to do so. I�is agreed�hat�.ender incurs r�a liabi��ity for not�akir�g any�r al�.act�ons <br /> authori2ed u�der�hi� Sect�on 9. <br /> Any an�our��s d�sbursed by Lender urnder th�s Sec��or�9 sh�l become add�tior�a.l.debt of Barrower secured by <br /> �his Security Instrument. These axnQun�s sha11 b�ar znterest at the Nate rate from the date af disbursement <br /> ax�.d shall be�ayable; vv�.th such interest, u���.notice from Lender to Borr�wer rec�u.esting paynmer�t. <br /> If this Security Instru.m.e�t zs an a leaseho�.d., Borro�er�l�a.�.�.��mp1y w�.t.�i alI�he pr�v�s�o�s Qf the�ease. If <br /> 1Borrowe��.cqui.res fee�i-�Ie�a�he Property, t�ie Iease��l�.�c��e fee��t1e sha��.�zot merg�ux�.ess Lex�c�e� <br /> agrees to t���.erger zr�wri�ing. <br /> '�fl. �ar�g a�e [nsu rance. If Lender requ�red Mortgage In.surance as a cor�d���an of n��g the Laan, Borr�w�;r <br /> sha��pay the premiums required to m.a�nta�n t�ie Mortgage Ir�uranC�in effect. If, for ar�y reason, tlse <br /> Mort�age Insurar�ce�ov�ra:ge required by Lender eeases to be available fraxr�the mor�gage insurer that <br /> previaus�y provi_ded sueh ir�.suranee and Borrower was requi�-ed�o make separa�el.y des�gnated payments <br /> ���rard�.he prem��.uns for Mor�gage Insurax�ce, Borrower sha.�1 pay the prexr�iums required to obtairi coverage <br /> subs�antially equ�va�.erit to the Mortgage Irzsura�.ce previousl�r i:ri effect, at a cast substa:nt�ally equ�.va�ent to <br /> the cost ta Borrower Qf the Mortgage Insuranc�prev��usly in effect, from ar�a�.ternate mor�gage i.n�urer <br /> select�d�y Len.der. If substax�t�ally equiva�.ent�.Vlox�gage Insurance coverage zs nat ava�i�.ble, �orrower sha1� <br /> 24aas�z2 <br /> NEBRASKA-Sir�gle Famify-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac LlNIF�RM ENSTRUN�EN"� F�rm 3�28 11Q� <br /> VM P d Vh�Pfi�NE}�13Q2} <br /> Walters Kluw�r Fnancia[Senrices p���g Q��7 <br />
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