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��14�3174 <br /> �B� The �nd�x <br /> Beginning }rv i�h the first �hang� Da�e; my interes� ra�e w�I� be base� on �n Index. Th� <br /> "�nd�x" is �h� v�r�ekly a�erage yield an United S�a�es Treasury securifiies ad�us�ed to a <br /> cons�ant ma�uri�y of one ye�r, as mad� avai[able �y �he FederaI Reserve Board= The mos� <br /> re��n� [ndex figure avaiiable as of �he da�e 45 days before each �hange Da�� is ca��ed �he <br /> "�urrent Index." <br /> lf the [ndex is n� I�nger� �va��able, the No�e Hn�der w ill choose a n�w index w hich is <br /> based upon comparable informa€i�n. �fhe No�te Ho�d�r�iII give m� no�ice of this cho�ce. <br /> tG} �alcu�ation of �hanges <br /> Before each Chan�e Da�e, �he N�t� Hold�r v�r il! calcula�e my new in��res� ra�e by add�ng <br /> TWD ANa 7�olloao per�en�age po�n�s <br /> � 2.7�� °Io} �o �he Gurrenfi �ndex. The �ate Ho�d�r�nr ill th�n �ound �he result <br /> of �h�s add���on �o �h� nearesfi one�-eigh�h of one p�rc�ntage poin� ��.'I25°/o}. Sub�e�t to the <br /> I�rr�ifs s�a�ed �n Sec�i�n 4��} be�o�rv, �his round�d amount will �e my r�ew in�eres� ra�e un�lI the <br /> nex� Ghange Da�e. <br /> The Nnte HaIder w�I1 then de��rmine the am�un� of �he mon�hly payment �tha� w auld be <br /> sufficien� �o repay �he unpaid principal �ha� C am exp���ed �o owe a� �he Chang� Date in fu�� <br /> on �he mafiuri�y da�e a� my new in�eres� ra�� in substan�ia��y equa� payments. The resu�� of <br /> �his calcuCatior� w�I� �ae th� new amaun� of my rr�on�h�y payrnen�. <br /> �D� L�r�n�ts o� lnt�r�st l�ate Changes <br /> The ���eres� ra�e � arn required to p�y afi �he firs� �hange Date will r�ofi be greater �han <br /> 6.2 5� �/o or �ess �han 4.�5� �/�. Th�reaf�er, rny in�eres� <br /> �a�e w iII ne�er h� increased or decreased on any sing�e Change Date by m�re �han ��a <br /> percen�age po�n�s ��.�°/a} f rom �he �a�e of �n�er�.st C hav� been paying for �he prec�ding '�2 <br /> mon�hs. My�n�eres�rate wil� never be greater�han 9.��� °/o or Iess�han 4.��4 °/o. <br /> �E} Effectirr� Dat� of �hanges <br /> If�y ne�nr �nteres� rat� v�r��l be�ome effec�ive �an each Change Da�e. [ w��I pay �h� amaun� <br /> of my nevv monthfy paymen� be�inning on �he first mon�hly paymen� dat� af�e� �he �hange <br /> �]a�e un�il �he amaunfi of my mon�h�y payment char�ges again. <br /> �F} Not��e �f �h�r�ges <br /> Th� hlo�� Ho�der w ill deli�e� or mail �a rne a ��tic� of any changes in nny interes� r�a�e and <br /> �he am�un� of rr�y mon�hly paymen� befa�� �he eff�c��ve daf� of any change. �fhe na��ce v�r i�� <br /> incIude �nformatian required by ia�rv to be given �o me and also the ti��e and t��ephone number <br /> of a p�rson w ho w ilI answ er any ques�ian [ m�y ha�e reg�rding �he na�ice. <br /> 24DD�'I2� <br /> 1V�ULT[STATE ADJ LJSTASLE RATE R�DER�-ARM �-2 Fannie Niae 4-�1�-21�-� ARM <br /> Sing�e Famiiy - �ann�� M aelFr�ddl� M�� LJN[F�RM INSTRUl11�EN� Far�-r� 3'�'�'� 'l10'�. <br /> ��� Q �r �2��.�o�o�-� <br /> V1lol�ers �C�uw er F�r�ancial Services �nit�als;�� �Page � of 4 <br />