<br /> in�he Proper�y and rights under th�s Secur��y �nstru�nent; and �d} tal�es su�h act�on as Lender may
<br /> reasona�Iy requ�re�o assure that i.�nd�r's in�eres��n th�Proper�y and righ�s under this Security Instrurnent,
<br /> and Barr�v��r's ob��ga��on�o pay�he sun�s secured b�this Security Ins�rumen�, sha11 cantinue unchanged.
<br /> Lender may require that Borraw�r pay such reins�a�emen�sums and expenses in one ar mare of the fo�lowing
<br /> forms, as selected by Lender: �a}cashy �b}mone�order; �c}c�r�ified check, barLk check, �reasurer's�he�k or
<br /> cash�er's c�eck, pro�ided an�r such�heck�s dra�vn upon an institu�ion v�hose depasx�s are insured by a
<br /> federal agency, instrumentaii�y or en�i�y; or�d} Electronic Funds Transfer. �C�'pon reinsta�ement�y Borrower,
<br /> �his Security Instrum�nt and obliga��ons secured hereby sha11 remain fu�ly eff��t��e as if no a��e�erat�on had
<br /> �ccurred. However, �his right�o reins�a�e sha��nat apply in th�case of acce�erat�on under S�ctian �S.
<br /> ��. Saie of �1l�te; Change �f Lc�an Ser��cer; Notice af Cr�evance. Th�Nate�r a par��a� interest in the
<br /> Not� (��geth�r wi����xs Se�ur�ty �nstrument} can�e so�d�ne or rnare�in�.es withouf pr�or notic��a
<br /> B�rr�wer. A sa��nr�ght resu�t xn a change�n the en���y�knou�n as�he "Laart Se�vicer"}tha�c���e�ts Periodic
<br /> Paymen�s due under the No�e and�his Securit� Instrum.ent and performs o�her mortgage i�a�n.serv�cing
<br /> ob�igatians under�he Note, th�s Security Ins�rument, and Appl�cable Law. There a�so might be one or more
<br /> changes�f the I.oan Serv�cer unrelated to a saie�f�he No�e. �f there is a change af�he L�an Ser�ic�r,
<br /> Borrower v�i���e gi�ren vwri��en nflt�ce of�he�hange which wili s�a�e the name and addre�s af�he ne�r I..�an
<br /> S�rv�cer, �he address ta�vh�ch paymen�s should be made and an�ath�r informa��on RESPA requ�res �n
<br /> c�nnect�on with a no�ice of transfer of serv�cing. If the No�e�s so��and�hereaf�er�he I.�an is ser��c�d�y a
<br /> Loan Servicer other than the purchaser of the Note, the mor�gage�oan ser��c�ng a��iga�ions to Borrawer w�ll
<br /> remain w�th�he Loan Serv�cer or b�transferred�a a successor Loan�er��cer and are no�assumed b�the
<br /> No�e purchaser un�ess otherwis�pr�vided by the Nflte purchas�r.
<br /> Neither Borrnwer n�r Lender may cammence,jo�n, or be�oined ta an�judicial a�tion�as either an
<br /> ind�vxdual����gant or fihe�nember of a c�ass} tihat ar�ses from the other party's ac�i�ns pursuant�o this
<br /> Securi�y Instrumen��r that alieges�hat the o�her party has brea�hed any pra�ision of, or any duty owed by
<br /> reason of, this Security �ns�rum�n�, unt�I such B�rrower or Lender has not��ed the���er par�y �wi�h su�h
<br /> r����c�g�ver����cor��p��a.�ce�v�t�.��e requ�re��.�nts�f��c���r� 1�}�f such a���g�d�r�a�h and aff�rd�d�he
<br /> other par�y hereto a reasona�i�period after the giv�ng of such no��ce��take��rrective act�on. �f Appl�cable
<br /> Law prov�d�s a t�me period which mus�e�apse�efore cer�ain act�on can be taken, that time peri�d wi1�be
<br /> deemed to be reasonab�e for purpases of this paragraph. The no�ice af a��e�era���n and�pportunity to cure
<br /> giv�n�o Borrower pursuan���Sect�on 22 and�he n���ce of acce�erat�on given ta Borrnwer pur�uant��
<br /> Sec�ian �8 sha�l be de�med to sat�sfy t�e not�ce and oppor�un�ty to�ake carrecti�re act�on provis�ons af�his
<br /> Sect��n Z�.
<br /> ��. Hazardous Su�astances. As used�n�h�s Section�l.: �a} "�a�C�r��uS�L��S�C�`Y�C�S rr are those subs�ances
<br /> defzned as toxic or hazardaus substanc�s, poi�utan�s, or wast�s by Environmen�a�Law and�he follawing
<br /> subs�ances: gas��ine, ker�sene, �ther flammab�e or toxic petrfl�eum produc�s, �ox�c pes�ic�des and herbxcides,
<br /> valatile solvents, ma�er�a�s contain�ng asbes�os ar formaldehyde, and radiaact��e ma�eria�s; �b}
<br /> "�nuironme�tt�aZ I.�aw"means f�dera�Xaws an�Xavvs�f the�urisdic�xon where�he Praper��r is la�ated that
<br /> re�a�.e�o hea�.th, safe�y or env�ronmenta�prote�t�on; �c� "�nvironmer�tal C`lear�up"includes any response
<br /> actian, remedial action, or removal a�tion, as defined in�nvxronmen�a� Law; and �d} an "E�tviro�trrtenta�
<br /> �'a�dition"means a�ond�t�an tha�can cau��, c�ntr��ute�a, flr otherwise�rigger an Envir�nmen�.al �leanup.
<br /> Borrower sha��not�ause or permi.t the presence, use, disposal, stora�e, ar release of an� �3a2ardaus
<br /> Subs�a�a.ces, or�hrea�en to re�ease any �azardous Subs�ances, on or�n the Property. Borro�rer sha�l no�do,
<br /> nar al��w anyane else ta do, any�h�ng affe�ting the Praper�y �a}that�s �n�io�a��on�f any �n��ronmental
<br /> Law, �b}which creates an En�ironmen�al Candi�ion, ar�c}v�h�ch, due to the presence, use, or re�ease�f a
<br /> �azardous Substanc�, creates a cond�tion�ha�ad��rs��y affects�he value�f the Property. The preceding�wo
<br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Family-Far�nie Mael�reddie Ma�UNfFORM INSTRUMENT Form 3428 11�7
<br /> VMP Q VMPGtNEy t7 3Q2y
<br /> Walt�rs Kluwer�inanciai Ser�ices Page 13 vf�7
<br />