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��14�3�99 <br /> designated a sub�t�tu�e not�ce addr�ss by not�ce to Lender. Borrower shal�pramp�Iy notify Lender nf <br /> Borra�ver's change of addres�. �f L�nd�r spec�fie� a pro�edure for repar��ng Barrower's change of address, <br /> then Borr�wer sha�l only r�p�rt a�han�e of address�hrough that�pecified procedure. <br /> Th�re ma�be on�y one designated notice address und�r this Secur�ty �ns�rument at any one�ime, Any notice <br /> to Lender sha��b�given b�delivering ��or by ma��irig it by first class znail ��Len�i�r's a�dress sta�e�h�rein <br /> unl��s Lend�r has designated another address by na�ic�to Borrow�r. An�natic�in c�nnection wi�h this <br /> Security Instrument sha.�.l n��b�d�emed��have been gxven t� Lend�r uriti� actua��y rec�i�ed by Lender. If <br /> any n��i�e required by�his Securi�y Ins�rument�s alsa r�quzr�d under App�i�ab�e Law, th�App��Cabl�Law <br /> r�quir�men�wil� sat�sfy��e corresponding requirement und�r�h�s S�curity Zn�trumen�. <br /> ��. G�verning Law, Serrerability; Rules of Cvnst�ructian. Th�s Secur��y�ns�rumen�sha1�be govern�d�y <br /> federal�aw and the�av�of�he jur��d���ian in which th�Proper�y �s�ocated. A�� rzghts and ob��gatians <br /> conta�ned�n this Securit� Instrument ar�su�jec�t� an� r�qu�remen�s and��nutat�ons of App��cable Law. <br /> Appli�ab�e Law might�xplicitly or�mp�iczt�y a.��ow the par��es to agr��by cantrac��r it might b�s�len�, but <br /> such si��nce sha�� not be construed as a proh�b�t��n against agreement by contra�t. In the event that any <br /> pro�isior��r c�ause of this Se�ur�ty �nstrument or�he No��c��af��c�s wi�h Appl��able Law, such confli��sha11 <br /> nat aff�ct�t�er pro�xsxons of this Security Instrurrzen�or the N���v�hi�h car�be g���n effect w�th�ut the <br /> c�nflxcting pro��s�on. <br /> As used in�h�s Security�n�tru�ment: �a}words of the masculin�gender sha�� nlean and �nc�ude corr�sp�nd�ng <br /> neuter words or words of�.he fenunine gend�r; �b}wards in th�s�ngu�ar sha�� mean and inc�u�.e�he p�ura� <br /> and�ic��rersa; ar�d �c}the�ard "m�ayt' g�ves so�e d�scret��n without any obligati�n to tak�any a�t�on. <br /> '�7. Sarrower's �opy. Borrov�er shall be�iven�ne�opy of the Note and of�his Security Ins�rumen�. <br /> �8. Tra�sfe�r vf the Prvperty or a Beneficial Interest in Borrawer. As used�n���s S��t��n �8, "Interes� in <br /> the Prop�r�y" means any�egal or�ene�c�a� in�erest in�he Proper�y, inc�uding, but not�irn�ted ta, th�se <br /> beneficia� interes�s�ra�zsf�rr�d in a b�nd for deed, contrac�for deed, insta��men�sales contract flr escrflw <br /> agre�men�, the inten�af�h��h is t�e transfer of����e by 8�rro��r a�a future dat�to a purcha�er. <br /> �f a��or any part�f�h�Proper�y�r any Interest in the Praperty�s so�d or transferred��r if B�rrower is not a <br /> natura.l person and a b�nefic�al int�res� in Borrawer i� so�d�r transferred}wi�hout Lender's prior wri�ten <br /> cans�nt, Lender m�ay re�u�re imm�dzate paymen��n full�f all sums secured by this S��urity Instrument. <br /> H�wever, �his vpt�an sha��no�be��ercised by L.�nder�f such exerCise is prohibited by Applicab�e La�v. <br /> �f Lender exerczs�s this option, Lender shal�gi��Borrou�er notice of accelerat�fln. The nat��e sha��provide a <br /> periad�f n�t��ss �han 3�days from�he date the na�ice�s given in accardance with Sec�i�n �5 with�n v�rh�ch <br /> Borra�ver mus�pay a�� s�ums secured by�his��cur��y�nstrum�nt. If Borr�u�er fails t�pay these sums pr�ar�a <br /> �h��xpiration af this periad, Lender rr�ay in�oke any remed�es perm�tted�y th�s Security Instrument withflut <br /> fur�her no�ice or demand on Borrawer. <br /> �9. Borro►►ver's R�ght tv Reinstate After Acceleration. If Barrawer m�ee��cer�ain canditions, Borrower <br /> shall�aave��e r�gh��a have enfarc�men�of th�s Securit�Instrumen�disc�ntinued a�any�ime pr�or t��he <br /> earlies�af: �a} �ve days before sale of�he Proper�y pursuarit to any power of sale contained in this Secur��y <br /> Instrumen�; �b} such��her�eriod as App���ab�e Law migh�specif� f�r the terminati�n of B�rrower's right ta <br /> reinstat�; or�c) entry�f a ju�igmen�enforc�ng �h�s Secur�ty�nstrum�n�. Those candi�inns are that Borrow�r: <br /> ta�pays Lender a11 surns wh�Gh th�n would be due under th�s Se�urity�nstrument and the Na�e as �f no <br /> acc��erat�on had accurred; ��}cures an�defau�t af any o�her cowenar�ts or agreements; �c}pays a��expenses <br /> incurred in enforcing this Secur�ty Ir��trumen�, includ�ng, �u�not�imi�ed��, reasana�ie att�rn�ys' fe�s, <br /> proper�y inspec�i�n and�ralua��on fees, and��her fees incurred far�he purp�s�of protec��n� Lend�r's inter�s� <br /> N�SRASKA-Single Fami3y-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac UNI�DAM IN5TRl3M�NT Farr�r�3�28�1�1 <br /> VMP� VMP64N�1{1302) <br /> Wotters Ktuwer Financiat Ser�ices Page 12�f 17 <br />