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��14�3�7� <br /> ��i} The Prop�rxy is no�vccupied by�he purchaser or grantee as his or h�r prir�cipal res�dence, or the <br /> pu�chaser or gran.tee does so occupy the Praperty, but h�s or her credit has no� been apprave�. in <br /> accordan.ce with�.he requarements of the Secretazy. <br /> (c} No'VVa��er. If eircumsfian.ces oceur�ha�vcrould perrn.i.t Lender ra requaare�mmedi.ate pay�nent i.n fu1.�, <br /> but Lender daes not require such paymen�s, Le�.der do�s not waave��s�ight�with r�pect�o subsequent even�s. <br /> �d] Regu�ations of HUD Secretary. In many circumstances regulationss xssued by the Se�retaty w�li <br /> Lender`s r�gh�s, in the case of paym.enr defaul�s, to require i.mmed.ia�e paymen�in ful�aan.d farec�ase if not <br /> paid. This Security In.strumen�does not authorize acce�era��on or foreclosure if not permi�ted hy reguxation� <br /> of�he Secretar�r. <br /> (e� Mortgage Not Insured. Baar�rower agrees �hat if�his Securxty Instru.ment and �he Note are not <br /> determuied to be e��gxb�e for in.surance under fih.e Na��ana�H�using 1�cr�xri�hin 6 o D.AYS <br /> from xhe date hereof, Lender may, ax��s opt�on, require immed.iatie pa�rnent in ful� of a].I secured by <br /> this Security In.strurn.ent. A written statemen�vf any authorxzed agent af the Secre�a.ry da�ed subsequent�a <br /> &o DAYS from tlie dare hereof, dec�ining�a insure thi.s Secur�ty Insl�ruum.ent an.d <br /> the No�e, shall be deemed canclusi�e proof of such�e�ig�bi��ty. No�tvvxthsta�.di.�g ttihe foregoiulg, this option <br /> may no�be exercised by Lender when�he una�ailahility of insura.nce is sole�y due to LenderT s failure�o rerru� <br /> a rnor�gage insurance premiuxn to�he Secre�ary. <br /> 14. ReYnst�tement� Borrower has a righ� to be reins�a.ted if Lender has immed%axe pa�n.e�.� �i.n fu.Il <br /> because af Barrowert s fa�lure to pay an amount due ua�der the No�e ar�hi.s Sectuity Instrument. Thi.s rxght applies <br /> even after foreclosure proceedings are institured. To reins�a�e the Security Instrumenx, Borrov�rer shali tender in a <br /> lump sum a��amounts required�o bring BarrowerT s account cusrent includua.g, to the exten�they are abiigatiions of <br /> Borrower under�his Security Instru.menr,foreclosure cos�s a.nd reasonable and custamary at�orneys` fees and e�penses <br /> properly associated with the forec�osure pr�ceedang. Upon reinstatementi by�orrower,f�us S�curxty Ins�ru.ment and <br /> the obliga��ons that �t secures shall remaian. in effecr as if Lender had not required i.mmed�a�e payment in full. <br /> However, Lender is no� required to permit rei.nsta.tementi if: �i} Lender has accepted reinstia.�ement after �h.e <br /> cammencemen�of foreclosure proceed.ings wi�un twa years unmedia�ely preceding�he commencemen�of a curren� <br /> forec�osure proceed�ng, ��x} reins�a.tementi will preclude foreclosure an differen� grounds in �a.e future, or {��x} <br /> r�ins�a.�emen�wil� adverseiy affec�#�a.e prxor�fiy of the��en creatied by�h�is Securx�y In.s�ruxnent. <br /> 11. BorrovYer Not 1�eYeased; Forbearance by Lender Not a �Vai�er. Ex�ension of fi�ie of pa�enx ar <br /> mod.if catian of axnor��za.��on of�he sums secured by�his Secu�rx�y Ins�ru.menr granted by Lender to any successor in <br /> interest of Bflrrower sha.Il no�operate�o release�he ��aba.���ty �f�he or�gina� Borrov�er or B�rrovirert s successors i.n <br /> interest. Lender shal�not be requYred to comrnence proCeedings agai�s�any sucCessor in intierest or refuse ta extend <br /> �ime for paymenti or o�herw�se modify amortiz�.�.o�.af th.e su�nns secured by fihais Secur��y In.s�rumex��by reason of any <br /> demand made by�he orxgua.a�Barrower or Borrower's suc�essors in rn�erest. Any forbearance by I�ender i.n e�ercising <br /> an.y rxgh�or remed�shal�not he a v�ai�rer flf or preclude�.he exercise of any righ�nr remedy. <br /> 12. Successvrs and Assxgns Bound;Joint and Se�eraY Liabil�ity; �o�-SYgners. The ca�enan�s and agreements <br /> af tihis Securi�ty�sha�l bind and benef���h.e successors and assxgn.s of Len.der an.d Borrower, subject to�he <br /> provxs�ons of paragraph 9�b�. Borr�wer's co�ena��s and agreemen�ts shaii be�oint a.nd se�reral. Any B�rrower who <br /> co--s�gns thi.s Secu.ri�Instrumen�but does no� execute the Note: �a} is co-signing this Security Instrument only�o <br /> mortgage, grant and conve�that Borro�rer's interes��i.n.�he Property under�h.e terms of this Security Instr�urnent; �b} <br /> xs no�personax�y ob��gaxed�o pay the sums secured by this S�curi�y Ins�rument; and�c}agrees tha�Lender and ax�.y <br /> other Borrau�er may agree to ex�end, mod.3if�r, forbear or rnake any accommodatixans wx�h.regard�ta the terms of this <br /> Security Instrumen�or�he Nate wxf,h.ou�t�h.a�Borrower's cansenti. <br /> 13. Notices. Any notice ta Barrv�rer provided for��his Security�nstrument shali be gi�en by de�i�ering�t or <br /> by maxxing xt by first class ma�I unless appli�a�le la�requires use of a,uo�her method. The notice sha1l be direc�ed <br /> to�he Property Address or any o�her a.d.dress Borrower designates by no�ice to Lender. Any notice tio Lender shal.x <br /> be gi.�en by f rst class mai�to Lender's a.ddress stated herein.or any addtess Lender des�gnates by notice to�rrawer. <br /> An�r no�ice pra�ided for in this Securxty Instru.ment shall be deem.ed tia have been gi�en to Borrower or I�ender vvhen <br /> gi.v�n as provided in tihis paragraph. <br /> FHA NEBRASKA DEED OF TRUST - MERS ��a�c <br /> iV ED�TZ.FHA �?1 fl 3!12 Page 5 of 9 �t�+►v.dacmagie.corrr <br /> N <br /> � x d � � <br /> . �4 � �.< <<<, t <br />
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