<br /> under this Security instrument and the Debt �nstrument. For�this purpose, Bvrr�wer irre�a�ab�y grants and
<br /> conveys tn Trustee, in trust, wi�h pflwer of sa�e, the followin,�des�ribed Pr�perty:
<br /> located a�2121 WEST 14TH STREET,�l�.ANI)ISLANI),NEBRASKA 688D3 �"Property Address"}
<br /> T�GETHER �'VITH all the improve�ments now ❑�� hereafter erected an the proper�y, and all
<br /> easements, appurtenances, and fixtures nov� or hereafter a part of the praperty. All replacements and
<br /> additi�ns shall a�so be co�ered by this Se�urity Ins�rurtne��t. Al� of the fore�oipg is referred �o in �his
<br /> 5ecurity�nstrument as t�1e "Proper�y."
<br /> B�RR�WER C�VENANTS that Borrc�wer is lawfull.� seised of the estate hereby conve�ed and has
<br /> the right to grant and convey the Pr�per�y, that the Pr�perty vvi 1� not be used for or in connec�i on with any
<br /> i�legal activity and ���at the Property is unencumbered as of the execu�ion date vf this Secur�ty Ins�rument,
<br /> except far en�umbrances �f record: Borrower vvarrants and v�i 11 defend generally the titl e to the Prap�r�y
<br /> against a�l cla�ms and demands, subaect ta an��encumbrance�; of record.
<br /> LJNiF�RM C�VENANTS. B�rrower arid Lender co�e�~�ant and agree as fallflws:
<br /> l. Payment of Principal, Interest, :Prepayrnent, I�ther Charges and Escrows. Borrower sha�i
<br /> pay when due the principal of, and �nter��t on, the d�bt evidenced by the Debt �nstrument and any
<br /> prepaymen�charges, late charges and other charg�s due und��r the D�bt Instrument. Payments due under the
<br /> Debt Instrument and this Security �nstrument shall be made in U.S. currency. Hawever, �f any check ar
<br /> other ins�rument received by Lender as payrr�en� under t��e Debt Instrument �r th�s Security �nstrument is
<br /> returned ta Lend�r unpaid, Lender may require Chat any or all subsequent payments due under the Debt
<br /> Instrument and this Security �nstrument be rnade in one or� m�re of the fo�lowing forms, as selec�ed by
<br /> Lender: �a} cash; �b} money arder; �c} certi�ied check, bar�k check, treasurer's c��eck or cashier's check,
<br /> pro�ided any such check is drawn upan an institution wh+ase deposi�s are �flsured by a federal agency,
<br /> �nstrumenta�ity, or ent�ty; or�d) Electronic Funds Transfer.
<br /> Payments are deemed recei�ed by L�r�der when recs�ived at the location desigpated in the Deb�
<br /> �ns�rument �r at such ather location as m�y be designat��d by t,ender in accordance wi�h the notice
<br /> provisians in Sectfan l4. Lender rt�ay returr� any payment or part�al pa�ment if the payment ar partia�
<br /> payments are insufficient t� bring the Laan current. Lende�- n��y acc�pt any payment or pat�ial payment
<br /> insufficient to brin� t}�e Loan current, withou� v�aiver of any rights hereunder or prejudice to its rights to
<br /> refus�such payment or partial paymepts in th�; future.
<br /> Sub�ect to Appl�cabl� Law, Lender m�.y, upon notic�: either before or after the execution of th�s
<br /> Security Instrurnen�, require Barrawer ta pay amoun�s int� an escrow or impaund ac�our�t with �he L�nder
<br /> up to the maxi mum amount permit�ed by law f�r th� payment �f ai� (a} taxes, assessm�r�ts (inc�udi ng
<br /> c�ndom2nium assessments, if any} and other iterns which ma.y attain priarity o�er this Secur�ty instrurnent;
<br /> (b� premiums f�r any insuran�e required by L�ender under Se:�tion 4; and(c} leasehold payments or�round
<br /> rents an th�Pr�perty, if any.
<br /> 2. Applicati�n of Payments or Pro�+eeds. Except a�� otherwise pro�ided in the Debt Instrumer�t or
<br /> Appl icabl� Law, Lender may app�y payments in any order t��at Lender deems appropriate. Any appl ication
<br /> of payments, �nsurance pro�eeds, �r MiscellciTl�qLIS Pracee��s to principal due under the Debt Instrument
<br /> shall not extend or postpone the due date of subsequent Periodic Payments.
<br /> 3. Cha rges; LienS. B Qrrawer sha�� pay a�� taxes, assessments, c harges, fi nes, and �mpns iti ans
<br /> a�tributable to the Property which can atta�n priarity o�er this Securi�y Instrument, leasehflld payments or
<br /> ground rents on the Property, if any, and Com�nunity Associa.tion Dues, Fees, and Assessments, if any.
<br /> � �
<br /> Bor�•au�er Initial
<br /> O 2014 GuardianDacs �page 3 of 13�ages�
<br /> NE Clos�d-End Junior I1i�n Securi�y Instrument(�?I�31?�10}
<br /> ��C'#4829-1 b45-645b
<br /> � � r � � � , � � �
<br /> � .
<br /> � � ti� �
<br />