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��14��975 <br /> "Property" means the property that is de�cribed be�ow under the head�ng "Transfer af Rights in the <br /> Property." <br /> '�Loan" means al� amoun�s owed n�w or hereafter under the Deb�Znstrument, inc�uding with�ut Iimitatian <br /> principal, interest, any prepayment charges, lat� charges and other fees and charges due under the Debt <br /> instrument, and a�so all sums due under this Security Instrurnent, plus interest. <br /> "Riders" means al1 Ri ders�o this Security�ristrument that a�re executed by Barr�wer. The fo�1 o�vi ng Ri ders <br /> are ta b�executed by Borrower�check box a:�appli�able]: <br /> ❑ Adjustab�e Rate Rider ❑ Copd�mipium Rider ❑ Secand Home Rider <br /> ❑ Bai�non R�der ❑ Planned Unit De�elopn�ent Rider ❑ Biweekly Payment Rider <br /> Ci l�4 Family Rider ❑ Manufac�tured H�me R;Eder ❑ Revocable Trust Rider <br /> "Applicable Law" means all contral�i ng ap��icab�� federal law and, t�th�extent nat preempted by federal <br /> �aw, sta�e and �ocal statutes, re�ulations, ord�nances and t�dmin�strati�e rules and orders (t1�at have the <br /> effec�of law)as wel l as a�1 app��cable final, nan-appealab�e j ud�cial opi ni ons. <br /> "�'vrnmunity ASsociation Dues, Fees, and A�Sessments" means all dues, fees, assessrn�n�s and other <br /> charges that are imposed flr� Borrov�er ar the Praper�y ��y a c�ndominium association, homeowners' <br /> assacia�i�n or similar organizati�n. <br /> "Electr�nic Funds Transfer" means an� transf�r of fund��, other than a �ransact�on originated by check, <br /> draft, ar simi�ar paper lnstrument, which is �t��tiated �hroug�� an electronic term�nal, te�eph�nic instrument, <br /> ��mputer, �r magnetic tape so as to order, rnstruc�, or authc�rize a f nancial institu���n to debit or credir an <br /> account. Such tern� i n��udes, but is nat limited to, poi n�t-af-sale transfers, automated te��er machi ne <br /> �ransactions, transfers initiated by�e�ephone, a�v�re transfers, ��nd aut�mated clearin�house�ransfers. <br /> "Misce��aneou5 Proceeds" means any compensation, sett��:ment, award of dama es, or roceeds aid b <br /> � � � Y <br /> any thrrd party (other than insurance pr�ceeds paid und�r the co�erages described in Sectiion 4} for: �i} <br /> damage to,.or destruction of, �he Propert�; (ii} cond�mna�.i�n or �ther tak�ng of a�� or any par� of th� <br /> Praperty; �i1i} con�eyance �n lieu af condemnat�on; ar �iv� misrepresentations �f, ar amissions as to, the <br /> �alue andl�r�andi�ion af the Prop�rty. <br /> "Mortgage Insurance" means �nsurance pr��tecting Lender against the nonpayrnent �f, or defau�t on, the <br /> Loan. <br /> "Per�ivd�c Payment" means the pa�ment amc�unts as th�y b�;came due under the Debt Instrumen�. <br /> "RESPA" means the Real Estate Set��ement Pr�cedure�� Act �12 U.S.C. § ?6�] e� s�a.} and its <br /> implementing regu�ation, R�gulat�on ��24�.F.R. Part�5��:�, a�they rnight be amended fram time to t�me, <br /> ar any additi�nal or successor legis�atian or r�gu�ation that g+��erns the same subject matter. As used in this <br /> 5ecuri�y Ins�rumept, "RESPA" refers �o al1 req uirements ar�d restric�ions tha� are i mp�sed i n re�ard �o a <br /> "federa�Iy related mnrtgage �oan" e�en i f the Loan does na� qualz fy as a "'federa�ly rela�ed martga�e lqan" <br /> under RESPA. <br /> "Suc�essor in Interest af Bnrrower" means any par�y that has �aken tit�e ta the Property, whe�her ar na� <br /> tha�party has assumed Barrower's ob�igat�ops under the Debt �n�trument andl�r this Security Instrument. <br /> TRANSFER�F RI�HTS �N THE PRUPERT'Y <br /> This Security Instrument s�cures�o L�nder: �i�the repayment af the Loan, and all renewa�s, extens�nns and <br /> m�dificat�vns of the Debt �r�strument; and �ix) the performa.nce of Borrawer's c�venants and agreements <br /> , �� <br /> Borrowet-Initia�s <br /> ��014 GuardianDacs a e Z o 13 a es <br /> �pg f P � � <br /> NE C�osed-End Junio�•Li�n Security Instrument(l?1231?Q��} <br /> HC#4$29-1645-b45b <br /> � � r I 1 I � � I 1 <br /> il ■ <br /> �1 1 <br />