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��14��9�9 <br /> Ins�ection. Lender or ��s agen� may make reasonable en�r�es up�n and �nspect�ans of�he Pr�perty. Lender shal� <br /> �i��Borrower natice at�he time af or prior�o an inspec�ian specify�nb reasonab�e cause for the inspec�i�n. <br /> �ondemnation. The pr�ceeds of any a�ard or claim for damabes, direct or consequentia�, in canne��ian vvith any <br /> condemna�ion or other�aking af any part af�he Proper�y, ar fnr con�eyance in lieu of condemnati�n, are hereby <br /> assigned and sha11 be paid t4 Lender. <br /> In the eWe�� of a �otal taking af the Prop�rty, the proceeds shall be appl�ed to the sums secured by �his Security <br /> �nstrument, whe�her ar no� �hen due, with any excess paid to Borrower. �n the e�vent of a partial ta�inb of�he <br /> Prop�r�y in which the fair market value of the Property immedia�ely befflre the �aking is eQual �a �r grea�er�han <br /> the amoun� of�he sums secured by �his S�cur�ty Ins�rument immed�at�iy before �he takinb, un�ess Borrawer and <br /> Lender othervvise a�ree in�vri�inb,�he sums secured by this �ecur�ty�rns�rument sha�l be reduced by the amount of <br /> the proceeds multip��ed by�he follow�n�frac���n: �a��he�otai amoun�of�he sums secured �mmedia�ely befare the <br /> talcrn�, divided by �b} �he fa�r marlce� value of the Prope�-�y �mmedia�ely before the �akin�. Any �alance shall be <br /> pa�d �o Borrawer. �n the e�ent of a par��al �akinb of the Properry in v�h�ch �he fair marke� �ralue af the Praper�y <br /> imn-�edia�ely b�fa�e the takin� is less �han the am�unt of�he sums secured�ely befor� �he �aking, unless <br /> Borrower and Lender othervv�s� ag�ree �n ���itinb or uniess Appl�cab�e Law o�her-vvise pra�ides7 the proce�ds sha]I <br /> be applied�o�he suz-ns secured by th�s Securi�y Ins�rumen�vvhether or not the sums are�hen due. <br /> �f the Property is abandoned by B�rrov�er, ar if, after natrtce by Lender to Barrower�ha��he conde�nnor affers�o <br /> make an av�ard �r se��ie a claim far da�na��s, Borrower fails to respond to Lender within the rn�nimum number�f <br /> days es�ablished by App]icable Law after�he date the not�ce is�i�en, Le�der�s authorized�o collec�and apply the <br /> proc�eds, at �ts opt�on, ei�her �� restaration or r�pa�r af�he Proper�y or t� the sums se�ured by this Security <br /> I ns�ru�nent,wh��her or not then due. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrawer otherwise a�ree in wri�ing, any app�ication of prac�eds to princ�pai shall not extend <br /> ar pas�pone the due date af�he paymen�s due under the�ontrac�ar chan�e�he amount af such payments. <br /> �arrower No� Released; Farbearance By L�nder Not a Waiver. Ex�ension of �he �ime far paymen� or <br /> modifca��on of amor��zation af the sums secured by this Securi�y �ns�ru�men� �rant�d by Lender ta Borr��u�r ar <br /> any successor in in�eres� �f Borrower shail nat apera�e �o re�ease the liabi�ity of �he origina� Barr�wer or <br /> Sorrower's successors in �n�erest. Lender shall not b� re�uired�o commence proceedings agains�any successor�n <br /> interes�or refuse�o ex�end time for payment or otherwise modify amflrtization of�he sums secured by this Securi�y <br /> �ns�rumen� by reason af any demand made by the oribipa� Borrawer or Borrower's successors in in�erest. Any <br /> fflrbearan�e by L�nder in exercisin�any r���t or remedy shall no�be a v+�ai�er of�r preclude the exerGise af any <br /> ri�h�or remedy. <br /> �uccessors and Assigns Bound, Join� and Several Lia��l�ty; Accommoda��an Signers. The covenants ar�d <br /> a�reemen�s of�his Securi�y Instrument shal� b�nd and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and B�rrower, <br /> subjec� �o �he pra�isions of sec�ian titled Transfer of �he Property ar a �3eneficia� In�eres� in B�rr�wer. <br /> Borrower's ca�enants and abreements shall be j aint and several. Any person who co-signs�his Securi�y �nst�rumen� <br /> but has no persflnai 1�ab�lity under the �on�ract �"Accommodation Si�ner"}: �a} is c�-signinb �his Security <br /> Ins�rumen� �nly �o mor��age, grant and �a��vey tha� Acc�mz-nada�ian Signer's �nteres� in the Praper�y under �he <br /> ��rms of �he Security �ns�rument; �b} �s no� personaily obli�ated �o pay the sums secured by this Securi�y <br /> Ins�rument; and ��� a�rees that Lender and any o�her Sarrov�er may a�ree ta e��end, m�dify, farbear or mal�e any <br /> accommadations v�ith �-e�ard �a�he terms�f�l�is Security Instrument ar�he �antrac�wi�haut that Accon-�modation <br /> S i�ner's co�sent. <br /> i.oan Charges. If�he laan secured by this Securi�y �nstrument is subject �a a lavv which se�s maxi�nu�n loan <br /> char�es, and �ha� la� is fina�ly �nterpreted so tha��he interes�ar other Ioan charbes cailected or�a be collec�ed in <br /> connec��on vvi�rh �he Ioan exceed ��� perm��ted 1imi�s, �hen: �a} any such Ioan char�e shall be reduced by the <br /> amaunt necessary �n reduce�he charge �� the p�rmit��d 1�mits and �b� any sums already collec�ed from Bor�rower <br /> v�hich exceeded permit�ed ��m��s vvil� be refunded �a Borrower. Lender may choase to make th�s refund by <br /> reducin� �he pr�n�ipal owed under �he �on�ract or by makin� a direc� pay�nen�r ta Barrower. �f a refund reduces <br /> pripcipa�,�he reductian wii�be treated as a partial prepayment under the�flntrac�. <br /> Noti�es. Any notice �o Barro�ver pro�ided for �n �his Secur�ty �nstrumen� shall be gi�en by deli�ering i� or by <br /> maiiin�it by firs�c�ass ma�l un�ess App�icable La�v requires use of ano�her xnethad. The no�ice sha�l be direc�ed�o <br /> the Praper�y Address ar ar�y o�her address Barrower des�bna�es by no�ice to Lender. Borrower abrees �o pro�ide <br /> Lender v�i�� Borrov�er's mos� currerrt ma�l�n� address, as it may chang� from ��me--to-�ime. Any na�ice �o Lender <br /> sha�l be giWen by first class ma�l to Lender's address stated herein or any o�her addr�ss Lender designates by nat�ce <br /> �o Borrflwer. Any notice pr�vided for�n�his Security Instrumen�shali be deemed ta ha�e been gi�en�a Bflrrow�r <br /> ar Lender�uhen gi�en as provided in this parabraph. <br /> G��erning Law; Se�erabil�ty.This Securrtty Ins�rurnen�sha�l be�overned by federa� law and the lavvs�f�he state <br /> of Nebraska. In the e�en� �ha� any pro�ision or clause of�his Security �nstrumen� or �he C�n�rac� conflic�s vvith <br /> Applicabie Lav�, such canflict shai� no� affect o�her provisions of�his Security Ins�rumen� or�he Can�ract v�hich <br /> can be��ven effec�wi�hou�the confl�c��ng pra�ision. To�h�s end the pro��sions of�h�s Securi�y�nstrumen�and�he <br /> Cantrac�are dec�ared�o be severable. <br /> gorrvvver's�opy.Borrower sha11 be bi�en one copy of�his Secur��y Instrumen�. <br /> Transfer of the Property or a Benef�c�a� �n�eres�in Borrower. �f al� or any part of t�� Proper�y ar any Ynterest <br /> in �� is sold or �ransferred �or if a ben�ficial ���eres� in Borrower is sflld ar transferred and Borro�er is na� a <br /> na�ura� pers�n} wi�hou� Lender's pri�r �ritten c�nsent, Lender may, a� i�s optian, reQu�re �mmedYa�e payment in <br /> �?�0�-2413 Compliance Systerr�s,Irtc.9F9G-SAED-?41�L2.D.72� <br /> Gonsta�-rser Re�i Estate-Se�urity lnstrur�ent DL?�_�� Pa�e s pFS wwW,G�1'tlp�i&�1C�5}'St�fC15.C011'1 <br />