<br /> Applicab�e Lavv. As used �n th�s Security �ns�rumen�, the ter�n "App��cab�e Lav�t' shall mea� all cfln�r��l�n�
<br /> app��cah�e federa�, s�ate and Io�a� s�a�utes, re�ula�ians, �rdinances and ad�ninistra��ve ru�es and arders ��ha� ha�e
<br /> �he effe��af�aw�as well as ali app�icab�e fzxzal,non-appealab�e jud�cia� op�nions.
<br /> Charge�; L�ens. Barrower shai� pay al� �axes, assessmen�s, char�es, �ines and ��nposi��an� at�ributable �o the
<br /> Property which may at�ain priority ov�r�his Secur�ty Instrun-�ent, and leaseh�ld paymen�s �r�round rents, �f any.
<br /> A�the reques��f Lender, Borrower shali p�o��tly furnish to L�nder receip�s eWidencin��he paymen�s.
<br /> Borr�wer shall promptly d�schar�e any �ien which has priarity a�er th�s Secur��y Inst�ument unless Barrowe�r: �a�
<br /> agrees in wrxtin� �o �h� payment nf�he obl�ga�i�n secured by the I�en in a n-�anner acceptable t� Lender; �b�
<br /> contests in �ood faith �he �ien by, or defends a�a�nst �nfarcement of�h� lien �n, �e�al proc�ed�n�s vvhxch �n the
<br /> Le�ader's op�nion opera�� to preven� �he enforcemen� of�he lien; or �c} s�cures from �he ho lder flf the �ien an
<br /> a�reement sat�sfactary t� Lender subardina�in�the lien�o thxs Security �nstrument. If Lender de��r�nxnes�ha�any
<br /> par� �f�he Propez�y is sub�ect to a lien wh��h may at�a�n priority �Wer t�is Security �nstrument, Lender may ���e
<br /> Borrower a nati�e �d�n�ifyin�the I��n. Borrawer shall satisfy the 1i�n or�a,ke one or more of�he ac�i4ns set for�h
<br /> abo��within I D days of the g�vxn�af n�tYce.
<br /> Ilazard ar Prflperty Insurance. Borrower sha�l keep the impra�ements now ex�s�in�or her�after erected on �he
<br /> Prope�rty rnsured a�a�nst loss by f�re,hazards included v�i�h�n the term "e�tended cavera��" and any�ther hazards,
<br /> inciud�n� floods or �laoding, far wh�ch Lender requires �nsurance. This xnsurance shal� �e �naintained in �he
<br /> arn�u��s and for�he per�ods tha�Lender requires. The �nsuranc�carrier providzng the insurance sha�l be chosen by
<br /> Borr�v�er subj ect to Lender's appra�a� wh�ch shal� not be unreas�nab�y v�i�hhe�d. If Borrawer fa�Is to main�ain
<br /> c��erage described �.bo�e, Lender may, at Lender's op�ron, obta�n coaera�� �o protect Lend�r's r�gh�s �n �he
<br /> Pr�perty in accardan��with sect�on tit�ed Protec�zon of Lend�r'� �i�h�s�n the Pr�per��.
<br /> A�1 insurance policies and renewa�s sha�l be acceptab�e to Lender and shall incIude a standard mor�ga�e c�ause.
<br /> Lender shail ha�e the ri�h�ta hald the pol��ies and rene�va�s. �f Ler�der reauires, Borrower sha�l promptly g��e�o
<br /> Lender atl r�ceipts o�'paid prem�urns and renewal notices. In the e�ent of�oss, Borrawer shal� ��ve pron�pt notice
<br /> to the �nsurance carrier and L�nder. Lender may�nake pro�f of lflss �f no�made promp�Iy by Borrawer.
<br /> Un�ess Lender and �orrower otherv�ise a�ree ir� wrr����, insuran�e p�-o�eeds sha�l be app�ied to ��st�ratian or
<br /> repair af the Properfiy damaged, rf, in L�nder's soie d�scretior�, �he re�torat�an or repa�r �s ecanomically feasib�e
<br /> and Lender's se�urity is no� Iessened. If, xn Lender's sole disc�-etion, the �estora��on or repa�r �s not economically
<br /> feasible or Lender's securi�y would b� �essened,the �nsurance proceeds shal�be appl ied tfl�h�sums secured by this
<br /> Security �nstrumen�, vvhether ar nat �hen due, vvi�h any excess paid to Borrawer. If Borrower abandons the
<br /> Property, or does not answer w��hin the numbe�a�days prescribed by Applicab�e Law as set forth in a nat�ce from
<br /> Lender to Borrower that the insurance �arrier has �ffered to sett�e a c�aim, then Lender may co�lect�he insurance '
<br /> pro�eeds. Le�der may us� th� pro�eeds �a repa�r or restare the Proper�y �r to pay sums secured by �his 5ecurity
<br /> Instrument,vvhe�her�r no�then du�. The per��d of t�me for Borraw�r t�answer as set forth in the �ot�c�will begin
<br /> vvhen�he not�ce�s�i�en.
<br /> Un�ess Lender and B�rro�er o�hervv�se a�ree in wr��zn�, any app�icati�n of praceeds to principai sha�� n�t extend
<br /> or postpane the due date of�he paymen�s due u.nder the Con�ract or chan�e�he amflunt �f�he payments. If under
<br /> �he section tit�ed Ac��lera�ion; Remed�es, �he Property is ac�uired by L�nder, Borr�wer's ri�ht�o any insurance
<br /> p��ici�s and proceeds resul��n� fram damage to the Praper�y prxor to the acquisition shali pass �o Lender to the
<br /> extent of�he sums secured by�his Security�nstrument�mmed�ately prior to�he ac�uisition.
<br /> Preser�atian, Ma�ntenance and Protecti�n of fihe Proper�y; Borr��ver's L�an App�ication; LeasehoZds.
<br /> Borrower sha�I not des�roy, damage or�n�pair the Proper�y, al�ovv t�e Property�o deteriora�e, or commit waste �n
<br /> the Pra�perty. Borrawer shall be xn defaul��f any forfe�ture ac�i�n or prace�d�n�,whether cX�il or cr�mina�, is be�un
<br /> that xn Lender's �ood faith 3ud�men� could result in forfeiture of the Property or n�herwise materiai�y impair �he
<br /> lien created by �h�s Security Instrumen� or Lender's secur��y in�e�-est. Borrovve�r �nay cure such a default and
<br /> �reinstate, as pro��ded in sectxon ti��ed Barrower's Right to Reins�ate, b� causin�the ac�ion o� proceed�n�to be
<br /> dismissed vv�th a rulin�that, in Lender's�ood faith de�ermination, precludes forfeituxe of�h�Borrower's interest in
<br /> the Property or ather ma�erial inlpairment af the lien crea�ed �y this S�curity Instrun-�ent or Lender's secur��y
<br /> inte�est. Barr�wer shal�alsa be �n defau�t if B�rroe�ver, dur�n�the�aan app�icat�on process;gave ma�eria��y fa�se ar
<br /> inaccurat� informatio� or s�atements to Lender tor fa�led to pr�vide Lender with any material xnformat�on} �n
<br /> connection w��h �he lflan e��denced by the C�n�rac�. If�h�s Se�urity �nstru�ment is on a �easehaZd, Borrov�er shail
<br /> c�mply with all the pro�is��-�s of�he �ease. If Barrav�er acquires fee��t�e ta the Praperty,the leasehaId and the fee
<br /> title shaI�no��ner�e unless Lender agrees�o th�mer�er in writ�n�.
<br /> Pro��ct�on of Lender's Rxgh�s �n the Proper�y. If Borrower fails �o �erfarm �he co�enants and a�reemen�s
<br /> contained in�h�s Security Instrurnent, or there is a�e�al praceed�ng that may s�gr��f�can�iy affec� Lender's r��hts in
<br /> the �'roperty �su�h as a prflceed�n� in bankruptcy, probate, fo� condemna�ion or farfei�ure or �o enforce �aws ar
<br /> re�u�atrons�, �hen Lender m�ay do and pay for �ha�ever is n�cessary �o pro�ect �he va�ue of the Property and
<br /> Lender's ri�hts �n�he Properry. Lender's actions may inc�ude pay�n�any s�.xns secured by a lien which has priorifiy
<br /> o�er�his Securxty Instrument, appearin� i.n cout�, payin� reasanab�e a�orneys'fees and enter�n�on the Proper�y to
<br /> make repazrs.AI�hou�h Lender may take action under�his section, Lender daes n�t ha�e to do so.
<br /> Any amoun�s d�sbursed by Lender under this s�c��tin shali be��me addit��nai deb� of Barrow�r secured by this
<br /> Security Instrument. Un�ess Borrawer and Le�.der agree ta other ter�ns of payrnen�, these amounts shali bea�r
<br /> interes� fr�m �he da�e of disbursemen� at the same rate ass�ssed �n advances under �h� �on�rac� and shaI� be
<br /> pay�ble,with�nteres�, up�n natice from Lender�� Borrowve�r requestin�payment.
<br /> Q 2��4-?�l�Com�liance Systems,I r�c.9F9G-8AE0-2�13 L2.Q.72 i
<br /> C�nsur���r Real Estate-Security inst--urtzent DL2�36 Pa�e 2 of 5 www.can�plianCesysten�s.corn
<br />