<br /> App�icable Law. As used in this Securit� instrumen�, �he term "Applicab�e Lav�" shalI rn�ean a�� �antrol�irtg
<br /> applicable federa�, s�ate and lacal s�a�ut�s, re�ula�ions, or�inances and adm�n�s�rati�e rules and orders ��ha� ha��
<br /> the effect of�aw}as well as all app�icable f�nal, nor�-appealab��judic�al opini�ns.
<br /> �harges; Liens. B�rrower shall pay a�I �a�c�s, assessrnents, char�es, fines amd �mpos��ians attributable to the
<br /> Pr�perty wh�ch may a�tain p�iorit� o�er�his Se�ur��y Ins�rumen�, and �easeho�d paym�n�s ar�round rents, �f any.
<br /> At the request of Lender, Barrflwer shal�pronc�ptly furnish to Lender�e�e�p�s e�videnc�n�the pay�r�ents.
<br /> Borrawer sha�l promptly dischar�e any lien which has prinr�ty o�er th�s Securi�y Ins�rumen� un�ess Sorrovv�r: �a}
<br /> agrees �n vvritin� ta �he payment af�he obli�ati�n secured by the ��en �n a ��nanner acceptable to Le�der; �b�
<br /> contests in �a�d faith the l�en by, �r defends a�a�ns� enforce�-nen� of�l�e lien in, �e�al pr�c�ed�n�� �hich in the
<br /> Lender's apYn�an opera�e ta preven� the enforcement �f the �ien; or (c} secures fram the hfl�der of�he Iien an
<br /> a�reement satisfact�ry�� Lender subord�nat�n�the �ien�o �his Securi�ty I ns�rument. I f Lender det�rmines tha� any
<br /> par� of�he Proper�y is subje��to a lien �hich may at�ain priorifiy o�er this Se�ur��y Ins�rumen�, Lender may �ive
<br /> Barrawer a notxce �dentifying�he �ien. Borrower shall sa�isfy�rhe l�en oz-take ane or more of�he actians set for�h
<br /> above w�thin 14 days�f the gi�in�of notice.
<br /> Hazard or Property ��surance. Barrower shali keep �h� improvemen�s now existin� or hereafter er�cted on the
<br /> Pr�per�y insur�d a�ainst loss b�fre,hazards inc�uded wi�hin the�erm "extend�d ca�era�e" and any ather hazards,
<br /> �n.cludin� floads o.r floodin�, for which Lender requires insurance. This insurance shall be main�ain�d in the
<br /> amoun�s and far the periods tha�Lender requires. The insurance carrier pro�idin��he insurance shail�e chosen by
<br /> Bor�ower sub��ct �o Lender's approva� wh�ch sha�] nat be unr�asonably wi�hheld. If Borrower fa�ls �o maintain
<br /> co�erage descrxbed above, Lender may, at Lender's option, ob�a�n co�era�� �o prat�c� Lender's ri�hts in �he
<br /> Proper�y in accordance vv��h sec�ion titled Protect�on of Lender's R�ghts �n the Proper�y.
<br /> A�l �nsurance po�icxes and �enewals shal� be acceptabie �o Lender and �ha�� �nclude a standard �nor��a�e c�ause.
<br /> Lender shaIl have the r��ht�o ho�d the po�icies and renevvals. �f L�nder ��equ�res, Borrov�er shall pro�r�ptly �ive to
<br /> Lender a�l receipts of paid p�enliums and renewal no�ices. In the e�ent of loss, �3�rrflwer shall ���e pro�npt not�ce
<br /> �o�he insurance carrier and Lender. Lender�may make pro�f of��ss if no��nad�pro�r�pt�y by Borr�wer.
<br /> Un�ess Lender and Borrower othervvise a�ree �n vvr�tin�, insurance p�-oceeds sha�l be appl�ed to res�nra�i�n ar
<br /> repa�r of the Pr�per�y dama�ed, if, xn Lender's sole discr��ion, the res�orat�on or repair is econam�ca�ly feasible
<br /> and Lender's secur�ty is no� Iessened. If, �n Lender's so�e discret�on, th� restora�ion or repa�r is nflt ��onamzca�Iy
<br /> feasibie or Lend�r's secur��y would be�es�ened,the insura�ce proceeds shaIl b�app�ied���he sums secur�d by�his
<br /> Security Instrumen�, whether ar n�t �hen due, vvith any excess pa�d t� Borr�wer. If Borrovver abandons �he
<br /> Propez-ty,�r do�s not arzswer within th�number af days prescribed by Appiicable Law as se�f�rth in a nfl�ice from
<br /> Lender to Borrovver that the �nsurance carr�er has offered�o settl� a clai��n, then Lender may co�lect�k�e insurance
<br /> pr�c��ds. Lender may use the proce�ds to repair or restore the Proper�y �r�o pay sums secured by this Securit}r
<br /> Ins�rument,whether or not th�n due. The per�od of time far Borr�wer�o answer as set fflr�h �n th� notic�will be�in
<br /> when�he no��ce is��ven.
<br /> L]nless Lender and Borrow�r a�herwise a�ree in writing, a�y application flf proceeds to princ�pal shal� no� ex�end
<br /> or pastpon� the due date af�he payments due under�he �ontract or chan�e the amaunt af the payments. If under
<br /> �he sec���n ti��ed Accelerati�n; Remedies, �he Pr�perty is acQuired by Lender, Borrawer's righ�to any insurance
<br /> policies and proceeds resuit�nb from dama�e to �he Praperry pr�ar to the acquis��ion shai� pass to L�nder to the
<br /> ex�en�af the sums secured by�h�s Secur��y �ns�rumen�immed�ateIy prior to�he acquisitian.
<br /> Preser�a�ion, Ma�n�enance and Protec�xfln of �he Property; B�rrower'S L�an Appl�cati�n; Leaseho�ds.
<br /> Borrawer sha�I not destroy, dama�e or xmpair the Pr�perty, allow the P�-aperty�o deter��ra�e, ar commit was�e �n
<br /> the Property. Borrovver shai�be in defau��if any farfe�ture ac��on or proceedin�,vvhether c�vi�or cr�minal, is be�un
<br /> tha� in Lender's ��od faitM j ud�men� cou�d resul� �� forfei�ure �f�he P�-operry �r o�herv��se �na�erially xm.pa�r�he
<br /> lien created by th�s Security �ns�rument or Lender's securit� �nterest. Barrawer may cure such a �defau�t and
<br /> reins�a�e, as pro�xded i.n section t���ed Barrower's Righ� to R�ins�ate, by causin�the action ar pr�ceedin��o be
<br /> d�smzssed with a rul�n�that, in Lender's go�d faith determ�nation,precludes forfeiture of�he Borrovver's interes��n
<br /> the Proper�y or other ma�eria� ��npa�rment of the lien crea�ed by this Security Instrument or Lender's s�curity
<br /> interes�. Borrawer shali alsn�e in default if Bor�•ower,during th� loan app�icat�on pracess,�a�e rna�eriall�false or
<br /> inaccura�e inf�r�atian or sta�ements to Lender �ar failed to pro��de Lender w�th any ma�er�al information� in
<br /> cannection wi�h�he loan e�rdenced by the Contract. �f this Secur��y Instru�nent is on a leasehold, Bor�ower shall
<br /> comply with alI the pra�isions of the �ease. �f B�rrawer acquires fee�itle to�he Proper�y,the leaseho�d a�d the fee
<br /> ti�le s�a�i n�t mer�e unIess Lende�a�rees ta�he me�r�er in wri�ing.
<br /> Protec�i�n of Lender's Righ�s in �he Prop�r�y. �f Borravver faxIs �o perform the co�enants and ��reements
<br /> conta�ned in this Securi�y �nstru�nent, o�r there �s a le�al prace�din�that may s��nificantly affect Lender's ri�hts �n
<br /> the Pr�per�y �such as a pr�ceed�ng in �ankrupt�yy probate, for condem��a�ion �� forf�iture or to �nforc� �aws or
<br /> re�ulations}, then Lender may d� and pay for wha�e�er is necessary to pra�e�t the value of�he Property and
<br /> L�nde�'s ri�hts in the Proper�y. Lerader's act�ons may �nclude payinb any sums secured by a lien which l�as priori�y
<br /> o�er�h�s Security �ns�rum�n�, appearin� in cour�, pa�in�reasonable a�ta��neys'fees and enterin�on�he Property to
<br /> make repairs.A�thou�h Lender may take action under this section, Lender does not ha�e to do so.
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under th�s secti�n sha�l become addi�ional deb� af Borr�we� secured by �his
<br /> Secur��y Znstrument. L]n�ess Borrower and Lender a�ree �o other terms of pay�nent, these amounts shal� bear
<br /> �nterest from the date of disbursement a� �he sam.� rate assessed �n ad�ances under the Con�rract and shal� he
<br /> payable,w�th i�teres�, upon no�ice from Lender�� Barrav�er request�n�paymen�.
<br /> �O 20Q4-2Q i 3 CompIiance Syste�ns,Ir�c,9�96-BGBB-2�]3L2.0,72�
<br /> Consurner Real Estate-Se�urity Instrument DL243G �age 2�f S WWW.CDITt�7�181�C�5y5��R1S.CaIl1
<br />