<br /> �QV�i��1�,NT5
<br /> �. Paymcn�s. Bnrrowcr a�rees tfl make all payments on the sec�ir�d debt when due. Ur��ess Sarrower and Lender a�ree ot]�erwise, any
<br /> payments Lend�r receiW�s from Borrower ar for Barrower's beneft wili be applied frs�to any amounts Bonowcr awes on t��e secured debt
<br /> exclusive�f ii�terest or principat,secand to interest,and then�o�rincipal. If partia�prepayment of fihe secured debt occurs�or any reason,it will
<br /> n�t reduce or excuse any scheduled paymen�until th�secured debt is paid in fui1.
<br /> 2. G��ims A�ainst Title. Borrt�wer w�Il pay a�l taxes,assessments,and a���er char�es at�ributable to the pr�perty�vhen due and wilI defend
<br /> title to ihe praperty against any cIaims which�ould impair thc Iien of t��is deed�f trust. Lender may rcquire Bflrrower�o assi�,n any ri�hts,
<br /> claims ar def'enses wl�icl�Bvrr�wer may ha�e aga�nst partics wl�a supp�y labor ar materials ta imprave or maintain the property.
<br /> 3. �nsurance. Borrower�vil1 keep tl�e property�nsured under terms acceptab�e ta Lender afi Barrower's expense and for Lender's benef t. �II
<br /> Insuranc�policies shall in�lude a standard mortgage clause in favor af Lcnder. Lcnder wil�be named as loss payee ar as the insirred on any such
<br /> insura�ce policy. �1ny insuranGe proceeds may bc app�ied,wit�ain Lend�r's disGre�ion,to either�he restaration ar�repair of thc dlma�ed property
<br /> �r to thc secured d�ht. if Lender rec�uires mort�age insurance,Borrow�r a�rees ta maintain such insurance for as lon�as Lender requires.
<br /> 4. Propertiy. Borrower wilI keep the praperty in�aod conditian and make all r�pairs reasanably necessary.
<br /> S. Expenscs. Barrower a�,rees to pay�ll Lend�r's cxpenses, including reasflnable att�rn�ys' fees, if Borrnwer bre�ks any cov�nants in t1�is
<br /> deed nftrust ar in any obli�atian secured by�his decd of�rust. Borrawer will pay these amaunts tn Lender as pro�ided in Co�en�nt 9❑f this deed
<br /> o F trust.
<br /> f. Privr Securi�y �ntere��s. t]n�ess Borrowcr f rst ob�ains L�ndcr's writ��n contest, Borrower wi�l nat make or p�rmit any chan�es to any
<br /> priar secu��ty in��rests.Borrower�vil�perform atl af Bar�awer's ob�i�,ations under any prio�r mortgage,deed of trust�r o�her security a�reemen�,
<br /> inc�udin�Borrawer's covenants to make paym�nts when due.
<br /> 7. Assi�nment of R�nts and Prnf'r�s. Barr�wer assigns to Lender tl�e rents and prafifis of the property. UnIess Borr�wer and Lender ha�c
<br /> a�reed ath�rwis� in writin�, Barrower may �t�ll�ct and retain the rents as lang as Barrower is not in defaul�. �F B�rrower defaults, Lender,
<br /> Lender's agent,or a court appointed receiWer may tak�p�ssessian and mana�e thc pr�pe�ty and collect the ren�s. Any rents Lender cvllec�s shall
<br /> b� appli�d Frs�ta the cnsts of mana�in�the prap�rty, includin�c�u�c�sts and attarney�' fees, �ommissions�o rental agents, and any othez
<br /> nec�s�ary related expenses. The remainin�amaunt oF rcnts will then appiy��paymen�s an the secured debt as pro�ided in Covenant 1.
<br /> S. LeasehoIds; Condom'rniums; Planned Unit�C�c��pmcnts. Sorrow�r a�rees to comply with the pro�isians tif any�ease if this deed af
<br /> trust as on Ieaseho�d. If this deed of trust is on a unit�n a condominium or a planned un�t de�el�pment,Borrowcr will per�orm a11�f Borrower's
<br /> dutics undcr th�cavenants,by laws,ar re�ula�ions af the condaminaum ar pianned unit de�elopment.
<br /> 9. Au�hority nf Lcnder ta Perf�rm for Borrawer. If Borrower fai�s to perfarm,any af B�rrowcr's duties under this d�ed of trust,Lender
<br /> may perf�rm�}�e duties�r cause them to be performed. Lender may sign Borrower's nam�ar pay any amount�f necessa�-y for perfarmanc�. If
<br /> any const�-uct�on on ���e �rop�rty is discontinued �r nafi carried on in a r�asanable manner, LCnder may da whate�cr is n�ccssary ta prn�ect
<br /> Lender's security ii�terest in the praperty. This may inc�ude cample�ing the construction.
<br /> Lender's failure t�perfnrm will nat p�eclude Lender fro���exezcisin�any of its oth�r�-ig��ts under the lav►��r t�zis de�d of�rust.
<br /> Any amoLrnts paid�y Lender to protect Lender's security�nterest will be se�ured hy t�a�s deed of trus�. Su�h amoirnts will�e due on demand and
<br /> �vill bcar in�e�-es�fram the date of the payment un�il paid in full at the int�r�st rate in effect on�he secured deht.
<br /> ��. De�'aui�and Acceler��i�n. If Borrower fails ta make any payment when due or hreaks any covenants under tnis dced af trust or any
<br /> ohli�ati�n secured by this deed o�'t�rust ar any prior mar�g��e�r deed❑f trust,Lender may acc�lerate t��e ma�ur�ty af the s�cured d�ht and d�mand
<br /> �mm�diate payment and may in�ake the pawer of saIe and any other remedies permitted by app�icabl�law.
<br /> l.�. Request�'or�Vratice o�`De�'ault. It is hereby requested th�t copi�s of t��e no�ices of default a��d sale he sent to each p�rson wha�s a party
<br /> hcre�o,at�he address of cach such person,as s�t f�rth��er�in.
<br /> �Z. Po�vcr af Sale. �f tl�e Lender invflkes the power�f saie,tl�e Trustec shalI first re�ord in the off ce of the�e�ister of de�ds of cach coun�y
<br /> w��crein the trust property or same part or parcel thereof��situated a notice of default containin�the anformativn r�quired by law. Th�Trustee
<br /> shall also ma�l copics of th� notice of default t�the Borr�wer, �� each person who is a pa�y hereto, and t❑ather person� as prescribed by
<br /> appIicabI� law. Not I�ss than one manth after tk�e Trustce records the natic� of default, ar two months i�'�he trus� prap�rty is no� in any
<br /> inca�pora�cd city ar vitla�e and is used in farmin�❑pera�ians c�rried on by the tr�istor,the Trustee sha�l give public natice af sa�e to tl�e person�
<br /> and in the manner prescribed by applicable�aw. Trustee,without demand�n Barrawer,shalI sel�the property at public auctian to t}�e high�s�
<br /> bidder. If requ�red by t��e Farm Homestead Prat�ctian�1ct,Trustee shall offer the pr�pe�ty in tw�separat�saies as required�y app�icable Iaw.
<br /> T�-ust�e may postp�ne saIe of all c�r any parcel flf the pra�cr�y by pu�lic announcement at the timc and place of�ny pre��ously sc���duled sale.
<br /> Lender ar its designee may purc��ase the praperty at any saIe.
<br /> Upan receipt af payment of the price hid,Trustec shall deli�er t�the purchaser Trustee'�dced canveyin�the praper�y. Tl�c rec:it�a�s contained in
<br /> Trustee's deed���all�e prima f�cie evidi�nce�f�he tru�h of the s��tements con�a�ned th�rcin. Trustee shall apply the pracccds of the sale in the
<br /> falIowing arder: �a} t� all expens�s ❑f th� sal�, inciuding, �ut nat limited to, reasonable Trustee's fees, rcasonable attflrney's fees and
<br /> reinstatement fees;�b}ta aIl sums securEd Y�y this deed�f trust,and(c}th�balance,if any,to the persans legally entitled ta rec�i�e i�.
<br /> 13. Tar��I��ur�. At Ler�der's optian, t��is dced of trust may be fnrcclosed in the manner pro�ided by applicable taw far foreclosure �f
<br /> mortga�cs an rea�property.
<br /> l4, �nspeetinn. Lender may enter the property to inspcct it if L�r�der���cs Borrawer natice befare}aand. The notice must state the reasonable
<br /> cause for Lend�r's inspection.
<br /> �_5. Cond�mnation. Bnrrow�r ass��ns ta Lender t�ae proceeds of any award �r claim far dama�es conne�ted with a cnnd�mnatian or other
<br /> taking o�all or any par�of the prnperty. Such proceeds will he applied as pravided in C�venan�1. This assi�nment is subjec�ta�he terms of any
<br /> pric��r security a�reement.
<br /> I C. �'�aiWer. By exercisin� any remedy a�ailable to Lender, Lender daes no� �ive up any ri�hts ta �ater use any othcr remedy. By no�
<br /> exc:rcisin�any remedy upon Barrower's defauIt,Lender does not wai�e any ri�ht to later consider the e�ent a d�fautt if it happens again.
<br /> I7. Joint and Sc�crai Liability;�a-si�ner�;S€�ccessars xnd Assi�ns Bnund. A1I duties under t�ais deed of trust are.�oint and se�erai. .�1.n�
<br /> Borrower �vho c�-si�n� this deed of t�ust but does no� c�-sign the und�rlying deht instruments(s} does sa �nly ta grant and canvey tha�
<br /> Borrower's interest in the pr�perty to the Trustee under th�terms of this deed of�rust. Zn addi�ian,such a Borrnwer a�rees that�k�e Lcnder and
<br /> any ot��er Borrower under this deed of trusf may extcnd,madify or mak�any other chan�es�n the terms of this dced of�rus�or the secured debt
<br /> wi�l�out t��at Sarrowcr's cansent and without relea.sin�t�1at Bflrrawer fram the te�ms of this deed af trust.
<br /> T��e dut�es and b�nefits of this deed of trust shall bind and bencft the successars and assi�ns�f Lender and Sorrower.
<br /> �8. Not�cc. Unless ot��erwise requ�red by law, any natice �a Barrower s��all be �iWen by de�i�erin� it ar by mailin� it hy c�rtif ed ma�l
<br /> addressed ta Barrawer at th�prap�rty address ar any nfiher address that Borrawer has�iven to Lender. Borrowcr will give any natice�o L�nder
<br /> by ccrtified m3il to Lend�r's address on page � af this deed of trust,or to any other address,wh�ch Lender has desi�nated. AAny o�her natice to
<br /> Lender shall be sEnt to Lender's addres�as stat�d�n pa��I of this deed of trust.
<br />