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<br /> Re�urn To:
<br /> Ht�m�Federal Sa�in�s&Laan
<br /> P�Box 1�09
<br /> G�and�sland,`NE 5H842
<br /> DEE�]�F TRUST
<br /> PARTI�S: This Deed of Trust is made on May�2, 20�4 among�he G�rant�r, Edward E N�eed�l AND Deanna L Meedel,
<br /> HUSBAND AND V��FE �"Borrower"}, AREND R BAACK, ATT�RNE�, v�hose residence address is P. �. Box 79�,
<br /> Grand Isiand, Ha�l County, Nebraska �"T�rus�ee"}, and �h� Benefciary, H�ME FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LC�AN
<br /> ASS���AT��N aF GRAND ISLAND, a carp�ra�ion �rganized and ex�st��ag under �he �aws of NEBRAS�A whose
<br /> address is 22I SaUTH L��UST STREET,CRAND�SLAND,NEBRAS�A�88�� �"Lender"}.
<br /> C�NVEYANCE: F�r va�ue recei�ed, B�rrawer irre�ocab�y grants and conveys ta T�rustee, in �rus�, with power of saIe,
<br /> the�eal proper�y,of vvhich Box�ov�e�r�s�awfu��y se�zed,de�cr�bed below and all buiidings,fixtures,and exis�ing and future
<br /> impro�em�nts�hereon and aIl ri�hts�-of r�vay,easements,ren�s,issues,praf ts,income,tenemen�s,he�r�d��aments,pr��i ie��s
<br /> and any appurtenances the�reunto be�on��ng�all called the"proper�y"}
<br /> PRC)PERTY ADDRESS: 4ZS8 Augusta Pkwy,�rand �s�and,NE 6SS03 and �4t}Z W D�����on S�,Grand �s�and,NE
<br /> GSS�1
<br /> LEGAL DESCR�PT��N: See Attach�d Exhibi�"A" for Legal Descriptions
<br /> Located i n Hal��ounty,Nebraska.
<br /> T�TL�: Borrower con�enants and�var�-ants title to th�p�roper�y,except for
<br /> SECURED DL�BT: Th�s deed af trusf secures to Lende�r �repayment af�he secured deb� and fhe performance �f�he
<br /> c�n�enan�s and a�reements contained in�his deed of trus�and �n any other documen� incorporated herein. Secured debt,
<br /> as used in �h�s deed of�rus�, includes any amaunts Bor�r�wer owes to L�nder unde�r th�s de�d of trus� or unde� any
<br /> ins�rumen�secured by�his deed of trus�,and all modificatians,extensians and rene�vrrals fhereof.
<br /> The secured debt is e�idenced by�List all ins�rumen�s and a�reements secured by fihis deed af�rus�and fihe da�es�hereof.}:
<br /> ❑ Fu�ure ad►vances: The aba�e am�un� is se�ured e�en �h�ugh ai� tir �ar� �f it may no� ye� be ad�anced.
<br /> Future advances are c�n�emplated and wil� b� secuxed ta the same extent as if made�n fihe da�e af�his deed of
<br /> trust is executed.
<br /> A�1 amounts awed under�h�s agreemen�are secured e��n�hough a�l amaunts may not yet be ad�anced. Fu�ure ad�ances
<br /> unde�r the agreement are c�ntemplated and v�ili be secured �a �he same exten� as if made on the date this deed of�rust is
<br /> ex�cut�d.
<br /> The abo�e obtigati�n is due and payabie on Dec�mb�r�1,�D�4,�f nat paid ear�ier.
<br /> The�a�al unpa�d �a�an�e secu�red by this deed of trust at any ane time sha�l naf exceed a max�mum princ�pai amount af
<br /> $34,���.��, pius in�eres�, p�us any amaunts disbursed under the te�rms of this deed af�rust�o pro�ect the s�curiry of th�s
<br /> deed of�rus�or�o perform any�f the coWenan�s con�ained in�his deed of�rus�,�ith interest an such disbursements.
<br /> ❑ Var�able R��e: The inter�s� rate on the ob��gation secu�red by this deed of�rust ma��ary a�cordin�to �he
<br /> �erms of�ha� �biiga�ian. A Rider containing the terms under�vhich the int�rest ra�e may �ary is attached to this deed of
<br /> trus�and made a par�hereof.
<br /> RiderS:
<br /> [] PtJD [] Condominium ❑ARM ❑ C��her
<br />