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��14���99 <br /> Inspect�an. Lender �r �ts agent may make reas�nable entrie� upon and inspec�ions of�he Proper�y. Lend�r shal� <br /> g�ve Borrower no�ice at the��me of�r prior�o an inspect�an spe�ifying reasanab�e�ause for the inspect�on. <br /> �ondemnat�on. The proceeds of any a�uard ar cta�m for damages, direG�or�onsequen�ial, �n connectzon vv��h any <br /> condemna��on or o�her ta�ing af any par�of�he Frape�-�y, ar for canveyance in I�eu of�flndemnatxan, are hereby <br /> assigned and shal�be paid t�Lend�r. <br /> In �he e�en� of a �o�al �ak�ng af�he Pr�per�y, the praceeds sha�� be appl�ed �fl �he sums se�ured b �h�s Securi <br /> y � <br /> Ins�rumerit, �hetiher �r nat then due, wi�h:any ex�ess paid to Borrawer. �n the event of a par�ial tak�ng of�he <br /> Prnperty in wh�ch the fair marke� value �f�he Praperty immediate�y before �he �ak�ng �s equal t� or grea�er than <br /> �he amount af�he sums secured by �h�s Security Ins�rument �mrned�a�ely befare the tak�ng, un�ess B�rrflwer and <br /> Lender athervv�se agree �n v�ri��ng, �h� sums secur�d b��his Secur��.y�ns�rumen�shal�be red.uced by the amoun��f <br /> the praceeds mu���pi�ed by the f�l��w�ng frac���n: �a}the to�al am�unt of�he sums s�cured xmmed�a���y�before the <br /> �aking, di�ided by �b} the fa�r mar�et value of the Pr�per�y �m�med�a�eIy before �he taking. 1�.ny ba�an�e shall be <br /> paid �o Barr�vver. In the e�ent af a par�ia�.�aking of the Praper�y �n �hich �he fair market �a�ue of�he Pr� e <br /> P �' <br /> irnmediately befare �he taking is less �han the amount vf�he sums se�ured �mmediate�y before the �, unX�ss <br /> Borrower and Lender other��se agr�e �n vvri�ing ar unless App�i�abie Law a�herv�ise pro��des, �he proceeds shall <br /> be appli�d�o the sums se�ured by th�s S�curity�nstrume��whether ar na��he sums are�hen due. <br /> �f the Pr�perty �s aband�ned by B�rr�vver, or�f, after na�Yce by Lender to Borrower that the condemn�r�ffers�o <br /> make an award or se�tle a c�a�m for damages, Borr�v�rer fai�s t�respond ta Lender v�i�hin�he minimum number of <br /> days es�ab�ished by App��cab�e Lav�after the date�he no�ice is g�ven,Lender�s au�harized to ca�lect a�d app�y the � <br /> proceeds, at i�s opti�n, ex�her �a res�oration or repa�r of the Proper�y or to �he sums secured by th�s Secur�ty <br /> Ins�rument,�he�her or n��then due. <br /> Uniess Lender an� B�rrov�er otherwise agree in �ri��ng, any app���atia� of pr�ceeds �o prin�ipal shall not ex�end <br /> ar pos�p�n��he due da�e of�he paymen�s due under�he Contrac�ar�hang��he amaunt of su�h paymen�s. <br /> Borr�wer Not Re�eased; Farbearance By Lender N�t a Wai�er. E�.tension of �he time for payment or <br /> m�dif�cat�on of amartiza�ion af�he sums seGured by th�s Secu.r��y Ins�rument gran�ed by Lender to B�rr�wer ar <br /> any su��essor �n in�er�s� of Borrower shal� no� opera�e �o release �he l�ab�Ii�y of the orig�nal Borrovver or <br /> Borravver's su�cessors �n �n�erest. Lender sha��n��be re�u�r�d�o cammep�e proceed�ngs aga�ns�any successor�n <br /> interes�or refu�e t�ex�end��me fflr pa�ment or o�hervvise mod�fy amor��za�ion of.the sums secured by�his Se�ur�ty <br /> �nstrument by reasan af any demand made by �he or�g��a� Barrovver �r Barr�v�er's successors �n �n��resti. Any <br /> forbearance hy Lender in exercising any r�ght or remedy sha�l n�t�e a�va��er of or preclu�.e th� exerc�se �f any <br /> r�ght or remed�. <br /> Successor� and Assigns �3ound; J�int and Se�era� L�abi�ity; Ac�ammnda�ivn S�gners. The covenan�s and <br /> agreements of�h�� Secur��y Instrument sha�l �bind and benef���h� successars and assi.gns �f Lender and Borrower, <br /> sub�e�� to the pro�xs��ns af sec��on ����ed Transfer of tihe Pr�per�y or a Benefc�a� Int�rest �n Borrower. <br /> Barrower's ca�enan�s and agreements shai�be joipt and se�era�.Any person wh��a-signs�his Security Ins�rumen� <br /> but has no pers�nal �iab�I�ty under �he Con�ract ("A�commodat�fln Signer"}: �a} is co-s�gning �h�s Security <br /> Instrument an�y �o mor�gage, gran� and con�ey �ha� Accommvda��on S�gner's �n�erest �n �he Praper�y under �he <br /> terms of �he Security �nstrumen�; �b� is no� persona�iy obliga�ed t� pay �he sums secured by �h�s Secur�ty <br /> �ns�rument; and�c� agrees tha�Lender an�.an�other B�rrovver rnay agree�� ex�end,modxfy, fflrbear flr ma�e any <br /> accommoda��ons with regard�a�he terms of this Secur�ty�ns�rument or�he Cantract wi�hou��ha�Ac��mmada�ion <br /> Signer's consent. <br /> Loan �harges. If�he �aan secured by �his Security �ns�rumen� �s subject t� a lav� vvh�ch sets maximu�n �oan <br /> charges, and�ha� la� �s fna�ly interpreted sa�ha��he xn�erest�r other�oan charges collec�ed or to be collec�ed in. <br /> cannec��an w��h �he Iaan e�ceed the permit�ed limits, then: �a� any such �aan charge shal� be reduced by �he <br /> amoun�necessary�o reduce the �harge ��the permit�ed �i�ni�s and �b� an� sums a�ready�allected from B�rro�v�r <br /> wh�ch exceeded perm�tted Iimi�s wiI� b� refunded �a Borrawer. Lender may choose �a make this refund b <br /> Y <br /> reduc�ng �he principa� owed under�he �on�rac� or by making a d�rect pay�nen��o Borra�ver. �f a refund reduces <br /> pr�nc�pal,the reduction v��li be trea�ed as a par�ia�prepaymen�under the�ontrac�. <br /> No�ices. Any no�ic� to Borro�ver pro��ded for in thxs Secur��y �ns�rument shal� be gxven by dei�vering it ar by <br /> ma�ling i�by f�rsti class ma�l unless App�i�able La�nr requires use of ano�her m�thod. The n���ce shal�be direG�ed to <br /> the Prope�-�y Address or any other address Bnrr��ver designa�es by na��ce �o Lender. B�rrower agree� �o pr���de <br /> Lender v���h Borrflwer's �m�st �urren�mai��ng address, as ��may change from time-to-��m�. Any no�ice �o Ler�der <br /> shal�be g��en by f�rs�class ma���a Lend�r's address s�ated herein or any a�her address Lender desxgnates by not�ce <br /> �o Borrawer. Any na�ice prov�ded far in this Secur�ty Ins�rument shal�be de�med t�have been g�ven�a BorrQvv�r <br /> or Lender v�hen gi�en as pr��ided in this paragraph. <br /> Go�ern�ng Law; Severabil�ty.Thxs Secur�t��nstrumen�sha��be gavernred�y f�deral 1a�and�he lavvs of�he state <br /> of Nebraska. �n �he event �ha� any provis�on ar clause af th�s Securxty_Instrument or �he �on�ra�� conf��cts with <br /> Applicab�e Lavv, su�h conflic� �ha11 not affect other provis���s af th�� Secur�ty �ns�rumen� ar the �ontract v�h�Gh <br /> can be g�ven effec�without the conf�i���ng provision. To this end the pr��isions�f this Se�urity�nstrumenti and the <br /> �ontrac�are deciared to be severab�e. � <br /> Bnrrower�s��py.Barr�wer sha�I be g��en one c�py of�h�s�ecuri�y�nstrument. <br /> Tran�fer of�he Praper�y or a Bene�cia�In�erest�n Borravver. �f aIl or any par�flf the Praperty ar any�n�erest <br /> in �� is sold �r transf.erred ��r xf a benef�c�al inter�s� in Barrawer is s�id or �ransferred and Borrower �s not a <br /> na�ural persan� w��hout Lender's prior wrxtten consen�, Lender may, at ��s �p�x�n, requxre immed�ate pay�men� in <br /> C�2a04-2�13 Compliance 5ysterx�s,Inc,8EF33-EB72-2013L2.�.EI.7�2 <br /> C�ns�rx�er Rea�Estate-Security Instrumen#DL2036 Fabe 3 of 5 v;�ww.c�mpliancesystems.corn <br />
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