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��14���99 <br /> A licable Law. As used in �his Security �nstrumen�, the �erm "Applicab�e Law" sha�l mean al� control�ing <br /> PP <br /> app�i�able federa�, state and �ocal s�a�u�es, regu�at�o�s, �rdinances and adm�nistrative rules and vrder� �that ha�e <br /> the effect of 1aw�as wel�as a�l applica�le fna�,non-appealable�ud�cial opinians. <br /> �har es• Liens. B�rrower sha1�.pay al� �axes, assessmen�s, charges, fnes and impositivns attributab�e to �he <br /> g � <br /> Property which may at�ain priori�y��er this Security �nstrument, and �easehold payrnen�s or ground r�nts, 1f any. <br /> A�the request�f Lender,Borrovver sha�l promptly furr�ish to L�nder rece�p�s ev�denc�ng�h.e paym�nts. <br /> Borrower shall pramptly d�scharge any �ien v�h�ch has pri�rity over this Secur��y �ns�rumen�un�ess Borr�v�er: �a} <br /> agrees in vvriting �a the payment of�he obl�ga�ion secured by �he Iien 1I7 a manner acceptab�e to �ender; �b} <br /> con�es�s in good faith the �ien by, �r defends agaxnst enfarc�men� of the �ien �n, �egal proceedings vwhiCh in the <br /> Lender's op�n��n opera�e �a prevent the enforcemen� of the �ien; �r �c} secures from the holder of�he lien an <br /> agr�exnent satisfac��ry��Lender subordina�ing�he �ien to�his Secur�ty�nstrumen�. �f Lender de�ermines�hat any <br /> part of�he Proper�y is subj ect to a��en v�hich may at�ain p�iori�y o�er'�his Secur�ty�nstrument, Lender may g��re <br /> Borrawer a no�ice �dentifying the �ien. Borro�er sha�l satisfy the Izen ar take ane or more af the ac�ions se�forth <br /> abo�e w�thin 14 days of the gi�ing of notic�. � <br /> Hazard or Proper�y Insu�ance. .B�rrow�r sha�1 kee��he ixnpravements n�w e��s�ing or hereafter er�cted on the <br /> Property insured against loss by fre,ha�ards included wi�hin the�erm"extended coverage" and any ol�her hazards, <br /> inclu�ing ��ods ar flo�ding, f�r �hich Lender requires insurance. This insu�'ance shal� be ma�n�ained �n the <br /> amounts and for the periods that Lender requires.The lnsurance carrler prov�d�ng the insurance shall b��hosen by <br /> Borrov�er sub�ec� �o Lender's approval vvh�ch shal� no� be unreas�nably wi�hhe�d. If Bo�rrawer fai�s �� mainta�n <br /> caverage described abo�e, Lender may, a� Lend�r's ap�ion, �b�ain co�erage to pr��ect Lender's r�gh�s in the <br /> Property�n accordance�r�th sectivn�itled Pra�ectian of Lender's Rights in the Property. <br /> AI1 insurance po�icies and renev�als sha�l be acceptable �� L�nder and shall include a s�andard m�r�gage c�ause. <br /> Lender shall ha�e the right�o ho�d�he po�ici�s and renewal�. �f Lender requires, Borrow�r sha�� promp�Iy gi�e t� <br /> Lender all rece�pts�f paid prem�ums and renewai notices. �n�he �ven�af Ioss, Borrovver shail give promp�no��ce <br /> ta the insurance carrier and Lender.Lender may rr�ake pr�of of�oss if not made promptly�y Borravver. <br /> Uniess Lender and Borrower ��herwise agree in writing, insuran�e proceeds shal� be app�ied tv restor�tion �r <br /> repair of the Proper�y damaged, if, �n Lender's so�e d�scre���n, the rest�ratian �r repa�r is econQm�cal�y feasib�e <br /> and Lender's security is n��lessened. �f, in L��der's sole �iscret�on, �he res�arati�n or re�air is n�t e�onomically <br /> feasible or Lender's security vv�uid be�essened,�he�nsurance pr�c�e�.s shal�be appl�ed to the sums secured by th�s <br /> Secur��y Instrument, �hether �r n�t then due, wi�h any e��ess paid, to Borro�er. �f Barrorn�er abandons �he <br /> Pr�perty,or does nat answer within the number of days pres�ribed by.Applicable Lavv as se�forth�n a no�ice fram <br /> Lender to Barrower tha��he insurance Carrier has offered�o settle a c�a�m, then Lender may c��1ec��he insurance <br /> proceeds. Lender may use the praceeds to repair o�-restore �he Proper�y or to pay sums s�cured by�his Security <br /> �nstrument,wheth�r or no��hen due.The period af time f�r Borrovver to ansv�er as se�for�h in the n��ice v���1 beg�n <br /> when�he n�tice�s given. <br /> Un�ess Lender and B�rrower o�herwise agree in writing, any application of proceeds�o princ�pa� shall nat ex�end <br /> ar postpone�he due date of the payments due unde�-the �on�rac��r�hange the amoun�of the payments. If urider <br /> �he sec�ion titled Accelera�ion; Remedie�, �he Praperty is acquired by Lender, Borro�er's right�o any insurance <br /> pol�cies and pr�ceeds resu�ting from da�mage �o �he Properfiy pr�or to the acyu�s���on sha�l pass t� L��der to �he <br /> ex�t�n�of�he sums secured by�h�s Security Inst�-�.unen�i�rr�edia�ely prior�o�he acqu�s�tion. <br /> Preser�vation, NYaintenance and Protec��an of �he Praperty; Borrower�s Loan Applicatian; Leasehn�ds. <br /> Borrower sha11 n��destroy, dama�e or impair�he Praperty, a���w the Property to deteri�rate, or commit waste�n <br /> �he Proper�y.Borrov�er sha�l be in defau�t if an�r farfeiture ac��on or proceedin�,vvhether���il or crimznal,is begun <br /> tha� in Lender's gaod fait�judgment c�u1d resu�� �n forfeiture af the Praperry o�- othervvise ma�eria�l� �mpa€r�he <br /> lien created by �his Secur��y �ns�rument ar Lender's securi�y in�erest. Borrower may �ure such a default and <br /> reinsta�e, as provxded in secti�n titled Borrower's R�ght to Re�nstate, by caus�ng the acti�n or pr���ed�ng�o be <br /> dismissed wi�h a rul�ng tha�,in Lender's go�d fa��h det�rmin�t�an,pr�c�udes f�rfe�ture of the B�rr�r�ver's in�erest in <br /> the Proper�y or a�her mater�al impairment �f the lien created by �h�s Security �nstrument ar Lender's se�urity <br /> interest.Borr�vver sha��a�sa be�n defau���f Barrawer,dur�ng the l�an appiication process,gave ma�erially false or <br /> inaccurat� �nformation or staternents ta Lender ��r failed �o praWide Lender v�r��h any mater�a� information) �n <br /> �onnection v�r�th the Ioan ev�denced by�he ��ntrac�. �f�his Security �nstrumen��s on a Ieaseh�id, BQrrawer sha�l <br /> com�Xy vvi�h a�l�he provisions of�he�ease.If Borrower a�quires fee t��le t��he�r�perty,the leasehold and�he fee <br /> title shall not merge un�ess Lender agjrees to the�erger in wr�fi�ng. � <br /> Protection vf Lender's Rights in the Prop�r�y. �f Barrower fails to perfarm the co�enants and agr�emen�s <br /> cantained�n this Secur�ty�nstrurnen�, �r there is a lega�proceed�ng that ma�significantly affect Lender's rights in <br /> the ProperCy �su�h as a proceeding �n bankrup�cy, probate, for condemnation or forfe��ure or�o ex�fs�rce Iaws or <br /> regu�a��ons�, then Lender may d� and pa� far vvhatever is ne�essary �o protect the �alue �f the Property and <br /> Lender's r�ghts in�he Praperty. Lender's acti�ns may�nclude pay�ng an�sums secured by a�ien v�r�hich has priority <br /> over�his Security�nstrurnen�,�ppea�ring in�flur�,pa�ing re�s�nab�e at�orneys'fe�s and en�er�ng�n th�Praperty�o <br /> make repairs.Al�hough Lender may�ake ac���n under this sect�on,Lender does no�ha�e to d�sa. <br /> Any amounts ��sbursed i�y Lender under this sec�ion s�all �bec�me ad�.�tia�al deb� of Borrovver secured by �his <br /> Securi�y �nstrument. Unless B��rov�er and Lendex agree to other �erms af payment, these amoun�:s sha�1 bear <br /> interest fro�n th� date af disbursemen� at the same ra�e assessed �n advanGes under the �ontra��t and shall be <br /> payab�e,with interest,up�n n��ice fr�m L�nder t�Bnrr�v�er requesting payment. <br /> C���D4-�OX3 Cflr37�.7IF�.I1C���5t�1715,inc.8EB3-EB72-2613L2.�.Ei.?12 <br /> Consumer Real Estate-Security Instrumer�t DL2a35 Page 2 of 5 www.�o�npliancesys� <br />