<br /> �ec�ui��ed vy R�SPA, and Borrowet�shall pay to Lel�der 1;�ie amout�t necess�ry to�nalce up t���defrcrency zn
<br /> accorda�lce wi�h RESP�, bu��1�o xno�•e thax� 1.2 n�oi��hly payme.nts.
<br /> L�pon paymer��i�fu�1 of�:1I su��1s sect�re��y this Secut•i�y I�1s�rument, Lender sha1�p��mp�1y ref��nd to
<br /> }3ort•o�ve�an�Funds��e1d by Lendei,.
<br /> 4. Charges; Liens� Bo�•t��wet�shall pay a11 taxes, assess�l7e�ts, chatfges, fines, a�d i�-nposi�ions at�t•ibu�avle�o
<br /> ���e Pt•opet•�y�hich ca�at��.in priio�•��y ovex•��is Security Instr��ment:, le�sel�old paym.ents ot•grot�nd re�n�s ot�
<br /> t��e Pr�per�y, if a�ny, an�.Con�����.�t�x�y Association D�.�es, Fees, at�d Assessmen�s, if any, To the exter���11a�
<br /> th�se items at•e Esct�o�v Itiem�, Borrowe�sl1a��p�.y�:he�n in�he�nanner p�•ovi�.ed i��Secti�n 3.
<br /> I3orro�er sha1�pi omp��y�isclla�,ge a11y�ien whic���as p�•iar�ty ovez•t;his Secu�•i�;y Inst��umen�u�l�ess
<br /> Borrower: (�.}a�rees i��wrii.ing to the payme��of tt�e�bliga�ion sec�.�re�.by�he lien r��a�ananner accep�able
<br /> to Lender, l�u�on�y sa 1o�g as Ba���•owe�i is pe��fortni�g s�.�cl�agree�le��; �U} contests��e 1ie�1 in good fait�by,
<br /> ar deFe�ds agaitlst enfoi ce�llen�of�he Iien i�a, �eg�.I proceedings wlaich it�Let���r's opinio�o�era�e ta�t°eveil�
<br /> the enfar�cement of t11e�ien v�hiTe��iose p�ocee�.ings at•e pendYn.g, b��t o�ly u�ti1 such p�•oceedt��gs a.re
<br /> concluded; a���c}secut�es fro�n��ie 1�oldez of�he lien an ag�•eenlen�sa�is�acto��y��Letic�er s�.�b�t�dina�it�g t�e
<br /> lien ta t��s SecLlrity Iri�tt•ume��t. rf Lendet•de�erxnin�s tha�any p�.��of the P�•ape�ty is sc�b�ec�:to a 1�en v���icl�
<br /> �an a��ai�1 priority�ove��this Se�ui ity I�1s�r��me���, Le�de�•nlay gi�ve Bolrowex�a no�ice ider��ify��g�he Iie��.
<br /> �1��111.7 �.�C�{cl.yS nf�:�le C��.����W�71C�1��7��11a�1��1S g1Ve�l� I3o���owei�sha11 sa��sfy�he I�en or ta��e one o���.zore
<br /> o��he actions se�fai���i al�ove in���is Se�tio��.4.
<br /> Lexader m�y xequire�3��•rowet�to�ay a otle-�i�ne c��a�•ge fo�•a r�a1�state�a.x�eri:Cication an�lar�•epo�:�ing
<br /> service used�y L.ende�i��cor��le�t�on w��h.t�is Loat,.
<br /> 5. Praper�y� I n�urance. Bot,rov�ei•s11�.11��ee�the improvemen�s no�v�xist�zag or�Zere�.f�er e1 ec�e�on�he
<br /> I'xio�����y i��su�•ed ag�.i�s�lass by fire, 1lazards inc�ude�vv�t�hin t�1e�etm"ex�ended coverage," and�ny ot�ei�
<br /> haza�cls it�clL�diilg, bu�t�ot li�ni�ec��o, ea�•��Zn�ual�es ar�d f:Io��s, for�vhiel�Le��.c�e����ec�Llires insu�•ance, T���s
<br /> i��s���a�a.ce sl�all ve mai��tai��ec�ii-r the�.mo�xnts �i�clu�i�xg;c�ec�L�ctible�eve�s} a�ac�.fo�•t�1e periods.���a�Lender
<br /> requi�•es. What Le��c�e���e�uir�s�ut�sua��to���precedzng sen��nces c�.n charlge c�uri�rg t�1e�erin a��;he Lo�.t�.
<br /> Tl1e i��s�:�t�atice�arrie��pr�ovidi�lg t�a�i�.sL��*ance sha�1 be �hosexl by 8�����ou�et{su�bj ec��o Lendet�'s��ight�o
<br /> dis�ppro�e Bo�•t�ower's c��aice, �which�ig��t shaX�not be exercis���.�nrt•easona.bly. Lender�zn�y rec�uii e
<br /> Bor��ov�rer�o pay, i��co��ec�io�l vv��.h this Loa�, e��her: �a�a o�e-�:in1e c�harge for f�ood zoi�e de�e�•tninati�n,
<br /> ce�1tiizcat�ozi and t�•�.cl�ing set•�ices; or�b}a one��ime c�arge for�loo�2oi�e dete�•i�lina�ior�anc�certification
<br /> se�vices a�d.subsequer��chat�ges each ti�me rell�appings o�•simil�.��cha�ges occur�hic��reasonab��r ri�gh�
<br /> affect suc��t d�terrniz�a��o��oz•cer�iffca�ioll. Barrower s�ail alsa be respansible far t�1e payme��t of ai�y fe�s
<br /> ifzzposec��y�c11e redei•al Ernergericy M�nagezx�en�Agel�cy in con�aec�ion vvi�h�he revievv of any f�ooci zo�ae
<br /> de�e��n7i�ation�•esu�ting From an obje��ia�1 by Bo���•ov�e��,
<br /> If Bort�ower fa�1s�a maY�lt�in any of t��e coverages desc��il�e��.bove; Lender n1�.y o1��ai��.insut�at�ce coverage;
<br /> at i.en�.er's ap�iail at�d Bort�au�e�•'s ex�e�lse. Lenc�et•is L��der no obliga�io��.to�ut•cl�ase a�y�at•ticul�.r�ype ox�
<br /> a��loun�o�f cover��e. T�Zet•efot•e, suc�1 coverage s11�.11 co�er Lenc�e��, �Li�1171�;�]��1 f11���1$t1U���D��C�I���t�o�v��•,
<br /> Borr�v�rer's eq�.�i�y in the Pro�e���y, ox��he can���lts of�he Prope�,ty, agains�any risf�, l�aza��d or liabili�y�nd
<br /> �11ig11t provide g�ea�e��o�•1es�er coverag��1�a��was previoL�sly ir�effec�. �3a�rawe�acl��lowledges i:haf;the cos�
<br /> oF�he��asu�'�.nce co�erage so ot��ained r,light s�gt�lfica��tly e�cee�th�cost�f it�s�.�t�atace���a�Bor��owe��coL�1d
<br /> 1��.ve ob�ai��e�, At�y alnout��s c�is�a�.�t•sed by Lend�r u�de�th�s Se�t�a�.S sha11�become adc��t�onal debt of
<br /> Boz•rovve�•s�cut•ed by t�.�s Sec�.���ii:�Ins��•�.���et1�. Tl�ese amo�.���s sha11�ear i���eresi.at t��e No�e ra�e fi�onz t;he
<br /> C�c����f�.15�111,ser��ent ar�c�s��al1 be�ay�.U�e, wx�h such interest, upon x�otice from Le��d.e�•to Loi•t�o�er
<br /> �ec��.�es�filg payt»e�1t,
<br /> � 2q�o�5956
<br /> N�BRASKA-5ingle Fam ily-��nn�e M ae�Freddie M ac UIViF�RM iNSTRiJM ENT Farm 3�2 8 11a�
<br /> VM P C} VM p6�N����342�
<br /> Wolters}tluwer F'9r�ancial 5ervices Page 6 pf�
<br />