<br /> Any a�p�ica�ion of p�.ymen�s, 1r�su1•�.nce p��oceeds, or Misce�Ia�ae�L�s Proceeds to�t•incipal due unde�•��Ze Nate
<br /> sha�l no�ex�e��.or post��one t�1e due date, or ch�.ng�the ar��ount, of t�1e Perioc�ic Paymeil�s.
<br /> 3, T�.Xnds for�scrow I�ems. Bor�o�et�s�1a1��ay�o L���det�on�he day Pei�iodic Pa�r���en�s a��e due uza�det•tihe
<br /> No�e, un��1��Ze Note is p�.fd in fi�lr, a s�.�m��IZe "Funds"}�o prov��.e for payment of at�lounts d�.e for; �a�taxes
<br /> atld assessme�a�s a.nd o�her item�vvl�ic�1 ca�a��a�n p�rio��it�over�his Sect�rtty Tns�rurne��t as a lien or
<br /> encum�i�.i1ce on���e P�°o�erty; �b� leasehoid pay�nents ar g��au�d i eri�s o�.tl�e Prope��ty, if a.n�, �����'e���i�.�ms
<br /> for any and a11 it�s�.�rance reqLxired�y Le�adet•under Sec�io��.5; at�d�d}Mot i:gage It�sur���ce pt•eim�ums, if a�ay,
<br /> or an�su�ns pa�a��e 1�y L�i r�v�et�o Le�lc�er z�lieu of�1�e paytne���;ol Mor�gage It�sut•�.nce preYn�ums in
<br /> accordarlce vvi����he provis�o��s o�F Sec��on 1�. These i�em� are c�.l�ed"Escrow I�ems." A�or�g��a�io��o��at
<br /> any�i�ne d�x�ing i.he te���n of t�1e Loa��, Lende�•may rec�ui�•�1:hat Co���1��.���it�r Association Dues, Tees, a�c�
<br /> Assess�nen�s, il any, b�escr�w�ci by I3�rrov�er� �.11C�.SL�C�1 C��.1�Sy fees and�ssessmen�s sla�.11 be an�s��ow
<br /> I�e�n. I3ort�ower�h�.�1 pron���1y f�xr�azsl�i:o Lende�,al�nat�ces o�'amo�in�s�o be�aic�t�nder�his Sec��of�, �
<br /> �o��rower shall pay Ler�der the Fu���s fo�•�scrov�Iter��s�:zn�ess Lendet�v�aives Bo�•�owet�'s o��iga�iot�to paY
<br /> ���e Funds fo�•any or a11 Escrow r�e��s. Ler�de�•��ay�aive Ba�•rovvei�'s oUligatio�a.�o p�.y�o Leta�er Tunds for
<br /> �.�y o�•all Esct�ovv I�e�ns at�n��im�. A11�1'SlIC}.7 W�.1V�t•may only 1ae in wri�it�g. In�l�e evetl�o�such vt��iver,
<br /> I3orrowe��s�a1�pay c�irectly, v�he11 and w�ae�•e payable, ��le�tnout��s c�ue fai��.ny Esc�ow Ite�1s for vvl��ch
<br /> p�.yme���of F�.�nc��has 1�e�n�raived�y Le��er and, xf Lenciet�rec�utres, s1�a11 f����tlish�o Le�de�•t•eceip�s
<br /> evide�.acing such payt��et1�vvithill such�ix��e pe�•iod as Len�.er n-�ay��equire, Borrov�ret�'s ab�igatio�to ma��e
<br /> suc1�p�.ymex��s and ta provi�e receipts s���.�1 fo�,�11�u�poses be deemed�n b�a co�enan�and agt•eemet��
<br /> con�ait�.ed i��his Securi�y It�st�u��let�t, as the phrase"G�ve�lan�ar�d�.g�eemen�" is�.�sed i�1 Se�tio��9. If
<br /> I3o�t�ovv��•is oUTig�.ted f:o p�.y Escrov�Y�ems d�rec�1�, pursuan��o�.vtr�rve�, �.nd Bot•rovver fa�Is to pay�lle
<br /> .
<br /> amau��t ue for an�scro�r I�e�r�, �endet�m�.y exercise i�s r�g��ts u�dei�Sec�ioi�9 a�d pay such an�oi���a�d
<br /> Borro�ver shall i:he�1�be o�1ig�,�e��.���der Sec��o��9 to t�epay�o Lende�•any such amo�.�rit. Lender may revol�e
<br /> �11e vvaiver as�o a��y o�1 a11 Esc��o�v I�etns at a��y�i�.ze vy a notice gi�et�i��.accot•c�anee vvi�h Sec�ion I S and,
<br /> u.po�1 s�.�ch�.��voca�ion, Bort�ov�et�shall�ay to Le�der�.11 FL�t�c�s, a���.it1 such�.r�loun�s, �ha�are thei�req�.Xired
<br /> t���deti���is Sec�xon 3.
<br /> Lenc�e��ma�, at any ti�rne, co�lec�atld I�o�d Fun�s ir�an atl�oun��a�s�.�fFicient�o pern�i�Len�et�to apply the
<br /> FL��ads�.t the�ime specifi�d t�t�der R�SPA, and���no��o excee�:i:he r�laximum amount a�ende�ca�l rec�uire
<br /> L���det RESPA, Leri�.er sha11 es�iina�e�1�e�.mot���af Fu��ds due ot1���e basis of cu��t�er��da�a a��d reas�r�a��e
<br /> es�ima�es of expe����tut��s of����u1•e Esc�•ow��e�a�s o�•ot�ierw�se tn a�corda�lce with Ap��ic�.1�1e L�.w.
<br /> Th���.��ads sha1l be held in an���stxtut�o��wlzose de�osits are�xasu�•ec��y a fed�r�.�aget�cy, inst�•�.��.�e��tati�y, o�
<br /> enti�y�inc1�.��.�ng Le��dex, if Lenc�er is�n iris��t�.ttiorx w��.ase�epos��s at•e so ii��L�1�ed.} o��in�.��.y Fedet�.l Kome
<br /> L�a�.Ba.��.I�. Lendet•shall a���y t��e I'utlds 1;o pay�he Esc�•avv I�eri��no�a�er than i:��e time specified t�nder
<br /> RESPA. Leric�e��sha]1 no��ha�ge Bo��•owe�•fo�ho�di��g�.t1d a�ply�ng the I'unc�s, a����.L�a11y a�lalyzx��g t�1e
<br /> escro�v ac�ot�n�, or ve��iryi�����Ze Escrow Yte��s, L�nless Lender p�.ys I3o�•t•owe��in�erest ot��he Fi�nds and
<br /> Ap�licable Law p�r�n�ts Le��de��ta ma��e such a c�at�g�. Uril�ss atl�.greement is r��a�e i�1 w�•i�i�g a�•
<br /> Applicabl�La�v requi�es i���et,es�to be paid a�a�1�e Fu�1ds, Lender s��a11 na�be reqL�ired to pay Box•��ovve��any
<br /> inte�+est at~ea�•n�ngs an the I'�.�t��s. Borrav�ei�.t1d Lende�•can a�ree it�v�i���ti�g, however, f;hat intet•est sl�a�l be
<br /> pa��o���f�e I'L�nds. I.�en�er shall give to I3oz�r�wei�, �i�llo�.��:Gl1at ge, an�.nn�:��.1�ccauntii�g of the Ft�nds as
<br /> rec�uired lay I�ESPAo
<br /> If��iere is�.s���•plus of Fur��.s held r�l esc�•ow, �.s de�'i��ed�xnde��I�SPA, Let�der s�1a�1 accouil�to Bar��ov�e�•for
<br /> tlze e�cess f�.�t�ds itl accol�danoe wit11 RESPA, If�1�ere is a shartage o�Funds he�d in es�ror7v, as define�u��de��
<br /> �ESPA, Le�det'5�7�.��I1Q���BQ1��•owex•as��equit•ec��ay R�SPA, and T3orro�ve��sha�l p�y�o�etlde�r the ama���
<br /> �Z�cessary�o�n�al��t�p i:he shorta.ge it�acco�da�ace with�ESPA, but in�Zo�not e�IZ�t1 12 mon�llly-��.yments. Tl
<br /> ��le�°e is a�.efzcie��cy o.f Ft�t�c�s 11��d it1 escrow, �s def��aed t�nc�er RESPA, Le�adet�s��a1�tlotify Lor�•ower as
<br /> 2�a�596G
<br /> NE8RA5KA-Sir�gle�amily-Fannie MaelFre�die Mac IJNIF�RM INSTRLIM�NT Farm��2II 1101
<br /> VM f'a VM P��NE��13a2}
<br /> Walfers Kluwer Fin�+ncia!Servicss Page of�7`
<br />