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��14���31 <br /> ��EEI� C3F �'��J�T" <br /> Laan �Vo: '����7�34� {��������d} �a�e � <br /> DEFD ❑F TRUST�5 G�VEN AND ACCEPTED �N THE FDLLDINING TERMS: <br /> T�UST�R'S REPRESFNTATi�NS AIV17 1l�ARRANTiES. Trustor warrants tha�: {a� this ❑eed ❑� Trust is exe�u�ed afi <br /> gorrower's request and nat a��he �equest vf Lender; �b} Trusfivr has the tul� pawer, right, and authority ta ente� in�o <br /> this Deed of Trus� and �o hypa�hecate fihe Praperty; {c} the pro�isions of this ❑eed ❑f Trust dv nvt con�FIict wi�h, or <br /> resuIt in a defaul� under any agreemen�or ❑the�-ins�rumen� hinding upon Trus�ar and do no� resu�t in a �io�ation v� any <br /> Iaw, regula�ion, caur� decree or ❑rder applicable to Trustar; �d} Trustar has established adequa�e means of ❑b�aining <br /> ���m Barrawer on a con�inuing basis informa�ivn abou� Bvrrower's financial conditivn; and �e� Lender has made na { <br /> represen�a�fiion to Trust�r abaut Bvrrvwer {including withou�limita�ion�the cred�twor�hiness of 6orrower}. <br /> TRUST�R'S V11AlVERS. Trustor wai�es all rights or defenses arising by reasan ❑f any "one a��ion" ❑r- "anti-de�i�iency" � <br /> law, ❑r any ❑fih�r law which may pre�enfi Lender from hringing any actian against Trustor, including a claim far <br /> deficiency�o fihe extent Lender is otherwise entitled t❑ a cIaim �or de�i��enGy, be�ore ❑r after Lender's c�mmencement <br /> vr comp�etivn❑f any fore�Iosure ac�ion, ei�he�judicialjy❑r by exe�cise❑f a power❑f sale. <br /> PAYIVl�NT AN❑ PERFDRIVIANCE. Excep� as o�herwise pro�ided in�his ❑eed ❑�F Trus�, Borrower shall pay t❑ Lender all <br /> lndebfiedness secured by this Deed of Trust as it becomes due, and gv�rawer and Trus�or shali perform al� their <br /> respec�i�e obliga�ions under the Note,-�his Deed o�Trust, and�he R��a�ed aocumen-�s. <br /> P455ESS1�N A�V❑ MAINTE�VA�ICE �F THF PR�PERTY. Borrower and Trustar agree that Borrower's and Trustor's <br /> possession and use vfi�he Proper�y shall he ga�erned hy fihe following pro�isions: <br /> Possessivn and Use, Un�i1 the occurrence of an E�ent a�F Default, Tr-us�or may �'i� remain in possess�an and <br /> c�n�ra� ❑f the Praper�y; �2} use, ❑perate or manage�he Proper�y; and �3} �aIlect the Rents�rom�he Praperty. <br /> ❑uty tv �a�n�a�n. Trustor� shal! maintain �he Prap�r�y in �enan�kahle condi�ion and promptIy per�o�-m all repairs, <br /> repiacemen�ts, and maintenan�e necessary�o preser�e i�s�alu�. <br /> �ompIiance �lVi�h Environmentai Laws. Trustor represents and warrants �❑ Lender�hat: �1} During the periad ❑t <br /> Trus�or's ❑wnership ❑-�the Property, �here has been no use, generation, manufacture, sfivrage,�reatmen-fi, disposa�, <br /> re�ease or threatened reIease of any Hazardous 5ulos�an�e by any person on, und�r, abaut or �r�m �he Property; <br /> {2} Trus�ar has n❑ knowledge o�, ❑r reasan to belie�e fha�there has been, excep� as pre�iously disclosed to and <br /> acknow�edged hy Lender in writing, �a} any breach ❑r v�alation af any EnWiranmen�ai Laws, �b� any use, <br /> genera�ion, manufac�ure, s�orage, fir�a�ment, disposaf, release or threatened release ❑fi any Hazardvus 5ubs�tance <br /> an, under, ahaufi ar �rom �h� Property by any prior ❑wners ❑r oc�upants o� the Proper�y, ❑r �c} any actual or <br /> threatened litiga�ion ar claims o-� any kind by any person rela�ing �a such ma�te�s; and {3} Except as preWiausly <br /> d�sclased�❑ and acknawledged by Lender�n w�ri�ting, �a} neifiher Trus�or nor any�enant, �ontra��vr, agent o�❑�her <br /> autharized user a�the Praperty shail use, generate, manufia�ture, s�ore, treat, dispose o�❑r release any Hazardous <br /> 5ubstance on, under, abaut❑r�From�he Proper�y; and �b} any such actiWi�y shali be canduc�ed in campliance wi�h <br /> al� app�i�able -�ederal, sfiate, and loca� laws, reguiations and ordinan�es, incfuding without limita-�ion al� <br /> En�ironmental Laws. Trus�or au�horizes Lender and its agen�s �o enter upan �he Praperty to make SUCh I <br /> inspec�ions and tes�s, at Trustor's expense, as Lender may deem appropria�e to determine compliance of the <br /> Prvperty w�th this se�tion v� �he ❑eed.ot Trus�. Any inspecfiians ❑r �es�s made by Lender sha�� be far Lender's <br /> purposes ❑n�y and shall not be const�ued to create any respvnsibilfty ❑r Iiabili'ty an�he par�❑� Lender�a Trus�or or ( <br /> �❑ any other person. The represen�a�iflns and warran�ies �antained herein are based ❑n Trustor's due dili�ence in <br /> in��s�igating the Praperty�Far Hazardaus Substances. Trustar herehy �1} r�Ieases and wai�es any �u�ure claims <br /> against Lender for indemnifiy ❑r confiribution �n �he e��n� Trustor bec�mes I�ab�e fo� �leanup ❑r ❑�her cos�ks under <br /> any such Iaws; and {2} agrees t❑ indemnify, de�end, and hold harm�ess Lender against any and all claims, �osses, <br /> �ia�ili�ies, damages, pena�t�es, and expenses virhi�h Lender may direc�ly ❑�indirectly sustain or suf�Fer resul�ing fr-am <br /> a breach of�his sectian o�f the ❑eed ❑�Trust or as a cansequen�e of any use, genera�tion, manufacture, s�orage, <br /> dispasaI, reIease or fihrea�ened release o�curring prior t❑Trustar`s ownersh�p❑r in��res��n the Property, whe�her or <br /> na� the same was or should haWe been known t❑ Trus�or. The pra�isians of �his sectivn ❑� the �eed af Trust, <br /> including�he abligafiian to indemnFfy and detend, shall sur�i�e the payment❑f�he Indeb�edness and�he satisfa�tian <br /> and reconveyance ❑f�he lien o-�this Deed o-�Trust and shall not b� a�ffected by Lender's acquisi�ivn ❑�any interest <br /> in�he Praperty, whether by foreclosure❑r❑therwise. <br /> Nuisance, Vllaste. Trustar shall not Gause, conducfi o� permit any nuisance nor cammi�fi, permFt, ar suffer any <br /> s�ripping of or was�ke ❑n ❑r to �he Property or any por�ion ❑��he Property. V1lfth�ut iimi�ing the generali�fiy ❑�the <br /> faregoing, Trus�or will na� remo�e, ❑r granfi�o any ofih�r� par�y the right t❑ rema�e, any�imber, minerals �including <br /> ail and gas�, coal, cIay, scoria, so�l, gra�e� or rock prvducts withvut Lender's prior wrififien cansent. <br /> � Remaval vf Improvements. Trustor sha�l not demoI�sh ar rema�e any Impra�ements from the Rea� Praperty withou� <br /> Lender`s priv�-w�itten cansen�. As a condi�ion�o fhe removal �f any �mpro�ements, Lender may require Trustor to <br /> make arrangemen�s satis�actory �v Lender to replace suGh Impro�ements wi�h lmpro�emen�s vf at least equal <br /> �alue. <br /> Lender's Right�v En�er. Lender and Lender`s agen�s and representa�i�es may enter upon fihe Real Praper�y a� all <br /> reasona�le times t❑ a�tend �� Lender's interests and to inspec� the Real P�operty tar purpases ❑fi Trus�or's <br /> campliance with fihe fierms and c�ndi�ions a�this Deed ❑�Trus�. <br /> Compliance wi�h Gv�ernmentaI Requiremen�s. Trustar shal! promp-�ly �ompiy with all laws, ❑rd�nan�es, and <br /> regula�ions, naw ❑r hereafter in effect, ❑f ail governmenta! au�horittes appliCable t❑ the use or accupan�y ❑f�he <br />