<br /> aEE� oF TRusT
<br /> Loan No: 'I D 12�9�57 �Contin ued� Page 3
<br /> wh�ther by vu�right sale, deed, instaliment sale contract, land contract, contrac� fvr deed, �easehold interes� wi�h a
<br /> term greater than three 43} years, [ease-optian contract, or by sale, assignm�n�, ❑r transfer o� any bene�ic�a� interest in
<br /> or�a any fand #rust halding title ta the Rea� P�aperty, ❑r by any other rn�thod af cvn�eyance vf an interest in the Rea�
<br /> Prvperty. Hvwe�er, this option shalf not be exerc€sed by Lender i� such exercise is proh�bited by federal law or by
<br /> Nebraska law.
<br /> TAxES AND L�ENS. The �ol�owing pro�isians re�afiing ta the �axes and liens ❑n the Property are part af this Deed of
<br /> Trus�:
<br /> Payment. Trustor sha�� pay wh�n due tand in all e��n�s prior ta delinquency� all taxes, specEa[taxes, assessments,
<br /> charges �including wa�er and sewer}, fines and imposit�ons le�ied against or ❑n account o�the Properfiy, and sha�l
<br /> pay when due all claims fi�r work done on ar far ser�ic�s rend�red or materia� �urn€shed to the Property. Trustor
<br /> shall maintain�he Property firee�t all liens ha�ing prio�-��y v�er or equal to the interest of Lender under this ❑eed Qf
<br /> Trust, exeept far th� lien of taxes and assessments not due and except as otherwise pro��ded in this Deed af
<br /> Trus�.
<br /> Right to Contest. Trustor may v►rithhald paymen'�of any�ax, assessment, flr cla�m in conn�ction w�th a good faith
<br /> dispute o�er the obliga�ion to pay, so �ong as Lender's interest in�he Property is not jeopardi�ed. If a lien arises ar
<br /> is filed as a resuft of nvnpaymen�, Trustor sha�� within fi�teen {15} days a�fter the lien arises vr, if a 1�en is fi�ed,
<br /> �rvithin �ifteen �1�� days after Trustvr has notice of the filing, secu�e the discharge of th� �ien, or if requested by
<br /> Lender, depasit with Lende�cash ar a suffrcient carpora�e surety band or ather se�urity satisfactory to Lender in an
<br /> amount su���cient ta discharge�he lien plus any casts and attorneys' fees, or ather charges that cauld accrue as a
<br /> resul�o�a foreclosure or sale unde�-the[�en. In any contest, Trustar shall defend itsel#and Lender and shall satisfy
<br /> any ad�ers�judgmen�be�are enforcement against the Proper�y, Trustor shall name Lender as an additional vbligee
<br /> under any surety b�nd furnished in#he cantest proceedings.
<br /> Ev�dence af Payment. Trustor shall upon demand furnish to L�nder satis�actory e�idence of payment of the taxes
<br /> ar assessments and sha�f authari�e the apprapriate gavernmen�af official ta deli�er�o Lender a� any time a writ�en
<br /> stat�men�of the�axes and assessments against the Prvperty.
<br /> Na#ice of Construc#ion. Trustor shafl notify Lender at [east fifteen ��5} days before any wvrk is commenced, any
<br /> ser�ices are furnished, ❑r any materials are suppiied to the Pr�perty, i� any mechanic's fien, mater�a�men's lien, vr
<br /> athe� lien could be asse�ted on accoun� o� the work� S@�'ViCGSr or materiais. Trustor will upvn request of L�nder
<br /> furnish to Lend�r ad�ance assurances satisfactflry �o Lender that Trus�or can and w�[l pay �h� cos� of such
<br /> impro�em�n�s.
<br /> PR�PERTY DAMAGE 1N5URANCE. The�ai�owing prv�is�ons relating to insuring the Praperty are a pa�t of thts ❑eed ❑f
<br /> Trust.
<br /> N[aintenance of lnsurance. Trus�or shall procure and main�ain policies o# fire insurance with standard extended
<br /> co�erage endorsements on a fair value basis far �he fuf� insurab[e �a�ue cvvering a�l Impro�ements an the Real
<br /> Property in an amaunt su��icient to a�oid applicativn flf any cainsurance clause, and wifih a standard mar�gag�e
<br /> clause in fa�a�of Lender, �ogether w'rth such other ha�ard and [iability insurance as Lender may reasonably require.
<br /> Policies shall be written in form, amounts, co�erag�s and basis reasanably acceptable ta Lender and issued by a
<br /> company vr companies r�asc�nai�iy aecep�able to Lender. Trustar, upon reques� o� Lender, wE�� deli��r tv Lender
<br /> from tim� tv time�he poiicies ar certi�icates ❑f insurance in form satisfiactory to Lender, including stipu[ations�hat
<br /> co�erages w�[[ not be cancelied or diminished withoufi at least ten {1�} days prior written nvtice ta Lend�r. Each
<br /> insurance po[icy a�sa sha�� inc�ude an endorsement pro�iding that co�erage in �a�ar�f Lender wiI! not b� impaired
<br /> in any way by any act, omission ❑r defau�t of Trustar or any o�her person. Should the Real Property be locatec� in
<br /> an ar�a designa�ed by �he Director of�he Federa� Emergency Managemen�Agency as a specia! �Ivod hazard area,
<br /> Trustvr agrees �o obtain and maintain Federa! Flaad Insurance, if a�ailab�e, for the fu�f unpai� pr�ncipa� balan�e o#
<br /> the loan and any prior liens on the proper�y se�uring �he laan, up to the maximum policy limi�s set under the
<br /> fVationai Flavd lnsurance Program, or as otherwise required by Lender, and to main�ain such insurance�or the�erm
<br /> o�the Ioan.
<br /> Application of Proceeds. Trust�r shall pramp�ly nvtify Lender ofi any �oss ❑r damage ta �he Prvperty. Lender may
<br /> make pr�af of �oss if Trus�ar �ai�s to do so within fifteen ��5y days of the �asualty. 1lVhether or not Lender's
<br /> security is impaired, Lender may, at Lender's election, recei�e and retain th� pra�eeds of any insurance and app[y
<br /> the proceeds ta the reduc�ion of the lndebt�dness, payment of any �ien affec�ing the Proper�y, ar the restaratian
<br /> and repair vf the Prvperty. If Lender elec#s to apply the proceeds to restoration and repa�r, Trustor shal� repair or
<br /> replace the damaged or des�rayed fmpro�ements in a manne� satisfactory to Lender. Lend�r shall, upon
<br /> satisfactory prvaf of such expenditure, pay or reimburse Trustor -�rom the prace�ds fvr th� reasonable cost of
<br /> repair vr restoratian if Trustor is nv� in de�ault under �his ❑eed ❑� Trus�. Any pra�eeds which ha�e nvt been
<br /> disbursed with'rn 18� days after �heir receipt and which Lender has not committed to #he repair or restoration af
<br /> th� Praperty shal! be used first to pay any amount owing to Lender under this Deed of Trus�, then to pay acc€�ued
<br /> in#�r�st, and the remainder, if any, shali be appli�d �a the prin��pa1 balance ❑f the lndebtedness. If Lend�r holds
<br /> any praceeds after payment in full o� the Indebtedness, such proceeds shall he pa+d t❑ Trus#or as Trustar's
<br /> in#erests may appear.
<br /> LENDER'S E�PENDlTURES. lf Trustar fails �A} to keep the Property �ree o� a11 taxes, liens, security interests,
<br /> �ncumbrances, and vther claims, {E3� �o pro�ide any required insurance an the Praperty, or tC} to make ��pairs�❑�he
<br />